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Russian Chemical Weapon attack in Salisbury

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*have russia interefered and annexed ukraine?

NO. Ukraine was taken over by the Americans who have their man in residence, and Joe Biden's son is director of their Gas Company.

*have russia killed russian ex spies and opponants before?

Who knows.. James Bond does it all the time. lol

*have russia interefered in trumps election and brexit (some sources say yes very much so)?

NO I have given you the evidence, which no one want to read - for some strange reason. baa baa baa

*have 'some' russian atheletes been caught doping?

Yes, so have some British and American athletes.

*have russia been heavily involved in helping the opposite forces to our allies in syria etc and actually been a hinderence?

Duh! Our allies being the CIA funded rebels and ISIS that the Russians made short shrift of in two weeks... something the US and Britain haven't managed in 7 years. Will you be so eager when Rebels attack our Government because they don't like what they are doing?

*do russia do anything they want to, which normally isnt in the interest of the world as a whole?

Like what? Be specific and then I will try and answer.




Yet more Conspiracy Theorist garbage.

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Jamie Paine first on the Salisbury scene, and gave assistance to the Skripals. How come he wasn't affected, but the Policeman was???

They are still saying that more than 30 People were affected!!! The Doctor refuted this in my post above.

Why were the firemen standing about in their own gear and faces uncovered when the spooks were all dressed in decontamination suits, poking about with sticks.

Hamish de Bretton Gordon ex Commanding Officer for UK Chemical Weapons Regiment? Now making a fortune manufacturing gas masks and clothing???

2006 Skripal arrested, then swapped in 2010.

What's this <removed> for brains muppet Author Luke Harding saying - Russia sending Britain the message - You are weak, you are friendless ESPECIALLY AFTER BREXIT, not many allies out there., and we can do exactly what we want on your territory with impunity...

2010 Putin said that traitors will bring themselves to ruin if they trust Britain. Reported here as Putin threatening them...

Russian ambassador says that it could well have been Porton Down where the poison came from...and our Government have jumped to conclusions. (But ignore that.)

Interesting how May went from ''It's highly likely'' to ''There is no alternative explaination.''

Vast majority of the international community are against Britain's evaluation.

Russia has in the past had form in killing it's spies, 1978 Gieorgi Markov was killed by an umbrella tipped with Risen. 30 years later, Litvinenko supposedly poisoned by polonium... but as I showed in my research above - he was a smuggler, and this was an accident. Of course his wife will be <removed> off, she lost a good living when her husband died.

They can do all the enquiries they want but if the evidence is lies it means nothing - just like the many Hillsborough Enquiries. Here we go - Boris Berezovsky - How odd that I have been researching him also? Scott Young who worked for Berezovsky fell from a fourth floor window and was impaled on the railings!!!! Berezovsky died in his Sauna..... Berezovsky was selling Polonium which all avenues point to Israel.

The only evidence pointing to Russia was that all the people who died were Russians????

Nicholai Gushkov? I haven't researched him yet...

Chris Philips, National Counter Terrorism Security at the hHome Office.. MI5 then? So he won't be biased?

Amber Rudd whose husband has a licence to grow Marihuana? So her opinion is very relevant.

Tom Dugendhat - Chair of foreign affairs select committee. Lying. Russia haven't invaded Georgia, they responded to the parliament building being burned down in a false flag operation by CIA . Invaded and occupies Ukraine??? Shot down a civilian aircraft - No evidence. Where did they dig this muppet up from?

Robert Hannigan former director of GCHQ /MI5 says Russia gives us Fake News and manipulates elections. lol

This daft bat Fiona Blake says Russia had a clear strategy - knew they would be caught and deliberately used a 10million dollar poison easily identifiable soviet era nerve agent because they want to engage Britain in hostilities to distract the Russian people from their crumbling economy and failing services.... lol lol lol ''They want to engage the teeny tiny Britain in hostilities?'' STOP - I can't get my breath. lol lol lol and Fiona can barely keep her face straight either. From what I have seen in documentaries, Russia appears to be one big, massive successful country. Though no doubt they have their hot spots like the Manor etc.

As if MI5/6 didn't know who and where the spies were. They even know how many sheets of paper they use when they go to the loo.

So Chris Philips says the scale of what they are doing has never changed since the cold war.. that's a relief then, we can all go back to sleep.

Oh dear, we are going to put sanctions on Russian Goods.. so you will all be struggling for your Lada parts?

And what will happen if the Oligarchs pull all their investments in London Housing and the money Laundering.

In an EXCLUSIVE Poll of 3.000 people (I wasn't asked)- were asked should we compete in the World cup 39% for 36% against and rest weren't sure... which proves what? Our fans might be in danger...Because in France a number of years ago Russian politicians were backing their hooligans, almost as if they were arms of the Russian State.. OMG! Are you getting this? What a load of <removed>.

Back to Hamish again.. who wants to re invest in training Military personel????Upping the anti so that his company can make a killing.

Government announced they are investing £48 million pound s in a new CHEMICAL WARFARE DEFENCE CENTRE - We already have one its called PORTON DOWN.

58% of a Poll said we should be tougher on Russia... What!!! They could sink us with one strike. What we could do to them would be equal to pepper spray. Instead of wasting all the money and effort on this crap, they should be concentrating on the NHS, housing and jobs, but then, if we are going to war there will be fewer men needing houses and jobs?

Boris is ******* up the leg of a bear and should keep his big stupid mouth shut and get back to playing with the piggies. nudge nudge.

Time for a kip, I am exhausted with all this laughing.


---------- Post added 22-03-2018 at 21:19 ----------


@ Chalga


Yes, how did you know the Tonight programme was Conspiracy Theory <removed>.

I can't imagine you would watch anything informative. Even if it complied and formed your opinions

Edited by nikki-red
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Jamie Paine first on the Salisbury scene, and gave assistance to the Skripals. How come he wasn't affected, but the Policeman was???

They are still saying that more than 30 People were affected!!! The Doctor refuted this in my post above.

Why were the firemen standing about in their own gear and faces uncovered when the spooks were all dressed in decontamination suits, poking about with sticks.

Hamish de Bretton Gordon ex Commanding Officer for UK Chemical Weapons Regiment? Now making a fortune manufacturing gas masks and clothing???

2006 Skripal arrested, then swapped in 2010.

What's this <removed> for brains muppet Author Luke Harding saying - Russia sending Britain the message - You are weak, you are friendless ESPECIALLY AFTER BREXIT, not many allies out there., and we can do exactly what we want on your territory with impunity...

2010 Putin said that traitors will bring themselves to ruin if they trust Britain. Reported here as Putin threatening them...

Russian ambassador says that it could well have been Porton Down where the poison came from...and our Government have jumped to conclusions. (But ignore that.)

Interesting how May went from ''It's highly likely'' to ''There is no alternative explaination.''

Vast majority of the international community are against Britain's evaluation.

Russia has in the past had form in killing it's spies, 1978 Gieorgi Markov was killed by an umbrella tipped with Risen. 30 years later, Litvinenko supposedly poisoned by polonium... but as I showed in my research above - he was a smuggler, and this was an accident. Of course his wife will be <removed> off, she lost a good living when her husband died.

They can do all the enquiries they want but if the evidence is lies it means nothing - just like the many Hillsborough Enquiries. Here we go - Boris Berezovsky - How odd that I have been researching him also? Scott Young who worked for Berezovsky fell from a fourth floor window and was impaled on the railings!!!! Berezovsky died in his Sauna..... Berezovsky was selling Polonium which all avenues point to Israel.

The only evidence pointing to Russia was that all the people who died were Russians????

Nicholai Gushkov? I haven't researched him yet...

Chris Philips, National Counter Terrorism Security at the hHome Office.. MI5 then? So he won't be biased?

Amber Rudd whose husband has a licence to grow Marihuana? So her opinion is very relevant.

Tom Dugendhat - Chair of foreign affairs select committee. Lying. Russia haven't invaded Georgia, they responded to the parliament building being burned down in a false flag operation by CIA . Invaded and occupies Ukraine??? Shot down a civilian aircraft - No evidence. Where did they dig this muppet up from?

Robert Hannigan former director of GCHQ /MI5 says Russia gives us Fake News and manipulates elections. lol

This daft bat Fiona Blake says Russia had a clear strategy - knew they would be caught and deliberately used a 10million dollar poison easily identifiable soviet era nerve agent because they want to engage Britain in hostilities to distract the Russian people from their crumbling economy and failing services.... lol lol lol ''They want to engage the teeny tiny Britain in hostilities?'' STOP - I can't get my breath. lol lol lol and Fiona can barely keep her face straight either. From what I have seen in documentaries, Russia appears to be one big, massive successful country. Though no doubt they have their hot spots like the Manor etc.

As if MI5/6 didn't know who and where the spies were. They even know how many sheets of paper they use when they go to the loo.

So Chris Philips says the scale of what they are doing has never changed since the cold war.. that's a relief then, we can all go back to sleep.

Oh dear, we are going to put sanctions on Russian Goods.. so you will all be struggling for your Lada parts?

And what will happen if the Oligarchs pull all their investments in London Housing and the money Laundering.

In an EXCLUSIVE Poll of 3.000 people (I wasn't asked)- were asked should we compete in the World cup 39% for 36% against and rest weren't sure... which proves what? Our fans might be in danger...Because in France a number of years ago Russian politicians were backing their hooligans, almost as if they were arms of the Russian State.. OMG! Are you getting this? What a load of <removed>.

Back to Hamish again.. who wants to re invest in training Military personel????Upping the anti so that his company can make a killing.

Government announced they are investing £48 million pound s in a new CHEMICAL WARFARE DEFENCE CENTRE - We already have one its called PORTON DOWN.

58% of a Poll said we should be tougher on Russia... What!!! They could sink us with one strike. What we could do to them would be equal to pepper spray. Instead of wasting all the money and effort on this crap, they should be concentrating on the NHS, housing and jobs, but then, if we are going to war there will be fewer men needing houses and jobs?

Boris is ******* up the leg of a bear and should keep his big stupid mouth shut and get back to playing with the piggies. nudge nudge.

Time for a kip, I am exhausted with all this laughing.


---------- Post added 22-03-2018 at 21:19 ----------


@ Chalga


Yes, how did you know the Tonight programme was Conspiracy Theory <removed>.

I can't imagine you would watch anything informative. Even if it complied and formed your opinions


More fake news,more of this and stuff like it are available on any Conspiracy Theory site.

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Yes he is a "loose cannon".


Putin may not be bothered, but many of the Russian people who care about those millions of Russians who were killed in WW2 will be.

That's why I was rather shocked to hear such a tactless comment from a Foreign Secretary.


Boris has Boris to protect.

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i dont know, i just get a bad feel for it....

For one thing, we have had months and months of anti Russia propaganda shoved down our throats.

but the main reason is, if we have evidence that Russia has made this chemical that was used, and Russia have been asking to see the proof, then why are we not giving it them? what have we to hide?

Why dont we just say "here you are, thats our evidence, now you prove us wrong, that is what you have used" what have we to be lose? why are we shying away from it?




Don't let Chalga and Mel see that you can actually think for yourself. :D


---------- Post added 22-03-2018 at 21:26 ----------


@ Chalga


''More fake news, more of this and stuff like it are available on any Conspiracy Theory site.''


Really? Which ones?-------- Post added 22-03-2018 at 21:36


---------- Post added 22-03-2018 at 21:42 ----------


Contagion! The BBC Four Pandemic.. Volunteers?


''UK news The Observer

Final agony of RAF volunteer killed by sarin - in Britain

As the inquest into the death of a 'human guinea pig' at Porton Down opens, a witness breaks 50 years' silence to recount the horrors he saw

Antony Barnett, public affairs editor

Sun 28 Sep 2003 12.07 ''

Edited by catpus
changed my mind
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Don't let Chalga and Mel see that you can actually think for yourself. :D

anybody would think its thinking for yourself





but its not is it? its being told what to think by conspiracy theorists, theres no thinking involved, you want to believe anything "they" tell you to, so in that respect its EXACTLY the same as believing what the mainstream news tell you

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Contagion! The BBC Four Pandemic. The volunteers?



Open the link and read what Porton Down did to 'volunteers' who thought they were getting a dose of flu???


---------- Post added 22-03-2018 at 21:52 ----------


anybody would think its thinking for yourself





but its not is it? its being told what to think by conspiracy theorists, theres no thinking involved, you want to believe anything "they" tell you to, so in that respect its EXACTLY the same as believing what the mainstream news tell you


Dear Mel, I appreciate what you are saying but know one thing, I would rather believe ANYONE rather than the majority of Politicians. Especially when the information I give you has been cross researched, and I do give you the links. That you can't be bothered to read or research for yourself is very sad to me, for you are doing your children and Grandchildren a massive disservice by accepting the daily brainwashing and leading them straight into the Military Industrial Complex's Jaws of death.

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Contagion! The BBC Four Pandemic. The volunteers?



Open the link and read what Porton Down did to 'volunteers' who thought they were getting a dose of flu???


---------- Post added 22-03-2018 at 21:52 ----------



Dear Mel, I appreciate what you are saying but know one thing, I would rather believe ANYONE rather than the majority of Politicians. Especially when the information I give you has been cross researched, and I do give you the links. That you can't be bothered to read or research for yourself is very sad to me, for you are doing your children and Grandchildren a massive disservice by accepting the daily brainwashing and leading them straight into the Military Industrial Complex's Jaws of death.


ok wheres the link in this one?

admittedly i only glanced through it cos its complete and utter bobbins but i saw no link to where it came from

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@ Mel.



''its not is it? its being told what to think by conspiracy theorists, theres no thinking involved, you want to believe anything "they" tell you to, so in that respect its EXACTLY the same as believing what the mainstream news tell you ''


I do not see Banjo believing Conspiracy Theorists. I see her/him as having the capacity to think critically and retain the information they have gathered over the past 12 years, then see that the same script is used time after time, sometimes they don't even change a scene? And it is plain as the nose on your face that we are being played by the Government. Unless of course you are wearing blinkers and are deaf.

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