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Posts posted by hauxwell

  1. In the 60s and 70s potatoe picking use to be a seasonal thing. I remember my family and friends and their children going to farms for potato picking. I suspect modern day machinery is used for that job now.

    Why not allow farmers to go to job centres with transport to take people to the farm to pick fruit and give the unemployed people the choice to go with the farmer. I bet quite a few people would volunteer to go fruit picking.

    The job centre could have a notice board to let people known what days the farmers would be there and they could put their name on a list if they were interested in the job centre. Also make sure the farmer provides food for their lunch as well as payment. I bet quite a few people would volunteer without having to force people.

  2. Not for now, but in another 10 years time when the oldies are no longer with us and the younger people have the vote.


    Everytime he is on Question Time on the BBC he gets an unbelievable response everytime he answers a question


    Ok, so I accept at this moment in time he wouldn't be able to become prime minister as he doesn't appeal to enough people.


    But give it a few years I think he could get the Lib Dems in power and become Prime Minister. he certainly knows how to communicate with viewers on Question time


    I am hoping the oldies as you call them live a lot longer than 10 years if Tim Farron is the only thing on offer. I don't see the makings of a future PM.

  3. No thank you, with all the money he has made why does he want to come back?

    I still think Blair is one of the worst PM this country has had. Is he still the Middle East peace envoy? Wonder how much he got paid for doing that job and what are the achievements he has made in the Middle East since doing the job of peace maker, not a lot I suspect.

  4. Farage is a tireless self-publicist. It doesn't surprise me one bit that he's sticking his oar into anything that he feels will up his personal kudos rating.


    As long as the Trump camp understand that he doesn't speak for the British government then that is fine and he can big himself up to them in any way he chooses. I certainly wouldn't be taking him seriously in their place.



    Yes you are right he does not speak for the government, yet. However he formed a very powerful pressure group that made Cameron do a u-turn on giving the British people a vote on the EU.


    I would take him seriously and don't underestimate him.

  5. I am going back a few years but I am sure Britain was 60% self sufficient in producing food, however since then there has been a large increase in the population. If that is still the case perhaps we should increase it a bit more. I still think we need to trade with other countries, in case of a bad harvest.


    I wonder what power the supermarkets have when it comes to importing food?

  6. The EU project is profoundly unpopular in the UK, but not usually enough to change peoples' votes. The referendum allowed us to vote the matter in isolation.

    Even those who voted remain generally don't like the project, but they didn't want to chance going it alone. Leaving is an act a bravery by the UK electors, plucking up the courage to vote for what they want rather than what seems safest,


    That is what I was thinking when I cast my vote to leave the EU. I cant denigh I was frightened of the unknown and I would still vote to leave if there was another Brexit vote.

  7. Nowt wrong with Boris, other than he is a Tory. Now if he was a member of UKip, well I can only hope.




    I think Boris is okay. Shame Farage wasn't an MP he could then have put himself forward at the next election for PM. He would get my vote, can only hope if there is any By Electinons from now until the next general election he might stand for ukip. After Trump's victory anything is possible.

  8. I don't believe it is a political statement, it is remembering all the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice. My late father who was in the Far East for over five years during the Second World War always wore a poppy and would go to the cenotaph in Sheffield on Remembrance Sunday to think about his friends who never came back and the suffering they had to endure.

    He was also a football supporter and when able he would go to the match. What next ban these old soldiers from wearing their Poppy's in football grounds?

  9. The one "worstist tool" you can use for wax removal from your lugs is a cotton wool bud. All it does is push the wax further down into the ear canal, due to it's design. If you watch the video I put a link to, you will see the horn is designed to get behind the wax, thus removing rather than pushing it further in.


    It's a painless procedure, quick and simple and guaranteed to restore your hearing, immediately. Provided that it is wax that has caused the hearing loss of course.




    Yes I am aware now that using a cotton wool bud in your ear can push the wax further down the ear. I have watched your video and I think it is a good method of removing ear wax. It is few years since I had my ears syringed and I remember the nurse saying that there is a slight chance with syringing of ear infection after the procedure.

    If I ever need wax removing in the future I will ask if I can have the ear spoon to remove it, I didn't know there was a ear spoon for wax removal.

  10. I have had my ears syringed in the past and I was told to use drops by my doctor to soften the wax for a week before syringing because it was dry and hard. So not sure if an ear wax spoon would be suitable as I did try to remove it myself with a cotton wool bud and it was painful.

    However Angelfire could be right, as I was not aware of this method and of course the texture of the wax in your ears could be soft already.

  11. my neighbour's cat across the road uses my small front garden as a toilet, I have tried putting all sorts of chemicles on my garden hoping that the smell will put it off. Just when I think I have succeeded once more I have to clean up after it. I wonder if all cat owners trained their cats to use a litter tray would it reduce the problem.

  12. Hi Crookedspire. I've lost just over 8 stone through diet and to begin with gentle exercise. Have to say its well worth joining Slimming World. There really is no restrictions to what you can have (its quite easy to taper a recipe to make it slimming world friendly). Its not a low carb diet either and no calorie counting. If you're not comfortable joining a group check out my website (still under construction) http://www.missionskinny.com for meal and exercise tips. Feel free to message me if you have any questions.




    I have thoroughly enjoyed looking at your website, love the recipes, I hope you are going to add more. Will be keep checking to see if you do. It's given me a bit more inspiration to try a bit harder with my diet, not doing to well at the moment. Well done to you for losing all of that weight.

  13. I make it from scratch in minutes. Flour (whatever kind/kinds you want), buttermilk, bit of salt and baking soda. Nice if you add sun dried tomatoes, olives or Stilton too!

    About fifty minutes in a hottish oven.


    I have just been looking at recipes for soda bread, it looks so easy to make so I might give it ago. I use to buy it from Morrisons, so thank you for passing the information on.


    ---------- Post added 26-09-2016 at 13:23 ----------


    A vibrator !:roll:


    Did you take that to the charity shop to?

  14. There is bit more to it than that Hauxwell. When you bake your own bread there health advantages. There is quite a lot of salt in bread that is bought. It also has additives/preservatives in and the E number chemicals. Also palm oil is in most brands which is high in cholesterol.


    If you have the patience to clean the device afterwards I`d say go for it if you eat a lot of bread.


    I did not realise that palm oil was used in most brands of bread. I have stopped getting spreadable butter because it contains Palm oil, I hate how the rain forests are being destroyed to produce it, but then it is used in most things.

    I do love home made bread although I do not make it. My friend got me thinking about getting one, she used it during the night and would wake up to the lovely smell of bread. So I will have to go and do my homework on breadmakers.

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