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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. These are just a few reasons why the veil or hijab should be banned, talking to someone and you are unable to make facial contact, because their face is covered. What about health reasons? The lack of vitamin D which comes naturally from the sun. Let's hope these woman eat the correct food to compensate their diet, they are more likely to get osteoporosis because of there dress code. I have watched these woman on hot days wearing these garments some have their face more exposed than others, you can see they are struggling, can you imagine how they must sweat, and the men they are with are wearing tea shirts, it must be atrocious for them particularly the older ones. They should be encouraged not to wear these garments. ---------- Post added 11-12-2016 at 12:03 ----------
  2. Britain is a tolerant county. We don't question other religious beliefs to an extent, and we let them practice their religion, unlike ISIS, who don't allow women the smallest freedom and expect them to wear the full veil. As someone pointed out you would not be allowed to go into a bank wearing a helmet. I watched a security guard ask someone to remove a ballycarver in Meadowhall and yet a woman, or for all we know could be a man, freely walk around wearing the full veil. Give it the same status as someone who wears a crash helmet. ---------- Post added 10-12-2016 at 23:00 ----------
  3. I still think the Government could not cope with the outcry if the full veil was banned. There would be protests all over. London would come to a stand still.
  4. Some countries in Europe have started to ban this horrible full face veil. I suspect Merkel is talking about it because of the rise in nationalistic far right groups in Germany. I can't see the UK banning it. They have not got the guts to do it. They would be to frightened of the Muslim council.
  5. I thought Kirk was brilliant in Spartacus. He has done well to reach the age of 100, considering he has had a stroke. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIRK.
  6. That is what Dave Davis said when I went to see him at the Sage in Gateshead, he was given a talk alongside Farage and a few Labour MP's who also supported the leave campaign, a week before the EU leave vote. Davis said take a look at how many German cars there are on our roads. If Merkel was to put tariffs on German Cars being exported to the UK she would have a lot of people from the German Car Industry banging on her door. I do hope Davis is right.
  7. I can remember something about that. I know it was not fruit picking but I remember the disaster in Morcecame Bay when Chinese migrants drowned picking cockles, and I am sure that was Gangmasters doing the same thing.
  8. Mass immigration, Isis terrorist attacks, and you wonder why people are voting for the far right. Solve theses problems and you might stop the rise of the far right parties. The leaders of the far right party tend to be charismatic and strong leaders also good at public speaking and saying what a lot of people are thinking but are to frightened to say because of political correctness.
  9. I think the EU did did play their part with how veg should be grown at one stage, also the supermarkets share some blame. However you can see some wonky veg in supermarkets. I don't agree with dead fish being thrown back into the sea, yes we need fish quotas to save the industry, but confiscate the fish so the fisherman do not make a profit once they are back on land and put it to good use. A fishermans' job is difficult enough without having to be spot on with quotas.
  10. Are you sure all the farmers will be bankrupt because they voted to leave the EU, I wonder why all the farmers voted for Brexit as you say? I suspect it could be something to do with bureaucracy. As one farmer told me who voted to leave for every pound that is paid in they get thirty pence back and they are told by the EU how to spend it. Look at the waste on food because of EU rules, fish being thrown back in the sea because fishermen have gone over the quotas. Vegetables have got to be grown a certain way, no wonky carrots, cucubers can't curl. No wonder the farmers voted to leave. Let's hope government will give the farmers'grants with some of the money they paid into the EU, with less restrictions on how to use it. You could be right about the robots they could be costly, they could rent one as some farmers do with combinharvesters.
  11. And so have I, so yes you are right we do not have to worry about fruit pickers. I think they said in 2 years time they hope to have the robots up and running. I don't think they can use robots to pick cauliflowers but I am sure they will be working on some device to do the job in the future.
  12. I thought he was brilliant in Faulty Towers. Hope they repeat it as a tribute to him.
  13. In the 60s and 70s potatoe picking use to be a seasonal thing. I remember my family and friends and their children going to farms for potato picking. I suspect modern day machinery is used for that job now. Why not allow farmers to go to job centres with transport to take people to the farm to pick fruit and give the unemployed people the choice to go with the farmer. I bet quite a few people would volunteer to go fruit picking. The job centre could have a notice board to let people known what days the farmers would be there and they could put their name on a list if they were interested in the job centre. Also make sure the farmer provides food for their lunch as well as payment. I bet quite a few people would volunteer without having to force people.
  14. I am hoping the oldies as you call them live a lot longer than 10 years if Tim Farron is the only thing on offer. I don't see the makings of a future PM.
  15. I had a hotchocolate in Markes&Spencers today in Newcastle. It was suppose to be a deluxe one, but they had run out of marshmallows, I had whipped cream and chocolate sprinklers on it. It was okay I suppose but very sickly. Still it did get me in the Christmas spirit.
  16. No thank you, with all the money he has made why does he want to come back? I still think Blair is one of the worst PM this country has had. Is he still the Middle East peace envoy? Wonder how much he got paid for doing that job and what are the achievements he has made in the Middle East since doing the job of peace maker, not a lot I suspect.
  17. And I Second that, especially the part wear it with pride.
  18. If there is more terror attacks in France from now until the elections next year then I think Marie le pen will definitely win. France is still on high alert and a lot of people in France are aware of this. I certainly don't think you can take notice of opinion polls these days.
  19. Back on track. I would like to know how many prison officers get attacked while doing their job each week over the last few years and has it got worse. If it has then clearly they need more support from government. No officer should be subjected to attack while doing their duties. Also can they claim compensation as the police do if they are attacked?
  20. Yes you are right he does not speak for the government, yet. However he formed a very powerful pressure group that made Cameron do a u-turn on giving the British people a vote on the EU. I would take him seriously and don't underestimate him.
  21. I think Farage helped Trump with his election campaign towards the end, and as a thank you he got an invite to The Trump Towers. I don't think the publicity will do Farage any harm, a lot of people think he should be part of the EU negotiations when we leave.
  22. I am going back a few years but I am sure Britain was 60% self sufficient in producing food, however since then there has been a large increase in the population. If that is still the case perhaps we should increase it a bit more. I still think we need to trade with other countries, in case of a bad harvest. I wonder what power the supermarkets have when it comes to importing food?
  23. Just watched The Royal British Legion Festival of Rememberance on BBC, what a lot of brave people there was, from the First World War up to present day conflicts. How very very sad when you hear of all the suffering.
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