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Flu jab and viral illness

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Some on here might want to purchase this book.....if they have an open mind.


A very rare thing if you read this thread.






Coming back to whether things deserve our open minds, it's interesting to find that criticism of vaccines was a sideline for the late Eustace Mullins, his main business being holocaust denial (again - I'm detecting a bit of a pattern), and anti-semitic writing (including the catchily-titled "Adolf Hitler: An Appreciation"). One of his early jobs was carrying out research for Senator McCarthy's communist witch-hunts.


Just how open-minded do you think we should be MAC33?


---------- Post added 24-11-2015 at 11:37 ----------


Because you label a website a conspiracy site---that makes the information on it untrue?


So do you think the information on http://whale.to is true, MAC33?

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Bad Science is a more general book, covering various subjects and applying data-driven scrutiny to various claims, including homeopathy, the work of Gillian McKeith and the MMR/autism controversy. It also covers media misrepresentation and sensationalisation of science. The most pertinent chapter relates to the quantity of drug trials which are carried out directly by the drug companies concerned and their bias to only publish those studies which yield positive results.


Bad Pharma is basically an expansion of that chapter, but also covering things like drug marketing and development. Goldacre has campaigned for the setting up of a mandatory research register, to ensure that negative results should be published as well as positive ones.


So, on the pharma issue, Goldacre is clearly highly critical of that aspect (selecting positive results only for publishing).


I do agree that negative results should be available, and, that there should be some form of legal requirement to do so- that would seem to be a no-brainer.


Thank you for taking the time to post that (I do realise that he's also against many other things e.g. homeopathy, i acknowledge that, but, obviously I'm mainly interested in the pharma stuff here.)


Due to my autism, I can have big problems tracking stuff down, and unlike some who insist i'm able to trawl through 20 page threads looking for a post, or, hunting down obscure references, you've given me what i asked for- thank you, I truly appreciate it :)

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So I get in to the office today to worried frowns....


Person 1 has been up nursing his sick kid last night who has measles and looks a little tired. Can't say I blame him for that.


Persons 2,3,4 are all hiding from the measles ridden plague infested leprous dog whilst the rest of the office sit and smirk.


Three guesses how many anti vaccination people are in this office....? *sigh*

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I have seen no first hand evidence (personal experience of friends etc who took the flu vax) that it works at all.


In fact I have seen first hand evidence of people who receive the vax are much more likely to come own with the flu.


Just my experience to date.




Edited by MAC33
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