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Deal over Turkey joining the EU?

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Today's news is highlighting the possibility of Turkey joining the EU.

One of the main reasons a lot of people object is that it would give 76 million Turkish people access to Europe and therefore more migration when we are not in a position to deal with it. David Cameron says that there's no chance of Turkey being admitted to the EU, and Boris gives them a 10 - 20% chance of getting in.


But are they being disingenuous? I'm sure I read somewhere that in return for helping to stem the tide of Migrants coming to Europe through Turkey, Cameron has already agreed to Turkish people no longer needing a visa to come to Britain, in other words he has already granted them unrestricted access. Is this right? Does anybody know if this is correct?

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David Cameron said today he thought it wouldn't be until the year 3000 that Turkey would join the EU, but six years ago he was more supportive for them joining.


There were quite a few Turks in Manchester today, so perhaps the invasion has already started. :help:

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Today's news is highlighting the possibility of Turkey joining the EU.

One of the main reasons a lot of people object is that it would give 76 million Turkish people access to Europe and therefore more migration when we are not in a position to deal with it. David Cameron says that there's no chance of Turkey being admitted to the EU, and Boris gives them a 10 - 20% chance of getting in.


But are they being disingenuous? I'm sure I read somewhere that in return for helping to stem the tide of Migrants coming to Europe through Turkey, Cameron has already agreed to Turkish people no longer needing a visa to come to Britain, in other words he has already granted them unrestricted access. Is this right? Does anybody know if this is correct?

It's the websites you've been reading (and the leave campaign) who've been disingenuous. You want to try reading some mainstream news sites - they've thoroughly debunked it. e.g. Could Turkey really join the EU by 2020?


These links show what the EU position Turkey joining really is:




As for Turkish citizens getting visa free access to the EU, it's halted because Turkey doesn't meet the EU's human rights conditions. Visa free access is not the same thing as unrestricted access in any case - you still need to present a passport.

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Today's news is highlighting the possibility of Turkey joining the EU.

One of the main reasons a lot of people object is that it would give 76 million Turkish people access to Europe and therefore more migration when we are not in a position to deal with it. David Cameron says that there's no chance of Turkey being admitted to the EU, and Boris gives them a 10 - 20% chance of getting in.


But are they being disingenuous? I'm sure I read somewhere that in return for helping to stem the tide of Migrants coming to Europe through Turkey, Cameron has already agreed to Turkish people no longer needing a visa to come to Britain, in other words he has already granted them unrestricted access. Is this right? Does anybody know if this is correct?


We can't be the only country to have a veto are we? There will be a few I suspect who would veto turkey.


As for the whole refugees in exchange for free travel, that was a deal brokered by the PM of turkey. However the deal was kicked off the table by president erogan, (all about the definition of terrorists if memory serves). I'll find the link.

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We can't be the only country to have a veto are we? There will be a few I suspect who would veto turkey.

Every EU country has a veto and it only takes one of them to block Turkey joining.

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So why are worrying? There will be a queue of countries wanting to veto them.

It's the leave campaign desperately trying to whip up some support by claiming Turkey is about to join the EU.

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It might happen one day, but not anytime soon.


The links in post #3 show how far from meeting the criteria they are and since Erdoğan came to power they've been moving away from meeting them rather than towards them. Currently Cameron's estimate of the year 3000 looks a bit optimistic.

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