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Serious incident in Barnsley town centre 08/09/2018 - Woman charged.

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Yeah right, hypocritical left wing cranks never jump to conclusions do they :suspect: Your stat quotations are irrelevant, people, just like the media, will always jump to conclusions, if someone drives a vehicle at people or attacks random strangers in the street with knives or machetes, these days it will naturally be considered to be a possible terrorist incident first and foremost, and the police initially treating incidents as such vouch for that.

Do you remember the Polish guy who was attacked and died just after the Brexit vote and all the jumping to conclusions then, both in the media and on here …. turned out to be nonsense, but leftist nonsense of course !

AND there is people out there that have an issue with people of colour, certain religions, foriegners and will use this to push their agenda, which of course is wrong.

Crime is crime, to me it doesnt matter what sex, colour, religion, sexual persuasion is if they murder they are a murderer, it doesnt make the crime any lesser or worse.

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Why not report it verbatim and then add the translation in parsenthesis?


Not doing so and having witnesses publicly declare that what is being reported isn't accurate not only leads to distrust of the media and makes it look like they're trying to control how the the incident looks, as if there is an agenda to hide the truth.


There is no agenda to hide the truth but the right wingers are pushing their own agenda to garner support for their own gain...

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Lesser new word if ever I heard one !

shows your intelligence level then, if thats all youve got to reply to :roll:


its also in the dictionary





not so great or important as the other or the rest.

"he was convicted of a lesser assault charge"

synonyms: less important, minor, secondary, subsidiary, marginal, ancillary, auxiliary, supplementary, supplemental, peripheral; More

lower in rank or quality.

"you're looking down your nose at us lesser mortals"

synonyms: subordinate, minor, inferior, second-class, subservient, lowly, humble, servile, menial, mean; junior

"you look down your nose at us lesser mortals"

used in names of animals and plants which are smaller than similar kinds, e.g. lesser spotted woodpecker, lesser celandine.


in other words you have precisely NOTHING in reply to my post ;)

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Chief Superintendent Scott Green, district commander for Barnsley said: “There remains a lot of speculation and rumour on social media, much of which is inaccurate and is creating a lot of fear and distress locally.


“While it would be inappropriate to provide specific information about ongoing legal proceedings, what I can clarify is that at this stage, there is absolutely no information whatsoever to suggest that this was a group attack


South Yorkshire Police official statement.

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South Yorkshire Police official statement.


Well that settles it. If SYP say thats the score then SYP must be telling the truth because as everyone knows, SYP always tell the truth.


---------- Post added 09-09-2018 at 20:52 ----------


ok thank you


You're most welcome.

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Well that settles it. If SYP say thats the score then SYP must be telling the truth because as everyone knows, SYP always tell the truth.

and racists always tell the truth :roll:


come on then, spill the beans,

what is your view of it?

what did your niece see / hear?

how does it differ from the official view?

why is the official view of it wrong?

did a guy follow her to get her to drop the knife?

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