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Posts posted by hauxwell

  1. Anyone been in town today? There was a man who I'm assuming was off his head, shouting the IRA are coming to town! Security actually crossed the road to avoid him!

    Right good they're doing.. not


    I wonder if you mean city centre ambassadors, I think they use to patrol the city centre. I do not go into the town centre very often so I do not know if they are still there. I think they use to work with the police, but I do not know what powers they had.

  2. Oh hope if there are planes flying in the area, the geese do not fly near them. Wasn't it geese that brought down a jet plane on The Hudson River? Who would have though that these birds are capable of bringing down a big airliner. Makes you wonder how many bird strikes there are when a plane is airborne.




    I certainly won't be signing the petition. Yes they could have done things differently the night their daughter disappeared, but I do believe they are suffering for their actions.


    There are two small words that can be enormous, IF ONLY, and those two words will be with them for the rest of their lives.

  4. Does anyone on here remember Tudor Crisps?

    I remember having them when we used to go on holidays to Scarborough, but never saw them in Sheffield, or West Yorkshire where I grew up

    Here's an advert for them on you tube


    I remember Tudor Crisps with the blue packet of salt inside the bag. Use to buy them on my many visits to Newcastle as a child. Come to think about it I can't remember buying them in Sheffield. Love the advert, and the north east accents.

  5. sthornton13 - please remember that the reason you are now a 'young professional' yourself and able to afford to buy your own home is, in no small part due to 'old people' who fought for your freedom in the war, taught you throughout your years of education, cared for you when you were ill, provided your food, clothing and shelter, not to mention those members of your family who brought you up. Judging by your out and out ageism the latter could have perhaps done a better job in teaching you to respect and be kind to everyone, regardless of age. You would not have made such a comment about ethnicity due to racism laws but you can disparage an entire section of the population. Your comment is offensive to older people. You may wish to reflect (or not) that you too will be old one day, in which case hopefully young people will have better manners than your own.


    Enjoyed reading this and every thing you have wrote I agree with you. The young professional could have worded the ageism differently.

    However I do hope they find their dream home.

  6. I have been watching The Good Karma Hospital and I am enjoying it. Makes you think summer is just round the corner. There are lots of heartbreaking moments but also it is humorous. All the medics play a good part and I hope they make a second series.


    It does make good Sunday night viewing.

  7. Why? Do you think women should shut up and do what they're told?

    Do you think all Mexicans are rapists and all Muslims are terrorists?

    Do you despise intellectuals?

    Do you think white people are somehow better than everyone else?

    Do you think stupidity is a virtue?



    Do you think Trump is any different to some politicians when it comes to women? I do not think President Clinton was innocent, remember the Lewinsky scandal, in the White House, Oval Office? I would say he was a liar to, don't tell me Lewinsky was the first.

    I do not think all Muslims are terrorists or white people are someone better but I do not agree with mass immigration and the problems it can cause if unchecked.

    Trump did win the election and he made his policies very clear and don't go blaming the American voting system because ours is no better.

    Someone pointed out on the forum he has to abide by the US Constitution and get his policy's passed.

    Oh and do I despise intellectuals? No but I am jealous of them.

  8. Finished last night. Great show with really excellent acting and a really good gripping plot. Thought provoking. The court scenes were brilliant in the final episode.


    I though it was brilliant, particularly the court scenes and very good acting.

    Could watch it again.

  9. I managed to get some packet Iceberg lettuce in Waitrose today


    I am pleased you managed to get your iceberg lettuce. Over the last few days even though I did not want any I was looking in supermarkets for lettuce, there was no iceberg in any of the shops. So well done to you and I hope you enjoy it after all your hard work.


    ---------- Post added 07-02-2017 at 13:08 ----------


    More of these?




    However the local Tesco still sometimes buys tomatoes from abroad


    Yes I think you are right and it all helps to make us more efficient.

  10. The main issue with Trump is how he tries to play things. If he had said, we are going to put a halt on all non-pre-approved or visa entries to the US for 90 days from these countries because they do not have adequate ability to check ID of passengers (although there are no direct flights from any of them so I assume their ID would get checked at a transit airport? Regardless) and then given a statement of what would get the ban lifted for each individual country then there would be a lot less to argue about. Instead Trump tries once again to play the showman about how he's so hardline on terrorism blah blah blah and now he looks like a tool. Again.


    Hopefully he won't learn because at the moment he really annoying pretty much everyone who isn't a little bit crazy.


    ---------- Post added 06-02-2017 at 10:21 ----------[/size


    So you think he's a good businessman because he said he used bankruptcy laws? Does that honestly make sense to you? I can't be bothered to post the link again but an independent financial review of Trump's businesses was carried out and it was found that if he had sold his companies when he inherited them and put the money in a bank account he'd be richer than what he is now. That is NOT a good businessman by anyone's reckoning.


    Also note how you ignore the rest of ECCOnoobs post, presumably because you don't have an adequately glib soundbite from Trump to answer it?


    ---------- Post added 06-02-2017 at 10:26 ----------



    Erm what? You do understand that the law is the absolute top of any democratic country don't you? You must understand how important that is otherwise a president or prime minister could literally get away with murder...it appears to be fairly equivocal that the 'ban' he tried to put in place clashes with American law, so to put it through he must get this law changed first. Almost an identical situation to our at the moment with Brexit. You cannot just make it up as you go along and Trump is finding that out to his cost. He has a majority in the Senate and Congress so if he simply pushed a bill through he would have almost certainly got it approved with minimal hassle, but that's not his way is it? He wants everything to be on his terms and balls to the law. This was solely about Trump being on the top of the new rather than anything to do with security.


    Yes I know the law in this country is above parliament, as proven when we have tried to deport hate preachers, and I am aware that Trump has a bigger majority in both houses compared to Obama. Although I am not familiar with the American Constitution, or even ours, it appears to be similar to ours, they have to houses. They also have a written constitution, we don't. You are right about how he's going about things, but could that be because he has not got the experience compared to past presidents? So let's hope he does listen to his advisors in time.

    I would hate to see him brought down by demonstrations when he has not been given a chance.

  11. Well this is what happens when you dare to go against the so called liberal left ... they wont rest until they've brought you down. It's worse than North Korea, because they pretend to have everyone's best interests at heart.


    Typical commies.


    well here's hoping the liberal left don't bring Trump down.

    So far he seems to be doing what he was elected to do. I hope he will stand up to theses demonstrations against him also the Judges.

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