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Posts posted by hauxwell

  1. Going to London in April to see Joe Bonamassa at the Albert hall , going to the museums and a couple of shows any recommendations as to where to visit ? We are driving down would it be better to get a hotel out of London center and travel in ? Or pay the higher rates in the center ? Any recommendations on accommodation ? I always find it better to go on recommendations ☺etc many thanks


    It is a long time since I have been to London. I suspect the advice you are getting from the forum not to take your car is probably good advice. Have you thought about going with National Coach Holidays if you are on a budget. I know a lot of people who go all over the country with them including London and they say they are not bad for what you pay.

    It is just a thought.

  2. Just been watching the news. What a shame Lord King is not the governor of the Bank of England. He is saying there are opportunities for economic reform after Brexit and it could be a success. All that scaremongering we got from Carney, wish he would hand his notice in and let's have a new governor of the Bank of England, I don't trust him, he probably wants Brexit to fail so he could say I told you so.

  3. Christmas was banned in this country by Oliver Cromwell, by an act of parliament in the mid 17th century. Makes you wonder if Britain remained a republican country would Christmas be different today?

    I don't think it was celebrated very much until Charles Dicken's book was published, Scroog, then it slowly came back into fashion.

    It has become materialistic but there are parts that I do still enjoy.

    Today as I was shopping and the Salvation Army band was playing Carols and it was nice to listen to them.

  4. Edited for space and relevance.


    Well your theory needs to be proved and one persons comment does not do that you need about two thousand in a double blind trial.


    ---------- Post added 13-12-2016 at 17:44 ----------



    The cultural tradition that I see at stake is the culture which shows the face of an individual in public. We have fought a long battle in this country for equal treatment of women and men, it is not yet won and this is part of that same struggle.

    People who come here to live should expect to learn the language and customs of the country, that includes women being treated as equals and walking barefaced in the street, in shops and hospitals. Not expecting to get a job where a female will be allowed to cover her face, like the person who tried that one when she turned up for her first day as a teacher though she had not worn the niquab at her interview. Being able to identify someone by their face is part of our culture faces, are recognisible as far away as 20 feet or more. Friends will wave to each other across a busy street. Why should that privilege be limited to men.


    Well written Margarita Ma. I thoroughly agree with everything you have wrote.

  5. Probably nothing to do with this accident, but I have always wondered why the lights on the pelican crossing on the slip from Leppings Lane to Parkside Rd have a green arrow pointing left.

    This may mislead the driver to think that he has right of way, when in fact the lights from Catchbar Lane are also on green at the same time!


    When I use to live in the area the green arrow use to confuse me, you think it is safe to proceed then you realise cars are driving past, it is very confusing if you are not familiar with the lay out of the roads.


    I hope the young man Gets better for Christmas.

  6. Ello all.

    Got a hankering for a pineapple cream tart. Aint had one for years.

    They look kinda like a bakewell with yellow icing on top. I've tried internetting it but none of the results look like what I'm after.

    Does anyone know if these are being sold anywhere? or even if they exist outside of my mind?



    Fenwicks department store in Newcastle use to sell them and they were lovely. Generously filled with cream and pieces of pineapple inside. They have just revamped their food hall so I have not checked to see if they still sell them.

  7. The Hijab and the Face Veil are two different things. The Hijab is a scarf used to cover the hair. Though it could be pulled across the face it is not usually used to hide the face as a face veil.




    a head covering worn in public by some Muslim women.

    the religious code which governs the wearing of the hijab.




    noun: burqa

    a long, loose garment covering the whole body from head to feet, worn in public by women in many Muslim countries.

    The al-amira is a two-piece veil. It consists of a close fitting cap, usually made from cotton or polyester, and an accompanying tube-like scarf. The shayla is a long, rectangular scarf popular in the Gulf region. It is wrapped around the head and tucked or pinned in place at the shoulders.



    The niqab is a veil for the face that leaves the area around the eyes clear. However, it may be worn with a separate eye veil. It is worn with an accompanying headscarf. The burka is the most concealing of all Islamic veils. It covers the entire face and body, leaving just a mesh screen to see through.



    The khimar is a long, cape-like veil that hangs down to just above the waist. It covers the hair, neck and shoulders completely, but leaves the face clear. The chador, worn by many Iranian women when outside the house, is a full-body cloak. It is often accompanied by a smaller headscarf underneath.


    Thank you for that information, I had no idea what was what.

  8. There's got to be better reasons for banning them than that?


    These are just a few reasons why the veil or hijab should be banned, talking to someone and you are unable to make facial contact, because their face is covered.

    What about health reasons? The lack of vitamin D which comes naturally from the sun. Let's hope these woman eat the correct food to compensate their diet, they are more likely to get osteoporosis because of there dress code.

    I have watched these woman on hot days wearing these garments some have their face more exposed than others, you can see they are struggling, can you imagine how they must sweat, and the men they are with are wearing tea shirts, it must be atrocious for them particularly the older ones.

    They should be encouraged not to wear these garments.


    ---------- Post added 11-12-2016 at 12:03 ----------


    As a country we have been historically very tolerant. Why stop now?[/quote


    One more thing about being a tolerant country, because I am not sure if we are going off the subject of national populism.

    This country showed a lot of tolerance when we had these hate preachers voicing there hate filled sermons on the streets of London. The cost of stopping Abu Hamza was disgusting. As you say we have a historty of being tolerant but there are limits.


    ---------- Post added 11-12-2016 at 12:04 ----------


    As a country we have been historically very tolerant. Why stop now?[/quote


    One more thing about being a tolerant country, because I am not sure if we are going off the subject of national populism.

    This country showed a lot of tolerance when we had these hate preachers voicing there hate filled sermons on the streets of London. The cost of stopping Abu Hamza was disgusting. As you say we have a historty of being tolerant but there are limits.

  9. Britain is a tolerant county. We don't question other religious beliefs to an extent, and we let them practice their religion, unlike ISIS, who don't allow women the smallest freedom and expect them to wear the full veil.

    As someone pointed out you would not be allowed to go into a bank wearing a helmet. I watched a security guard ask someone to remove a ballycarver in Meadowhall and yet a woman, or for all we know could be a man, freely walk around wearing the full veil.

    Give it the same status as someone who wears a crash helmet.


    ---------- Post added 10-12-2016 at 23:00 ----------


    Britain is a tolerant county. We don't question other religious beliefs to an extent, and we let them practice their religion, unlike ISIS, who don't allow women the smallest freedom and expect them to wear the full veil.

    As someone pointed out you would not be allowed to go into a bank wearing a helmet. I watched a security guard ask someone to remove a ballycarver in Meadowhall and yet a woman, or for all we know could be a man, freely walk around wearing the full veil.

    Give it the same status as someone who wears a crash helmet.[/quote

    Or a ballycarver at Meadowhall!

  10. You clearly don't think lke a businessman and are ignoring the fact that the UK is the German Motor industries biggest export market by volume and only behind America in revenue. The German Motor Industry, will suffer more than any other country, if tariff free motor vehicle trading is not continued between the UK and EU. The global export market for motor vehicles is second to only crude oil in global value. Germany are the World's largest exporter of Motor vehicles.


    You are correct, there will be many sad Germans, if they can't negotiate continued tariff free access to the lucrative UK market.


    That is what Dave Davis said when I went to see him at the Sage in Gateshead, he was given a talk alongside Farage and a few Labour MP's who also supported the leave campaign, a week before the EU leave vote.

    Davis said take a look at how many German cars there are on our roads. If Merkel was to put tariffs on German Cars being exported to the UK she would have a lot of people from the German Car Industry banging on her door. I do hope Davis is right.

  11. Many Students worked in fruit picking during vacs, some went abroad to pick grapes and were taught to prune as well as pick. One of my aunts lived out in the countryside and did potato planting and picking before that was automated. Hard work but gave her extra income. As was said earlier Farmers who advertise locally get their labour locally, they will rehire good workers year after year.

    Does anyone remember the outcry a few years ago when people were being picked up in vans to be taken out to farms to work and then finding that the Gangmasters were taking most of their wages no national insurance and tax arrangements, leaving in the dark getting back to the centre of Sheffield in the dark.


    I can remember something about that. I know it was not fruit picking but I remember the disaster in Morcecame Bay when Chinese migrants drowned picking cockles, and I am sure that was Gangmasters doing the same thing.

  12. Mass immigration, Isis terrorist attacks, and you wonder why people are voting for the far right. Solve theses problems and you might stop the rise of the far right parties.

    The leaders of the far right party tend to be charismatic and strong leaders also good at public speaking and saying what a lot of people are thinking but are to frightened to say because of political correctness.

  13. In work benefits are paid to people and families who work full time.

    You've swallowed the propaganda about benefits claimants so much that even the figures produced by a government trying to vilify the claimants is further twisted in your head to mean something that it doesn't.


    ---------- Post added 05-12-2016 at 07:33 ----------



    We'd first have to examine your thoughts and why you think immigrants are a 'race'...


    ---------- Post added 05-12-2016 at 07:34 ----------



    You realise that most of those "rules" are nothing to do with the EU, and that fishing quotas only just saved most of our fish stocks from extinction due to over fishing?


    I think the EU did did play their part with how veg should be grown at one stage, also the supermarkets share some blame. However you can see some wonky veg in supermarkets. I don't agree with dead fish being thrown back into the sea, yes we need fish quotas to save the industry, but confiscate the fish so the fisherman do not make a profit once they are back on land and put it to good use. A fishermans' job is difficult enough without having to be spot on with quotas.

  14. How much do these robot picking machines cost? If it's more than it costs to employ an Eastern European at minimum wage, then no farmer will buy them.


    Besides, won't all the farmers be bankrupt, 'cos they all voted to leave the very same EU that gives them £millions a year in handouts?


    Are you sure all the farmers will be bankrupt because they voted to leave the EU, I wonder why all the farmers voted for Brexit as you say?

    I suspect it could be something to do with bureaucracy. As one farmer told me who voted to leave for every pound that is paid in they get thirty pence back and they are told by the EU how to spend it.

    Look at the waste on food because of EU rules, fish being thrown back in the sea because fishermen have gone over the quotas. Vegetables have got to be grown a certain way, no wonky carrots, cucubers can't curl. No wonder the farmers voted to leave. Let's hope government will give the farmers'grants with some of the money they paid into the EU, with less restrictions on how to use it.


    You could be right about the robots they could be costly, they could rent one as some farmers do with combinharvesters.

  15. Just been watching Countryfile and it seems we have nothing to worry about a future shortage of labour to pick fruit, as a consequence of BREXIT, because robots are going to be used to pick fruit. Problem sorted.


    And so have I, so yes you are right we do not have to worry about fruit pickers. I think they said in 2 years time they hope to have the robots up and running. I don't think they can use robots to pick cauliflowers but I am sure they will be working on some device to do the job in the future.

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