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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. I’ve enjoyed it. Looks as thought Alex is following in his fathers footsteps. I’m hoping they will make a second series, there’s still a few loose ends, but I’m sure that will depend on the viewing figures.
  2. Can’t strength be defined in different ways? When it comes to dealing with pain who is the stronger men or women?
  3. Thousands of pounds worth of fish being dumped back into the sea because fisherman have gone over their quota when it could have gone to schools, hospitals and care homes, so the fishermen don’t benefit, but to put it back into the sea, disgraceful. Not being allowed to get rid of the 5% vat on sanitary products, the EU won’t allow it. It should be completely vat free. To be free of the Human Rights Act that protects terrorists and criminals. David Cameron negotiating a new deal with the EU before we had the referendum, what did he get? If anything. The EU is not prepared to except change and I think other countries want it to reform. All these migrants claiming benefits who have no intention of working. I always thought they could be sent back home if they can’t find work. I’m not to sure on that one. I’m hoping for some changes when we leave, but only time will tell, I can’t see into the future, non of us can, it would only be guess work.
  4. Jon Venables Should be kept in prison for a very long time. How people decide that violent murderers and rapists should be given a second chance is beyond me.
  5. What is wrong with these people who can’t accept democracy. I suppose they will say we did not know what we were voting for. Didn’t politicians hold debates before we had the vote on the EU. We had doom and gloom from the leave campaign if we voted to leave, and people still voted leave.
  6. I can remember my father saying he had to go all the way to such and such a place because someone had run out of petrol even thought he was due to finish work in five minutes, he was asked to do the job, so things haven’t changed there. When we change over to electric cars that might be one less problem for the AA. Although I know nothing about these cars.
  7. My father was an AA patrol man many years ago. Working outside in all sorts of weather took its toll on him. Particularly his neck and back which I think was caused by working beneath vehicles in damp conditions. So you really do need to consider if you can cope with the weather. He did travel quite a distance on breakdowns. Once he was sent to Durham to do a job. I also remember him saying his AA Land Rover was one of the first cars on the M62 the day it was opened, because a car had broken down. In his mid 50s he had a transfer, working in the office which was in Paradise Square because the weather did affect him as he got older and he was suffering from arthritis in his neck and back. When the office closed he took early retirement. The wages were not very good in those days but I think they are a lot better now. He got AA life membership when he retired, I’m almost sure they have stopped that now, but he did get the odd tip now and then. I’m sure things have improved since my father worked for the AA, also I’m sure cars have to, but I’m not sure the weather has. So go along to the recruitment day and find out what they have to say. All the best.
  8. Thank you for that Mel. Off to wash my dishes now to the sound of the Temptation.
  9. Brilliant group. My favourite was My Girl. RIP
  10. Very sad about Hannah Hauxwell. My late cousin and her mother met Hannah a few times and they had their photos taken with her. They said she was a lovely lady and nothing pretentious about her. I think at the time Hannah was working for the BBC. We are distantly related to her on my grandfathers side, his second name was Hauxwell and he was born in Leyburn North Yorkshire, but the family moved to Newcastle when my grandfather was very young. There is some lovely views of the wild North Yorkshire moors at Bernard Castle, where Hannah spent her finale years in a care home, so she was never very far from the place she loved. I love what Angle1 said, so I am going to say the same. May her God bless her and keep her. RIP
  11. I watched Zulu last night and enjoyed the film. It was made in the 60s and a young Michael Cain starred in it, think it was the first film he was in. Not a big fan of his but he played the part well as a British Officer. Good acting by all and enjoyed the Battle Scenes at Rorke’s Drift and the back ground music. 8/10
  12. Yes I think chatting and gossiping are different, but when I do meet my friends I think the two go together. When you gossip about someone it doesn’t always have to be in a critical way or have I got that wrong?
  13. I miss meeting my friends on a weekly basis in Wetherspoons, Sheffield. We never stopped talking for two hours. It’s also good therapy, we would talk about the ups and downs of the week and I use to feel better for sharing my problems as they did, now at the moment it’s once a month because I live in Newcastle. It’s a good job we have the telephone so we can still have a good gossip once a week. It’s in our nature to gossip. The only thing people had years ago was the town crier to know what was happening in the country, so people had to gossip to spread the news. Pleased we don’t have him now.
  14. I’m ashamed to say I’ve never tried it before I’ve often looked at it, but I think I will put it on my shopping list. It’s somthing I have intended to try. How to cook it is another thing. I’ll have to give that some thought, or see what recipes are on here.
  15. What a horrible person he is, if all of this is true, makes you wonder how he can live with it, but he will of of course.
  16. Certainly made the wrong choice that night stealing from the injured. He had the chance to turn his life around with the fundraising. That’s if he could change his ways. Now he is in prison and unable to leave his cell because of death threats from the inmates. With all of his previous convictions I’m surprised he’s not in prison already. I’m curious to know why he was homeless, could it be he was kicked out of the family home for burglary and the family unable to cope with him?
  17. Apologies for my political ignorance, but I don’t understand the role of the IFS. The only thing I am comparing them with is prediction polls when there is elections. They don’t always get it right. So I would definitely not agree with the IFS if they said something I agreed with, I would wait and see if there prediction is correct. I don’t believe Carney is the man for the job or if his intervention did help after the Brexit vote I listen to what our politicians are saying about Brexit, the good and the bad, and what will happen when we leave the EU and that is all, but I do try to remain positive.
  18. Your right about it couldn’t have happened at a worse time. Hope you managed to get rid of the rats before you had your carpets fitted.
  19. Didn’t Mark Carney say we would go into recession straight away if we voted leave and there would be negative growth. I don’t think he got that one fully correct. I’m not sure what to think about the Institiute for Fiscals Studies, tend to wonder how correct they are with their forecasts. Although I don’t know much about them.
  20. I thought Trump was okay when he was interviewed by Pierce Morgan. Sadiq Khan and Corbyn should stop trying to deter him from coming to this country. It’s friends we want after Brexit. He is the President Of America. As Morgan pointed out in the interview we have welcomed a lot worse than Trump into the country over the years. A lot of people said Trump wouldn’t be here in a years time, he’s proved them wrong, and he’s not been impeached so far, as also predicted.
  21. I definitely agree with you about being influenced by teachers. I have seen this done in college by a tutor teaching politics to mature students. This was in the late eighties. He only taught far left wing politics. We did report him and I can remember one person saying in the class, imaging how he could influence young minds.
  22. I don’t agree that that voting age should be lowered to 16. Jeremy Corbyn would love that.
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