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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. I have been watching The Good Karma Hospital and I am enjoying it. Makes you think summer is just round the corner. There are lots of heartbreaking moments but also it is humorous. All the medics play a good part and I hope they make a second series. It does make good Sunday night viewing.
  2. 60 is now supposed to be the new 40. So things aren't that bad. Happy Birthday and hope you have a lovely day.
  3. This is the man who exaggerated the threat of Saddam Hussein, to keep in Bushes good books. All the homes he owns and millions of pounds in the Bank, why doesn't he just retire and keep his mouth shut when it comes to politics, he didn't do a very job when it comes to solving the worlds problems.
  4. Hope they don't go sappy at the end of the day.
  5. Do you think Trump is any different to some politicians when it comes to women? I do not think President Clinton was innocent, remember the Lewinsky scandal, in the White House, Oval Office? I would say he was a liar to, don't tell me Lewinsky was the first. I do not think all Muslims are terrorists or white people are someone better but I do not agree with mass immigration and the problems it can cause if unchecked. Trump did win the election and he made his policies very clear and don't go blaming the American voting system because ours is no better. Someone pointed out on the forum he has to abide by the US Constitution and get his policy's passed. Oh and do I despise intellectuals? No but I am jealous of them.
  6. I though it was brilliant, particularly the court scenes and very good acting. Could watch it again.
  7. I am pleased you managed to get your iceberg lettuce. Over the last few days even though I did not want any I was looking in supermarkets for lettuce, there was no iceberg in any of the shops. So well done to you and I hope you enjoy it after all your hard work. ---------- Post added 07-02-2017 at 13:08 ---------- Yes I think you are right and it all helps to make us more efficient.
  8. Yes I know the law in this country is above parliament, as proven when we have tried to deport hate preachers, and I am aware that Trump has a bigger majority in both houses compared to Obama. Although I am not familiar with the American Constitution, or even ours, it appears to be similar to ours, they have to houses. They also have a written constitution, we don't. You are right about how he's going about things, but could that be because he has not got the experience compared to past presidents? So let's hope he does listen to his advisors in time. I would hate to see him brought down by demonstrations when he has not been given a chance.
  9. You could go to the courts and ask them for information. I am sure if you give them names and dates they will do a search for you. If you are not sure of the dates they will still do a search, but there will be a charge if you want a copy of the certificate. Good luck
  10. well here's hoping the liberal left don't bring Trump down. So far he seems to be doing what he was elected to do. I hope he will stand up to theses demonstrations against him also the Judges.
  11. Yes I am all in favour of growing things local and more does need to be done. We will have to have more greenhouses heated of course by solar energy if this is possible, to grow lettuce in colder weather. I think I should leave this topic to the experts on here who are geenfingered. I am definitely not.
  12. Yes there is farmland available that could be used. I remember a few years ago being told, when Blair was MP, that farmers in this country were told not to grow food, also they were given subsidies to do this. The reason was France was to be the main agricultural country and main exporter to EU countries, and the UK was to become a service country. I think Germany was to be an industrial country. Can't remember were I got this information from. I wonder if anyone else knows if this is correct.
  13. Thought there was something on the news last week, one MP calling on the Government to start building houses on the greenbelt.
  14. There was plenty of broccoli in the shops yesterday, although I noticed there was a price increase. Will just have to see what happens in the next few weeks.
  15. Can't we buy fruit and veg from countries such as America, Egypt, Australia or are we not allowed to do this because of EU rules? The cost of flying them into this country could put the price up a bit more. When we leave the EU we need to be a bit more self sufficient and start to produce more in this country, even if it is not the more exotic food.
  16. You are right about the varied diet, but you are doing your bit. A friend of mine use to buy veg and salad from the allotments when available, and she said they taste better than the supermarket. Is she right?
  17. Yes I think you are right. I know nothing about growing fruit and veg.
  18. I have been told that The Duke Of Northumberland got rid of the allotments in the village of Corbridge, which he owned, to build houses on. I suspect these houses would be very expensive to buy. Perhaps people who have gardens should try and grow vegetables in them. People who have allotments could help people who have never grown fruit and vegetables before. The council or other organisations could help to get it up and running. If the population is increasing every year then we need to look to the future and invest more in farming.
  19. I am sure something was on the news today that a pregnant woman who lives in Nigeria received three hundred and thirty thousand pounds worth of treatment on the NHS. Not sure if anyone else saw it. if that is the case then its not the national health service, it's the international health service.
  20. Yes I get the impressions she has killed someone. I wonder who her mysterious lover is, Ben Chaplin. I'm beginning to think she is being set up by the Government or being blamed for the murder of the man who attacked and raped her, but I'm probably wrong. Will just have to wait and see.
  21. I think it is really good, also I have no problems hearing it, but I do have the volume turned up rather high. I like to see Emily Watson, I think she is a good actor. Looking forward to the next two episodes, just wondering how it will end.
  22. I definitely would not have stopped if I was on my own and I am not sure I would have done anything different to you if I had family or friends in my car. If I was you I would try to forget about it, you have done nothing to reaproach yourself for. There was other cars who also did not stop.
  23. It has just been on the news tonight that a petition to give G J Johnson a knighthood has been handed in to Downing St. Johnson has just said on the news that it would not be just for him but for the men who lost their lives that night. I hope he gets his wish, and Government gives him his knighthood.
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