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Posts posted by hauxwell

  1. Yes - and people are just as entitled to question those opinions.


    So what's the real reason you are so against strangers giving money to strangers?


    If these beggars earn more than their tax allowance, and I suspect most of them or in receipt of some kind of benefit, it's a bit unfair that the hard working tax payer has to pay towards these benefits what they receive, and as you say some may not need the money. Life is hard enough for hard working families who have to contribute to the tax system and try to juggle the family budget.

    I wonder if there is any honest beggars who declaring their days earnings to the benefits department?

  2. I was looking at dental implants somewhere in Eastern Europe and it was a lot cheaper than the UK and it included an overnight stay and your flight in the price.

    They claim they are trained to Swiss standards, no idea what these standards are.


    I don't know anyone who has had dental work done at these clinics but it would be nice to know if any one can give recommendations, not that I'm planning to go to one.

  3. If they don't relax on it, it only cost them more money.


    You are probably right, but I'm just curious where you have gotten inside info to come to the statement "I'm sure"


    I can't speak for Sheffield but here in Newcastle on many occasions the police just walk past these beggars, or is it an offence to sit on the ground if you are not obstructing?

    I thought Tony Blair introduced some legislation when Eastern European migrants in London and other cities were all over the place begging. Even going up to cars who were stuck in traffic.

  4. I've noticed lots of beggars in Zombie like positions in Sheffield city centre. They say this is caused by the drug Spice. They freeze into one position and never move. This is getting worse and there seems to be more of them each time I go into town. They say Spice is cheap and easy to buy but what is going to eventually happen to these addicts if people keep giving them the money to buy this drug ?


    Good question! I noticed on my last visit, a few weeks ago, to Sheffield that there was more beggars on the streets. I thought Newcastle was worse than Sheffield for beggars but I'm not sure anymore.

    I don't know what the answer is but I am curious how much money these people make to support their addiction.

    I thought government was making it an offence to beg on the streets, I'm sure the authorities have relaxed the law on begging or they do not have the time.

  5. I wonder if Kim Jong Um is becoming a desperate man because of the imposed sanctions. Perhaps he feels there will be a rebellion in his country and the missiles could be a diversion and if that is the case he must be desperate, which can't be good for his mental state.

    Although I'm not sure if the sanctions have made a difference. Would be nice to know.

  6. No matter what the shop owner/fam should not have chased lad n try to kill him n hit with car n hit him while hes trapped with their car while emergency services had to deal with the bigger problem they made how would they like to be left with damage peoples now got to their property wernt involved in it..the shop cant/shunt take law into their own hand like that n its all been kept outta press except that they was robbed which is not the full story



    Sounds a bit like the farmer Tony Martin who shot dead a burglar. Really don't know what to think about taking the law into your own hands. I feel sorry if the shop has been robbed before, perhaps the owner has just had enough and acted on instinct.


    Hillsborough use to be a nice place to shop. It could do with a M&S.

  7. I remember going into Morrisons a few years after it opened. During the summer it was very warm inside the shop. I remember asking why didn't they have air conditioning, and I was told they are not allowed to because it was a listed building, although I am not sure how this would effect the building. I was also told because of this it was difficult trying to keep the fruit and veg fresh. Since then they have made improvements with refrigeration.

    It's a lovely building and you can look at old photos in Morrisons and get an idea what it was like.

  8. Now he will be able to get back to his cosy cell and watch his TV and read his books now he has had his cataract operation. He can pop into the cell of his new found friend Ian Huntley, double child murder for company. Not a bad life.


    At least he has been removed from Broadmoor to prison hope he finds life a bit harder since his move.

    My thoughts are with the victims and their families. I fully understand how they must feel.

  9. Hi,


    I would like to buy some furniture from IKEA. First, I thought about ordering online but I found the delivery charge is a bit expensive (£35) and I won't get my stuff until September 9th.


    The second choice is to go to the store in Leeds but the problem is how to deliver them to Sheffield.


    Any suggestions?


    I am not sure about Leeds but at the Gateshead Ikea you can hire a Hertz van for £13 an hour. It's okay if you live local, not sure if it would work out cheaper than delivery taking into account the distance. You could give them a call and ask them.

  10. A long(er) commute is not necessarily worse, I'd say it's a function of the distance and time more than anything else, and then whether it's at rush hour or not.


    I used to live (and commute) in Paris, Brussels and London, but the worst commute I've ever had -by far- was only about 6 miles or so, from South Dublin (D16) to central Dublin (near St Stephen's Green). It's the one commute that eventually 'forced' me onto 2 wheels: on 4 wheels, it was an hour (yes, that's 6 mph average). Each way. That was soul destroying.


    My commute is now 16 miles (Worksop-M'hall, give or take) and, comparatively, it's mostly bliss: bit of M1, bit of A57, bit of queeing here and there every now and then, but mostly moving. I'll have to see how IKEA changes that, though.


    Normally IKEA is not to bad here in Gateshead. It's when they have the sales on or scan your receipt to see if you have won a prize when the problems start.

  11. I only really watched him when he was on Stricktly Come Dancing. He has done well for a man of his age, I think he has remained active and only suffered ill health in the last couple of years.

    As the man himself would say, didn't he do well.


  12. I agree, I also think these monsters should be called 'underage rape gangs' men who prey on underage girls, and as Mister M says its now turned into an industry.


    “In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act" - George Orwell.


    Oh and by the way Mafya that is not my quote :roll:


    Love your G Orwell quote. Wonder what he would think of political correctness if he was still alive?

  13. This is something we are now going to have to live with. How many barriers can we put up to try and stop this, and make places safer are do we have to stay away from the big cities?


    Once more I suspect that this person who carried out this attack will be known to the authorities, time will tell.


    My Thoughts are with the victims.


    ---------- Post added 17-08-2017 at 20:01 ----------


    Was it done by a terrorist, or a nutter?


    It was done by a terrorist and a nutter.

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