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Once more Sheffield's Graves Park is used as a council tip.

Is it acceptable for the council to use parkland as a tipping ground.  

154 members have voted

  1. 1. Is it acceptable for the council to use parkland as a tipping ground.

    • Yes I have no problem with part of Graves Park being used as a tip
    • No. The land should not be used for this storing this filth.
    • The land should be cleared up and restored as public parkland.
    • Who cares as long as it’s not in a park near me.

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Any updates yet ?


Has old Jack Scott shifted his workmens fly tipping yet ?


The simple answer is no.


But let's give Jack and his boys 4 out of 10 for the effort so far. 75% of the filth has been tidied up. It hasn't gone but there is less of it. It still stinks to high heaven but it is tidy. If they shift the rest the score will go up to 6 out of 10, because this filth shouldn't have been there in the first place.

I would give Friends of Graves Park 10 out of 10. It is clearly their actions that have brought about the changes so far

Also 8 out of 10 to the media for getting involved even if they fell for the Council's standard line that this isn't Graves Park.


So this is an interesting cross roads. What is still in the nursery is unacceptable. To remove it wouldn't take much effort. To leave it will only cause more strife. What remains in the nursery isn't worth the while of those who left it there. The manpower could be better deployed.

This may just be a panic clear up like the one triggered when the TV company was on its way. It may all be back on Monday.


But guarded optimism that common sense is about to prevail.


But all this begs the question that has been asked many times over the past 15 years. The council still occupies these 3 1/2 acres of Graves Park where it stores a couple of tractors for use in the park. 90% of the land is not used and just leads to missuse. So why not stick the tractors up in the area of the park fenced off for animal farm fodder?. Get rid of the dump which has no place in the park and allow the remaining 3 1/4 acres to be restored to parkland, which is what was agreed 15 years ago?

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But all this begs the question that has been asked many times over the past 15 years. The council still occupies these 3 1/2 acres of Graves Park where it stores a couple of tractors for use in the park. 90% of the land is not used and just leads to missuse. So why not stick the tractors up in the area of the park fenced off for animal farm fodder?. Get rid of the dump which has no place in the park and allow the remaining 3 1/4 acres to be restored to parkland, which is what was agreed 15 years ago?


If people started a petition online and elsewhere, I'm sure plenty of people would sign after the ill-feeling generated with the council's Graves Park/St Lukes scandal.

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It is pretty clear that apart from the dumping the council has very little reason to remain occupying land that belongs to the charity. It is time the the council stopped abusing the trusteeship of Graves Park and fulfilled their obligation to restore the nursery site to parkland.

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Have heard the Environment Agency are going to check out the site. Is that why the Council are trying to clear up the mess?


A guy at the site told me that there was no truck breakdown. He said the men were loading bags of ***** with the grab when some bags split and showered them. They refused to handle the stuff afterwards and someone informed the agency.

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