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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. I have no idea how EU presidents are elected or selected, but then when I think about Jean-Claude Juncker, it can't be good. Do MEPs vote them in?
  2. A lot of police horses get injured during football matches. These troublemakers at the matches throw bottles and stones, which can cause injuries to the horses. If a policeman gets injured he can put in a compensation claim, the horse can't. You are right about the pubs opening so early, it is asking for trouble.
  3. You can say that again about the rents. No wonder these small shops are always closing. Didn't think they had to pay that much each year.
  4. They have just opened one in The Metro Centre, Gateshead. It's similar to Meadowhall.
  5. It makes you feel sick just reading this. it must cause future problems for these poor girls after they have had this procedure done.
  6. That's right. ---------- Post added 09-09-2017 at 21:42 ---------- Pleased you are not going argue.
  7. Hope you don't mind me asking but Makapaka and JNewton, are you one person, using two different user names? Apologies if I have got this wrong.
  8. Pleased you agree. ---------- Post added 09-09-2017 at 21:31 ---------- No I'm not. Didn't really think about it until I read this thread.
  9. I have just spent a few days in Sheffield, and it is noticeably in the city centre that there are more beggars, there was none in the Hillsborough area were I stay, yet. I though Newcastle had more beggars than Sheffield, but I don't think they have any more. It must be a paying business.
  10. Let's hope this is a one off. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/12178026/Wolverhampton-street-beggar-makes-500-a-day-despite-having-his-own-home.html
  11. If these beggars earn more than their tax allowance, and I suspect most of them or in receipt of some kind of benefit, it's a bit unfair that the hard working tax payer has to pay towards these benefits what they receive, and as you say some may not need the money. Life is hard enough for hard working families who have to contribute to the tax system and try to juggle the family budget. I wonder if there is any honest beggars who declaring their days earnings to the benefits department?
  12. I was looking at dental implants somewhere in Eastern Europe and it was a lot cheaper than the UK and it included an overnight stay and your flight in the price. They claim they are trained to Swiss standards, no idea what these standards are. I don't know anyone who has had dental work done at these clinics but it would be nice to know if any one can give recommendations, not that I'm planning to go to one.
  13. I can't speak for Sheffield but here in Newcastle on many occasions the police just walk past these beggars, or is it an offence to sit on the ground if you are not obstructing? I thought Tony Blair introduced some legislation when Eastern European migrants in London and other cities were all over the place begging. Even going up to cars who were stuck in traffic.
  14. Good question! I noticed on my last visit, a few weeks ago, to Sheffield that there was more beggars on the streets. I thought Newcastle was worse than Sheffield for beggars but I'm not sure anymore. I don't know what the answer is but I am curious how much money these people make to support their addiction. I thought government was making it an offence to beg on the streets, I'm sure the authorities have relaxed the law on begging or they do not have the time.
  15. shawshank redemption Sound of Music Full Monty Zulu Pretty woman Casino Royale, with the lovely D Craig. Nearly all the Zombie films.
  16. Well done to her for sticking up for herself and every thing she is saying in her interview is true.
  17. Well done to the tram conductress how she handled the situation. I don't think I would want to get on the wrong side of her.
  18. Oh dear on what ? taking the law into your own hands or M&S In Hillsborough, The mention of TM or all three. I wonder what most people would do if there was a burglar in their house.
  19. I wonder if Kim Jong Um is becoming a desperate man because of the imposed sanctions. Perhaps he feels there will be a rebellion in his country and the missiles could be a diversion and if that is the case he must be desperate, which can't be good for his mental state. Although I'm not sure if the sanctions have made a difference. Would be nice to know.
  20. What a shame. Well at least you have been trying. I use to pass through Hillsborough most days and it always looked busy. Let's say it is M&S's loss.
  21. Sounds a bit like the farmer Tony Martin who shot dead a burglar. Really don't know what to think about taking the law into your own hands. I feel sorry if the shop has been robbed before, perhaps the owner has just had enough and acted on instinct. Hillsborough use to be a nice place to shop. It could do with a M&S.
  22. Let her rest in peace. The only people I believe who are responsible for her death were the ones who chased the car that night. The same people I suspect who were taking photos of her when she was dying in the back of the car. It's going to be one of those stories in years to come were some will say she was murdered and others, like me believe, it was a tragic accident.
  23. I remember going into Morrisons a few years after it opened. During the summer it was very warm inside the shop. I remember asking why didn't they have air conditioning, and I was told they are not allowed to because it was a listed building, although I am not sure how this would effect the building. I was also told because of this it was difficult trying to keep the fruit and veg fresh. Since then they have made improvements with refrigeration. It's a lovely building and you can look at old photos in Morrisons and get an idea what it was like.
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