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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. Yes I agree with what you are saying. Dictators like Kim Jung Um who tortures and murders his people in the most barbaric way is more than capable of using weapons of mass destruction, and he needs to be stopped. It would be interesting to know how advanced he really is with his nuclear weapons. Although I am not that good at world affairs for some reason I feel when North Korea is ready would they try to invade South Korea again with some sort of support from Russia? I can't give a reason why I am thinking this other than I think he is up to something and as I said in my post does he want us to think his test missiles have failed? I could of course be entirely wrong.
  2. Yes you are right they are not Isis, but I still feel North Korea is up to something.
  3. I was thinking the same, thought I heard something about a cyber attack by the Americans causing the missile to explode. Then I thought North Korea was exploding their missiles on purpose for the World to think they have not got the technology, but this is only my thoughts, probably wrong. I do believe North Korea needs stopping, its a shame it is being left to the Americans. ---------- Post added 29-04-2017 at 11:04 ---------- Perhaps there is times when we need double standards. I wonder what would happen if Isis had the technology to produce a nuclear bomb? Didn't Obama say the world needs to be alarmed if that should happen?
  4. I think May knows she is going to do well in the election, so she does not need a debate as someone as already pointed this out. Sturgeon is not my favourite person but she was good when it came to debating the Westminster elite, she showed how strong she was, and if I remember she came out on top. I am not sure May is strong enough to take her on. Although I would like to be proven wrong. I think May is a canny lass she knows what she is doing. She has only got to make one mistake during a debate and the media would lap it up, so why risk it. She is good at just sitting on the fence and doing nothing and it seems to pay off.
  5. You speak for yourself I like a Blue Riband. You get that taste of chocolate and I don't think there is much more than a hundred calories in a bar, not bad if you are counting the calories. Don't care if they are so 1970's. I'm still going to buy them, even if they are made in Poland. You never know they might come back in fashion.
  6. You have just said what I was thinking. Along with a few other thoughts, which I have already said in another thread.
  7. Please Blair do not return to politics because you feel the UK is being hijacked by Brexiters. Also think of the people who have lost loved ones when you took the country into an illegal war, show them some respect.
  8. I don't know about stopping future attacks in France, but should Le Penn or who ever wins the election should try and persuade other EU nations to get rid of this Schengen Agreement, but I suppose the EU bureacrats will never agree to that. They will just say that is what the EU is all about, the free movement of people. Sorry for the people who are once more victims to these terror attacks.
  9. I have just looked on google and this web link below is full of information about The Town Hall. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheffield_Town_Hall#Exterior
  10. From now until the general election there will be various organisations carrying out opinion polls. I wonder if they will get it right this time round? What a waste of time.
  11. don't believe in ghosts and do not know what a spirit box is, I dread to think. Also definitely do not believe in spiritual churches. I have a relative who lives in the spiritual church and went along with her once out of curiosity. What a load of rubbish, playing on vulnerable people. Only thing I can say is if it gives people comfort going to these places then who am I to argue.
  12. Walkers salt and vinegar on brown bread with a generous dollop of tomato ketchup, and a cup of coffee, pure heaven.
  13. I definitely think Trump means business. First attacking a Syrian air base, and now moving aircraft carriers and warships to The Korean Peninsula. It will be interesting to see what America will do should North Korea do more tests on missiles!
  14. Yes they were effective. My father said he would not have survived another six months in the Far East during the Second World War.
  15. Could try contacting Wetherspoons if there is one in the area. They tend to show a lot of sport.
  16. I wonder if you mean city centre ambassadors, I think they use to patrol the city centre. I do not go into the town centre very often so I do not know if they are still there. I think they use to work with the police, but I do not know what powers they had.
  17. Oh hope if there are planes flying in the area, the geese do not fly near them. Wasn't it geese that brought down a jet plane on The Hudson River? Who would have though that these birds are capable of bringing down a big airliner. Makes you wonder how many bird strikes there are when a plane is airborne.
  18. I think it is an Isis Attack, I am sure we will soon find out. So sorry for the innocent people who are caught up in it. ---------- Post added 22-03-2017 at 17:21 ---------- Do these people give out information if caught, especially if they are terrorists?
  19. I certainly won't be signing the petition. Yes they could have done things differently the night their daughter disappeared, but I do believe they are suffering for their actions. There are two small words that can be enormous, IF ONLY, and those two words will be with them for the rest of their lives.
  20. I hope Norman Trebbit and his wife find some comfort in his death.
  21. There is a glazing shop at Niagra Road, Leppings Lane area, who use to cut glass to measure. I think it was called County Glazing.
  22. I remember Tudor Crisps with the blue packet of salt inside the bag. Use to buy them on my many visits to Newcastle as a child. Come to think about it I can't remember buying them in Sheffield. Love the advert, and the north east accents.
  23. Walkers salt and vinegar are my favourite. Also IKEA plain crisps are lovely, if any one gets the chance to go to IKEA I would definely say try them if you are a crisp lover.
  24. Enjoyed reading this and every thing you have wrote I agree with you. The young professional could have worded the ageism differently. However I do hope they find their dream home.
  25. I think they deserve every penny they get. If not more.
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