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Bent's Green Open Air School

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Can anyone give me information on Bents Green Open Air School, what it was for, who had to go there,and are there any sources of records for the twenties and early thirties?, I am doing a family history project and learned my Mother-in-Law went there

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BGS was an open -air school, that worked on the theory that


" being out in the country (which it definitely was 40/50-odd yrs ago) children who were "delicate" - eg had asthma or similar conditions - would benefit from the fresh, good air."


from the 1960's it was geared more to children who had physical or learning disabilities (My own sister went there, and came on in leaps and bounds!)


It had a residential unit, too:- my sister was always pleading with our parents, to be permitted to be a boarder!!!


edit to add, there are lots of threads on here about BGS, with lots of info...- use the search facility, on the left of the screen



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  • 2 years later...

Hi I have already done a posting about this horrible place. I went in the 1948 to 1952. I was 7 and it was like a horrid prison. Pm me for more lurid details. I went initially as I was under weight because I was ill with bronchial asthma and they thought it would be a good idea for me to have a lot of fresh air and build me up WRONG !!!! I gained 3lbs in 2 and a half years and was very ill practically the whole time I was there gasping for breath etc., I have later in life found out that mostly the cause of the asthma attacks could have been allergy based. ie pollen So where did they put me in the middle of a big area covered in trees and fields. But we progreess in our diagnosis as the years go by

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  • 6 months later...
  • 8 months later...

I was a boarder from aprox 1948 to 1950 and it was hell and degading most of the time.There was a lovely old lady called miss Bookham or Bucham she used to visit us one night a week and take us for a walk on sundays and to church . There were only girl boarders .After school one nurse looked after us,she was unkind ,every night we had a shower,all together except the older ones,in a concrete room,the water would be turned on to cold .Often ,when a girl could,nt finish her meal she was made to force it down and if it made her sick made to eat that too .I can only remember two names at the moment Sheila G and Joan Th hope it helps !!!!Pat S.

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I was a boarder from aprox 1948 to 1950 and it was hell and degading most of the time.There was a lovely old lady called miss Bookham or Bucham she used to visit us one night a week and take us for a walk on sundays and to church . There were only girl boarders .After school one nurse looked after us,she was unkind ,every night we had a shower,all together except the older ones,in a concrete room,the water would be turned on to cold .Often ,when a girl could,nt finish her meal she was made to force it down and if it made her sick made to eat that too .I can only remember two names at the moment Sheila G and Joan Th hope it helps !!!!Pat S.


That sounds dreadful, Pat. what a horrible experience.


Someone else had commented on being treated shockingly badly, whilst they were a boarder at Bents Green School. (so, you are not alone in having been through that experience)


My sister went there in the 1970s, and no-one had a bad word to say about the school. The headmaster must have installed a different regime, by that time.


I don't know when Mr Bailey took over as headmaster there, (late 1960's?) but when my sister was there, she absolutely begged to be allowed to be a boarder.


Mr Bailey was such a lovely, massive, bear of a man, the children all used to get hugs and cuddles off him. They'd stop off at his office in the morning on their way to class, and have a hug, and an encouraging word from him. (My God! What would the PC brigade think of that? A teacher hugging a pupil!)


I can't begin to say what a fantastic and positive impact that school had on my sister. She progressed wonderfully with the encouragement of the teachers there. the little girl who the docs said would never make anything, is married (22 years) and now has three beautiful kids of her own, and they own their own home. not bad for a "write-off, eh? :D :D :D I'm so proud of that lass.

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