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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. I didn’t like Miranda either, I only watched bits of it. Never been the same since they got rid of The Tiller Girls. ?
  2. There was delays on the trams going to Meadowhall from the city centre last Saturday afternoon, I waited 20 minutes. One couple told me they had been waiting over 35 minutes for one, and when one did turn up it was full up so we waited another 10 minutes. The trams to Halfway were running every few minutes, and there was not many passengers on them because of the frequency.
  3. How accurate are these polls these days? They don’t always get their predictions right.
  4. My thoughts to. I’m very curious to know why a trip into Sheffield was cancelled because of the engagement.
  5. I wish them all the best for the future. She’s very attractive, and looks confident. I suspect next year tourism will do well in the UK. A royal wedding will pull in the crowds.
  6. Yes I think you are right. They buildozed one near Newcastle and rebuilt it. Its suppose to be more environmentally friendly, however the old one wasn’t that old.
  7. I buy my pizzas from Asda, I’ve never had a home made one, but I’m sure they must taste lovely, you can either have tomato puree or garlic butter on the base, then pick your own toppings. I tend to add more bits when I’d get home, such as chilli, peppers and a little bit of red onion.
  8. Did you ever see him again, If you did what was your excuses?
  9. They had factory in Sheffield, just off Abbeydale Road, I think. Then they moved to Derbyshire.
  10. It’s a pity you couldn’t put a Sheffield Fish Cake in the Hamper. When I come through to visit friends I always go to Hillsborough for chips and fish cake, cant get them in Newcastle. The only thing I can think of is Bakewell Tarts, it is near to Sheffield.
  11. Will this tax effect pubs, they are already struggling, or will it be supermarkets only. I agree with what most people are saying it will be the poor who suffer. Nicola Sturgeon, will still be able to buy her champagne.
  12. Sorry to hear about your job, and I do hope you get one soon. Or at least you do not have to wait six weeks to get your benefits sorted.
  13. He is no worse than a lot of the others and the same goes for Farage.
  14. Well you never know, you might get your big laugh yet.
  15. Pleased you managed to get a laugh, even if its not from Farage.
  16. You could always try The Rovers Return, on Coronation Street. They still play darts.
  17. The new leader of UKIP Henry Bolton is going to be on Question Time, I think it’s the last Thursday of this month. Hope he’s good as Farage, confident speaker and not afraid to say what he thinks.
  18. Other countries, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and various African Countries were all asked to help because they were part of The British Empire. Wasn’t it the war that was suppose to end all wars? All those brave men, what a waste of life.
  19. Oh dear, perhaps he should have stayed as a judge on strictly come dancing.
  20. Thanks for that I will give it another go, I’m probably not mixing it very well and I’m adding more milk when it is not smooth.
  21. Some good recipes on here by all. I’m going to try Halibut’s, adding potatoes and a wee bit of mustard powder. Also will try Debs1 recipe adding pasta. I’m not very good at making a roux sauce mine tend to go lumpy so I might try cornflower or use a packet mix. Does any one else get lumps in their sauce?
  22. Thank you for the recipe, it looks a bit posher than the one I tried, but it sounds lovely. I would never have thought about adding raspberry jam. I also add pineapple and sometimes fresh chillies to the jars to try and spice it up a bit. The jars are okay but I just feel there is something missing in them. I am going to make a copy of your recipe, will definitely give it a try. Thanks.
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