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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. Try shops that sell second hand furniture. One shop bought my late mums cooker, it was about 3 years old and a few bits of furniture. The shop was on Wordsworth Drive.
  2. I bet you were speechless, in a nice way, and probably a bit home sick. I moved from Grenoside to Newcastle a few years ago. I’m always ready to visit friends who live in Hillsborough, which I do frequently. When I read posts from expats I get a bit jealous, I think you you are all brave to try and make a better life in a new country, and I suspect most of you are on your own at first, leaving behind the support of friends and family.
  3. I agree with what tinfoilhat says and you, politicians won’t go down that route, until it is to late. The best I can come up with is what S Hawking says, then I’m not convinced he is right. We need to find another planet soon. I suggest the politicians need to look and decide if his theory is correct and Attenboroughs. Or failing that the earth might be hit with an asteroid so that might solve the problem, but not sure what the odds are of that happening. Better get back on track, the thread is about Trump not the demise of the world.
  4. Alan Hartley is right. I do like to read your posts so hope you don’t stop.
  5. There’s Patisserie Valerie, they do afternoon tea with unlimited tea and coffee, well they do in Newcastle so I think it will be the same in Sheffield. Also I know it’s not Sheffield centre but you can get the tram which is next to the station, is Godivas Cafe at Meadowhall, had a hot chocolate there and it was lovely. I was watching a couple who ordered afternoon tea and it looked nice, with little pots of chocolate and fresh fruit to dip into it.
  6. I remember David Attenborough saying that climate change is height on the list of concerns that will cause problems to the earth’s ecosystem, but he then said population growth could be far worse. The earth hasn’t got the resources if population continues to grow at the current rate. Nobody wants to talk about it, mind you I bet Trump might. Politicians don’t want to bring the subject into the open.
  7. The Last Kingdom was very good. Alexander Dreymon who played Uhtred was brilliant. Think he is a German actor. I don’t think there has been a season two of SS GB.
  8. Trumps says he is withdrawing from The Human Rights Act. Hope we do the same, although I suspect we won’t. Wasn’t it used by Abu Hamza the hate preacher? How much did it cost the tax payer in this country to get rid of this evil man who was claiming benefits in this country and being allowed to preach his hate sermons? The only people who I suspect benefit from it is the industry that help these people and terrorists. Fat cat lawyers at the expense of the tax payer. Trump is putting America first and I don’t blame him.
  9. Wasn’t there quite a few rapes and sexual assaults on woman during the 2016 & 2017 new year celebrations in Germany? It was reported 1200 woman were sexually assaulted during the celebrations. I do hope they have managed to reduce assaults on women since then. As I have said before on SF Trump is no worse than a lot of past Presidents.
  10. I’m a big fan of Elvis Presley but it wasn’t until after his death when I realised how talented he was. I didn’t know who DJ was until I clicked on to Mel’s link, the face is familiar, I’ve seen him on YouTube when I have listened to Elvis Presley’s music. As Ontarion 1981 says the band and the King are reunited. R.I.P
  11. Enjoyed reading this, passed it on to a few of my friends.
  12. I’m not that good on politics, but I think you could be right.
  13. I didn’t think the Trump-Kim summit would go ahead but it has, so well done to Mr Trump for trying to end the war games with North Korea. What ever the out come is at least he has tried.
  14. That is what the person said, who told me about deer in Greno Woods, that he has seen a deer and it bolted across his path. Having once lived near the woods for many years, I have never seen one, so he was right. My walks use to be in the afternoon and there was always plenty of other walkers in the woods. So it could be dependent on the time of day when these elusive animals are in the woods. Thanks for confirming it.
  15. I was told that there are deers in Grenoside Woods. Didn’t really believe it, but perhaps the person who told me could be right.
  16. Thank you for the information. I don’t want to go to St George’s if there’s nothing to see. I’ll keep my eye on the webcams.
  17. Does anyone know, once the peregrine chick does it’s first flight does it return to the nest box? I’m hoping to be in Sheffield at the end of next week and I was going to take a stroll around St George’s. I’m sure these birds will have done their first flight by then, they look as though they have enough strength in their wings to fledge any time now.
  18. Yes I’m watching them at the moment. Thought it was going to do its first flight when it was on the edge. ---------- Post added 04-06-2018 at 10:28 ---------- Has one just flown the nest, I was to busy posting on here? Oh I think it was in the corner having it’s breakfast. ---------- Post added 04-06-2018 at 10:44 ---------- It’s a bit off-putting watching the falcons eat other birds, just hope they are dead before they eat them.
  19. It’s all over, UK and Europe. Been to Asda today and there is staff on the door telling customers they are unable to use Visa cards. My first thoughts were Russian hackers, time will tell.
  20. I think you are right. I remember driving on the Motorways in the late 70s and cleaning my car windscreen at service stations because of the insects. Never given it much though until you have mentioned it. Driving back and forwards to Sheffield and Newcastle at the moment, I can’t remember the last time I had to do this.
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