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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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The EU is. The rest of us live in the real world.


Not David Davis apparently:




Not really a surpise:




We're back to "cake and eat it".


"David Davis’s Customs Union Plan Is ‘Fantasy’, Says European Parliament’s Brexit Spokesman"



Edited by Magilla
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Read this and make your own mind up:



● A highly streamlined customs arrangement between the UK and the EU, streamlining and simplifying requirements, leaving as few additional requirements on EU trade as possible. This would aim to: continue some of the existing arrangements between the UK and the EU; put in place new negotiated and potentially unilateral facilitations to reduce and remove barriers to trade; and implement technology-based solutions to make it easier to comply with customs procedures. This approach involves utilising the UK’s existing tried and trusted third country processes for UK-EU trade, building on EU and international precedents, and developing new innovative facilitations to deliver as frictionless a customs border as possible.


● A new customs partnership with the EU, aligning our approach to the customsborder in a way that removes the need for a UK-EU customs border. One potential approach would involve the UK mirroring the EU’s requirements for imports from the rest of the world where their final destination is the EU. This is of course unprecedented as an approach and could be challenging to implement and we will look to explore the

principles of this with business and the EU.

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Not David Davis apparently:




We're back to "cake and eat it".


"David Davis’s Customs Union Plan Is ‘Fantasy’, Says European Parliament’s Brexit Spokesman"



Davis' 2 year interim period proposal causes more problems, including political ones here in the UK, than it solves.


This article is a good primer as to the hows and whys.


So I'm still unsure about whether joined-up thinking about Brexit has begun in No.10 yet, and whether this isn't simply borne from still more cabinet infighting.

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Davis' 2 year interim period proposal causes more problems, including political ones here in the UK, than it solves.


This article is a good primer as to the hows and whys.


So I'm still unsure about whether joined-up thinking about Brexit has begun in No.10 yet, and whether this isn't simply borne from still more cabinet infighting.


The government want all the benefits of the Single Market and the Customs Union, but does not want to be in the Single Market and Customs Union.


Essentially, they want a deal that looks and functions exactly like membership of the EU!


You couldn't make it up!

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I thought that the UK Brexiteers were all for borders going up,checks to be introduced between EU countries,turns out they only want that when it suits them.


Have to admit it's getting a little confusing.


In relation to the land border between Ireland and Northern Ireland this is the latest statement;


"Whitehall officials told the Telegraph that the EU will be legally responsible for any hard border imposed after Brexit and insisted that the UK is determined to be flexible on the issue"


First of all it is the UK which has altered the situation and therefore aren't we the ones that should come up with solutions to a problem created by us?


Secondly, what happened to " Taking back control " when we are saying that the EU can dictate the position.


Thirdly, the current non border between the two jurisdictions is one of the main contributing factors to the peace following on from the Good Friday Agreement.


Build border posts and you are building targets for dissident republicans.


It strikes me as our lot have no idea how to proceed on this situation and it's not the only one their struggling with!

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Well,apparently,Theresa May knows that nobody who voted Brexit voted for 'this' kind of Brexit,they voted for 'that' kind of Brexit,the one that explained everything they were voting for on the voting paper..........or not.:hihi:




In her Irish News article, May said: “There should be no physical border infrastructure of any kind on either side of the border between Northern Ireland and Ireland. I want people to be absolutely clear: the UK does not want to see border posts for any purpose.”


She said Brexit would not undermine the relationship between Britain and Ireland.


“No one voted to end the special ties between the UK and Ireland or to undermine the unique arrangements between Ireland and Northern Ireland which have underpinned the peace process and have been in place well before our membership of the EU,” she said.

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