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Everything posted by ccit

  1. This is not really a thread about raw feeding but actually you are giving your dog a raw complete diet, the difference being that you are mixing it yourself. There are different models of raw feeding and many pet owners use meat that already contains bone meal. It's possible to give too much of anything, including bone. This is particularly important in young, growing giant breeds when the joints need to be protected. If people want to give bones, they should research the subject in order to make it as safe as possible for their dog.
  2. Bone is composed mainly of calcium phosphate. Dogs who are fed a raw complete diet obtain their calcium needs from the finely ground bone that is included. It is therefore best to check whether the food already contains bone meal. If it does, it may not be necessary (nutritionally) to add bones to the diet. An excess of calcium in the blood stream could lead to problems for the dog. Also, too much bone can cause constipation.
  3. Give the dog a bone? Vets warn pet owners not to do it is an article that was in The Daily Telegraph yesterday (17th September 2016). It outlines the advice that the PDSA are issuing in respect of giving dogs bones (raw and cooked) and rawhide chews.
  4. Try one of the Poodle Clubs on the Kennel Club website. Trent to Tweed is the nearest but cannot find a website. They have a Facebook page though. Think you might be lucky to get a good, fully health tested (sire and dam) for that money though. Considering that the dog will be with you for circa 15 years it's worth paying for a healthy one.
  5. If the vet has made the diagnosis of renal failure by use of a blood test or urinalysis, a raised blood sugar should have been picked up. However, it is always worth checking if unsure. The following products have a protein level of 15% to 23% with no red (controversial) ingredients which includes salt: Barking Heads Fat Dog Slim Burns - Alert/Organic/Original/Sensitive+ Duck and Brown Rice Country Kibble - Adult/Senior & Light JB’s Light & Senior Lily’s Kitchen Grain-Free Luath’s Moorlands – Adult Salmon & Potato/Adult Turkey & Rice Nature’s Way Mature & Light Nutrix Working Dog Skinner’s – Adult Sensitive Lamb & Rice/Field & Trial Salmon & Rice/Field and Trial Turkey & Rice Trophy Premium Holistic – Large and Small Bite Wafcol Senior Salmon & Potato Westcott Adult Complete They can all be found here and you can see which has the lowest protein by clicking on them - the figure is given on the dials at the bottom of the review. If you decide to go with one of them, please copy the list of ingredients and analysis and take it to your vet for an opinion. As I mentioned before, soak the food and crumble it up before serving in order to prevent dehydration.
  6. Did the vet mention any particular food? The usual ones are Royal Canin and Hill's Science Diet Renal. The latter has a very low protein content of 14.8% dry weight. Royal Canin Renal is similar. The use of precription diets is explained here and they do not review very well. As mentioned, if you could ask your vet what percentage and type of protein is acceptable and you post back, we might be able to find something suitable. However, I don't know of any commercial dog food that has such a low level as these two products.
  7. You will find a few threads on diet in renal disease if you go here and type 'renal failure' into the search box. It is a case of finding a food with good quality, digestible protein that is easier to breakdown and to be excreted. Ask your vet what percentage of protein (dry weight) would be suitable. You can then search on that website (Dog Food Directory). My own view is that a good quality wet food is better than dry for a dog in renal failure. This is because it does not dehydrate the dog in the way that dry food does. If you wish to use dry food, soak it in boiled, cooled water for half an hour before serving. Please let us know what you decide to do.
  8. My own veterinary practice is now giving some of the core vaccines (Parvovirus, Hepatitis, Distemper) three yearly. They are giving two doses of Leptospirosis four weeks apart (second one free), then it is once a year. Leptospirosis is a potentially fatal disease that is carried by rats. My understanding is that it needs to be given yearly because it changes (just like influenza in humans). Some people advocate having no vaccines at all or just the puppy ones. We have ample evidence that vaccination does contribute to the prevention and spread of disease; if increasing numbers of pet owners do the same thing, the outcome will be that herd immunity will be lost/reduced. If people choose not to vaccinate their dogs then as responsible pet owners they should consider seeing the vet to discuss having a titre (blood) test done. This will establish if the dog has immunity to these diseases. If people do not want to do this or cannot afford it then they should at least have the Parvovirus vaccine every three years to protect their own, and other dogs. This disease can contaminate soil for some years and often kills affected dogs. It is also worth remembering that the core vaccines can be given separately if the owner asks for it. @Jackie2141: The vaccinations that are normally given by the vet are the core ones (see above), not Bordatella Pertussis (kennel cough) so unless your dog was given the vaccine for this, he would not have been protected. You would know if your dog had been given it because the solution is squirted up the nose of the dog, not injected. Kennel cough is hard to prevent because it mutates (changes form), just like the common cold. Some rescue organisations are now no longer vaccinating for kennel cough for this reason.
  9. We have Tesco pet insurance because the excess is £60. Quite a few companies have a higher amount. Ours is lifetime cover up to £7,000. Previously we had LV with the same excess but a lower lifetime cover of £4,000. Have claimed with both LV and Tesco - both paid out OK. Obviously it is cheaper with a higher excess and with cover for just one year from the date of onset of illness. We have always paid the vet and then reclaimed the money from the company. Our insurance is is due for renewal next month and we are considering putting the premium to one side as rubydo1 suggests. We already have a direct debit set up at the vets to cover costs that do not involve insurance so we might just top that up. ---------- Post added 16-06-2016 at 09:02 ---------- Useful information about pet insurance on Money Saving Expert.com. Also Money Saving Expert.com latest tip.
  10. ami - have a look at this page, particularly the top paragraph 'Do I need to change dog food?' might be of interest i.e. if your dog is fit and well there is no need to change food. The website is not slating products - they are reviewed factually by a computer programme that analyses ingredients and analysis of the products. The raison d'être of the website is to educate owners so that they understand about pet food and can make the best decision for their dog. Some pet food products are truly awful. Surely it is right for people to know about this? If sites like AADF didn't exist then all this would be hidden. It is a well respected website that is useful for people like the OP and skink who are wanting to give a good diet to their new puppies, and for owners whose pets have health problems. Your experience with Eden is valid and not unusual. However, high quality food such as Eden sometimes needs a slow transition to allow the dog's digestive tract to adjust, particularly if it has been on a much lower quality food. Also, this type of product should be carefully weighed and can often be fed in lower quantities than some foods. Overfeeding can cause digestive problems, particularly with this type of food. Your account of Eden is a good example of why pet owners should not be too swayed by what other people tell them to feed. Your dog tolerates the large amount, and different types of cereal that is in the food that you use but some would not. As you have found out, all dogs are different.
  11. @Frets - first of all, there isn't a best food for dogs because they are all different. What suits one might not suit another. Variety is good; for kibble fed dogs, pet nutrition blogger Rodney Habib recommends adding human food to your dog's diet. Choosing a good dog food seems to be a minefield but it's simplified on the All About Dog Food Directory. Most products can be checked out. They also have a Facebook page and forum. From the latter there is a thread here that helps to explain how to choose a good dog food. When asking people for recommendations, also ask them why they feel it is a good dog food and in particular what it contains. If you take up the advice about CSJ, first read up the review of one of their products here. It pays dividends to learn a little bit about nutrition, especially for owners of puppies and to make your own decision having given some thought to it. Someone mentioned Pets at Home. They sell sell some high quality food products. Their own brand, Wainwright's is a good one, particularly the grain free line which scores over 4 stars on AADF. Evolution is another of their own products and is very good. Wainwright's 'with rice' has a similar formula to James Wellbeloved but may be cheaper. @skink - of those three choices, Burns tends to be high in cereal so if you use that maybe consider substituting protein and cooked vegetables to give a bit of balance. Acana scores well on AADF. Markus Muhle is cold pressed and is also a good choice. It is a quality product at an economical price. IMO that, and Black Angus are both real bargains. It is the same company that makes the UK Gentle and Guru brands. Contact Gentle if you want more info about MM. Cold pressed food retains more of the nutrients and is easily digested - link. Lukullus is another cold pressed product that is sold by Zooplus. My experience of cold pressed food is very positive. The one in use now is Guru Surf and Turf. It has a nice balance of meat, fish, carbohydrate and vegetables/fruit. Fat and protein levels are suitable for my pet dogs and (most importantly) it is not extruded at high temperatures. You also asked about Landywoods who are raw food suppliers. I cannot comment on them but if they are DEFRA approved then they should be OK. Unless using raw complete, the owner needs to understand how to get the balance right. Freezer space is needed and the food taken out to thaw before serving. Scrupulous attention to hygiene is paramount. If it is kept in the refrigerator in a thawed state, place it at the bottom in a covered container. Some authorities say not to feed raw to dogs that live with children, elderly or immunosuppressed people. I don't know whether there is a risk but I come into two of those categories and as it is not necessary to feed raw I err on the side of caution. I did feed raw for a while but I saw no benefit to the dogs and in fact it actually didn't suit them or me for a number of reasons. As has been said, if you plan to feed your dog raw food then do some work on the subject. Join a Facebook group and read up about it on the Internet. If you decide to go with Landywoods then they should give you plenty of advice.
  12. It's best to learn something about canine nutrition, especially as your dog is so young. There is lots of information here - well worth reading. You can use the Dog Food Directory on that website to source a suitable dog food but first decide if you want to feed dry, wet, cold pressed or raw food. Look for products with: The named meat source at the top of the list of ingredients. The more meat, the better. The best source of carbohydrate is sweet potato or brown rice. Oats are also digestible. Steer clear of wheat, corn, maize. Look for foods that have vegetables in the ingredient list. Pups need circa 30% protein as they are growing so quickly. Some of the higher quality products do not have lifestage versions - this means that your puppy will not need to change food as it gets older. Find a good, local pet supplies store with staff who have an interest in what they sell. They will have the best quality products. Supermarkets tend not to sell good quality dog food. Don't forget to give pup a bit of variety - home cooked is great for a change but make sure that there are no onions or salt in it and that what you are giving is suitable for a dog.
  13. A good diet can make the world of difference to a dog's health, well being and longevity. There is lots of information on that website and many products are reviewed in the Dog Food Directory. Arguably, the best diet that a dog can have is one that is well balanced and home cooked. Unfortunately this can be time consuming and the owner needs to study the subject to ensure that pooch doesn't become deficient in nutrients. Many people feed dry food and there are some good ones to be found these days. Unfortunately most of them are extruded which means that they are made using very high temperatures, cut into kibble then sprayed with oils to make it palatable. It is thought that the process removes nutrients. In addition, there is the issue of acrylamide which is formed when starches are heated at very high temperatures. For those who do not like dry food, good quality wet or raw food are two alternatives. Cold pressed food is another option and is useful for people who wish to use dry food but do not like kibble. The two UK companies who sell this are Gentle and Guru Pet Foods. Their products are made in Germany by a company who have high ethical standards. My dogs have had this type of food for some time (currently Guru) and are doing very well on it. There is less doggy odour, small and very firm poos (no residue when picked up), no 'wind', weight control is no problem, skin/coat is good and the food is easy to digest. It is best to read up about this type of food or to contact the staff of the companies just to get an idea of how to use it correctly - it is significantly different to kibble. Markus Muhle/Black Angus are two other cold pressed products and are quite economical when bought via Zooplus.
  14. AFAIK the British Veterinary Association/British Small Animal Veterinary Association do not recommend the use of bones. Clearly they take this stance because they are at the receiving end when things go wrong. People who advise that bones are absolutely fine are really saying that their dog/s have been OK using them but that is all. Whose advice is it best to follow? It is worth remembering that it is the vet to whom we turn in the case of problems, not the person who gave the advice to feed bones in the first place. Nothing is 100% safe. The risk can be minimized by giving the correct type of raw bone (never cooked) but owners should be aware that there will always be an element of risk if they allow their dog to have one. Just this morning I have read an account of a dog that has required surgery on it's oesophagus due to splintering of a bone. Sadly, there is now a stricture and it has required further surgery to widen it. This has had limited success and the dog is now having difficulty eating with resultant regurgitation at times. All that the dog has and is suffering could have been avoided.
  15. Wet food would probably be a good choice for this particular dog and Fishmonger's is one of the better ones. It has a nice simple recipe. Fish is easy to digest and therefore can be helpful for dogs with digestive issues. There are no vegetables in the formula but a few suitable cooked ones could easily be added if the owner wishes.
  16. It is understandable that Oscar present a positive spin on their ingredients. White rice is brown rice that has been milled and polished to remove outer bran, germ and aleurone layers. These contain the vast majority of the grain's nutrients and once removed the remaining white rice is almost entirely starch. Also, dogs need meat and protein - this should be first on the list of ingredients. This is the first rule of sourcing a good product to feed a dog. As for digest, I wasn't able to discern the source but here is a clear explanation of it. This isn't the worst food by far and Probably there are dogs that do well on it. However, when recommending a product it is useful to say why it is considered to be good and/or suitable.
  17. The first ingredient of that food is rice and it makes up 42% of the food. It is probably white rice which has some nutritional value for the dog but not a lot. Used in that quantity it is a filler. It also contains digest with no reference to the source. Puppy food needs to be at least 29% to 30% digestible protein i.e. derived from meat, poultry and fish.
  18. Chappie is a poor quality food - review. The tinned version scores even less. Royal Canin is expensive and also not of good quality - review. Having just looked at the ingredient list of the French Bulldog version, it has rice and wheat as the first two ingredients - they are just fillers. It's got animal fat in it - no mention of what that animal is. For a dog that is prone to skin problems it is not good. A good quality food has the named meat source at the top of the list of ingredients and is clearly labelled - no ambiguity. The purchaser should know exactly what it contains. Here is an article about the domination of the big four pet food companies and the poor quality of some of their products. Regarding the flatus, feed good quality, digestible food and that will lessen considerably. Soak dry food and give two to three meals per day. Use a slow feeder to stop the dog eating too fast and swallowing air.
  19. Dorberman - let's not start an argument. Just do plenty of research into your chosen breed then you will know if it is the right one for you and that you can cope with it. You are used to big dogs so that's a good start. You can't do better than approach the breed club/s. I believe that one of the forum members (is it Lottie?) has Dalmations. Maybe you would like to send her a private message. Take your time and hopefully you will get a nice, healthy pup.
  20. Have you checked online for the Dalmation breed clubs? They are also listed on the Kennel Club website. You would be more likely to get a good one from a breed club member because they are usually committed to improving the health of their breed and will also have had the parents tested for hereditary disease. Also they are able to give help and useful advice. Choose a breeder that has been in the breed for a few years and knows their lines. The KC Assured Breeder list might be helpful but you still need to do your homework to ensure the pup is well bred. Having had an elderly dog, prepare yourself for a shock. Most people who start again with a pup (of whatever breed) have forgotten how demanding and tiring puppies are. Good luck and hope you find a good one.
  21. You are correct, Royal Canin does not review well. When you look for a new food, check it out on the All About Dog Food website. You want to look for a product that has the named meat source at the top of the list of ingredients - the more meat, the better the product. If going for grain free, look for sweet potato as the carbohydrate source. If you choose a food containing grain, look for brown (whole grain) rice. Oats also have some nutritional value for dogs. Avoid wheat, maize if possible. Bulldogs are prone to gastric torsion so make sure your dog has smaller meals and that he has at least two meals per day, even when he is full grown. Soaking the kibble will help avoid this. It will also help your dog to digest the food and prevent the dehydrating effect of a dry food meal. You should not exercise your dog after a meal. As mentioned before, check out cold pressed foods as they are easier for the dog to digest and are recommended for dogs that are deep chested and narrow waisted. Edit - forgot to say that overfeeding can cause the symptoms you describe. Make sure you weigh the food accurately (do not use a mug or beaker) and that you give the correct amount. Use a digital scale that weighs in 1g divisions. These are quite cheap in Argos.
  22. The frequency of having his bowels open and the gas suggests that he might have an infection. It would be best to have your dog checked out by the vet before you consider changing food. If you then want to change food have a look at cold pressed products. Gentle and Guru are UK companies. Markus Muhle on Zooplus if you are on a tight budget. Cold pressed products are good for deep chested breeds and dogs with digestive issues.
  23. Make sure your dog maintains the correct weight as obesity will add pressure to the joints. Don't over exercise him - short, frequent walks are best. Keep him warm and give him a comfortable bed. Don't allow him to jump on the bed or settee. Feed a good quality food - some contain green lipped muscle. Nutraquin+ and Yumove are supplements that have good reviews. The dog only needs one or the other as they both contain glucosamine and chondroitin. See Kate at Splashy Pups, Rutland Road for hydrotherapy and physiotherapy.
  24. Unless the dogs have a rock solid recall they should not be allowed off lead anywhere. With two dogs that is doubly important because they will lead each other on and will be gone. Dogs like this can vastly outrun even a young, healthy person. If they cause any damage or accidents your children (or you) will be liable.
  25. Much of this is conjecture because the OP has not given enough information about the dog. The one thing that is of concern is the comparison between this dog and her own, which she acquired as a puppy and subsequently trained. This comparison is of no use and likely to be harmful. It sounds as if this dog has particular needs which should be addressed. The OP needs to consider whether she can provide this. I know that the OP wants to do her best for this dog, particularly as there is a family connection but sometimes the kindest thing you can do for a dog is to rehome. There is no shame in that if it is done in an honest and open manner. I am quite certain that if she is considering this, a new experienced owner can be found by contacting breed rescue. Probably the original owner would want the dog to be happy and content even if it meant leaving the family. Some dogs prefer to live alone. I know of a bitch of the same breed that was rehomed because because she could not live happily with others, despite being brought up with them. The dog is much more content living the life of a solo dog. She always needed to be top dog and saw others as a threat. She is very vocal too but because she is an only dog the owner can control her easily and it has never been a problem. Squirting water at the poor dog is likely to be counter productive. Owner and dog need someone to determine what is going on and to provide help with the issue.
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