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New Retail Quarter in the City Centre


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Exactly - the fact that this scheme is suddenly coming to a halt shows it was being driven purely as a commercial land development and not as the revival of the city centre that was needed. These massive schemes don't relate to individuals or small businesses, only big corporations and chain stores.


How do you revive the City Centre without it being commercially viable? Small businesses need a "magnet" of some of the big stores to thrive.

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I'm mildly amused at how so many of the posters seem to be saying that just because Cambridge street and the immediate area has some empty shop units that the entire look of the city centre is one of dereliction.

The site at the bottom of the Moor where a new new covered market is going to be built still has signs of activity and I've not seen any plans for the rest of the Moor so I'm not sure what is planned for there.

The Sevenstone development may well go on hold as far as the actual building work is concerned but the plans are still being tweaked so the situaution isn't completely non moving.

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Not 'Poor Sheffield' at all:


Another POSITIVE update on this (thanks Adamblade from Skyscrapercity) ....


From the Sheffield Star:


PREPARATION works for the development of Sheffield's Sevenstone new retail quarter will continue – despite reports its construction is being delayed until the economy recovers.

Urban development company Creative Sheffield, which is working with the council and private firms to revitalise the city, made the pledge – after yesterday reporting "the main construction project" was being delayed indefinitely due to the credit crunch.


Sevenstone's developer Hammerson has previously announced it is not building any of its planned schemes around the UK during 2009.


Sheffield Council leader Paul Scriven said he understands the firm is reviewing the future of all its schemes due to the recession. Creative Sheffield said preparatory works for the new retail quarter remain ongoing on a "day-to-day basis".


Andy Topley, its director of regeneration, said: "We are not just going to sit back and wait for the economy to be officially in recovery before we push ahead – we need to be better-prepared than that. Sevenstone is too important to the city and the region to do that.


"Which is why we have such a lot of preparatory work ongoing at the moment, including planning applications and utilities work, which has only just been completed.


"We remain optimistic that the larger elements of the project will start in 2010 and there is nothing in the agreement between all parties that indicates this may not be the case.


"We, as a city, have to be ready for the major works to commence next year so nothing is on hold and all the work we carry out this year is designed to get us ready for major works next year.


"We are committed to bringing the project forward as soon as we possibly can."


Sheffield Council leader Paul Scriven said: "Sheffield, like all cities, is going to be affected by the economic downturn but work is clearly going ahead towards Sevenstone.


"Hammersons have made it clear they are reviewing all their schemes but we are working with them to get this built as soon as possible."


Yesterday, Creative Sheffield's spokesman said: "Plans are now being put in place to enable the main Sevenstone construction period to kick in immediately the economy recovers."


Hammerson has refused to comment on the up-to-date position of Sevenstone's construction because it is preparing its annual financial reports for the City

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Good idea burdsandbees, FREE PARKING in town.......


Not sure the council will go for that, people might start coming back into town!, just think of the traffic and I'm sure the new mega expensive Cheese grater and Turd car parks would go mad!


So go on SCC, surprise us


From the Star


Free Sheffield city centre parking plan to boost city trading


Published Date: 27 January 2009


FREE city centre parking could be revived in Sheffield in a bid to get shoppers spending again.

Council chiefs seriously worried about the effect the recession will have on Sheffield's high street stores are considering offering free parking at certain times and days for a limited period.


Key sites such as the pay-and-display spaces on Carver Street and Devonshire Green could be among those included.


Shop managers will meet councillors in early February to discuss the best time to implement any free parking, and one idea is to offer it on Wednesday evenings.


Coun Ian Auckland, cabinet member for transport, said: "We are planning to try to bring a small-scale free parking initiative to the city centre to try to boost trade.


"This will be a temporary promotion and it is imperative any promotion is brought in for the benefit of city centre businesses, and not just something we impose on them.


"With this in mind we intend to ask traders what would be best for them. We will be meeting city centre traders early next month to discuss the potential options before a decision can be made by retailers.


"During this time of economic downturn we must ensure we support local business and our city centre as much as possible. I hope this demonstrates that we are working together to ensure we support the local economy during the credit crunch."


The idea was warmly welcomed by the Sheffield Chamber of Commerce.


Helen Rana, policy and representation manager, said: "This is an excellent initiative. We are very pleased to support anything that will help retailers in the city centre at this time and it's good the council is coming up with imaginative schemes such as this."


Mark Lewis, the manager of John Lewis department store in Barker's Pool and chairman of the city business group, also welcomed the proposal.


He said: "I understand this would be for a promotional period and it's fantastic they are going to engage with retailers.


"I am delighted the council is looking at ways to support traders and retail in the city as we all work hard to encourage customers into our shops."


Last year both Labour and the Green Party asked the council to look into providing free public transport to encourage shoppers, but the cost proved too high. Instead, the ruling Lib Dems plan to use cash saved from VAT cuts on the price of parking - around £29,000 - on paying for the promotional scheme.


In Doncaster there are similar calls to slash parking charges in the town centre to help retailers. Councillors say the cost of parking - £1.20 an hour - is "killing the town centre".


The council decided against lowering charges last month and decided to donate the cash saved from the VAT reduction to Bluebell Wood children's hospice, near Dinnington, instead.



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Not 'Poor Sheffield' at all:



PREPARATION works for the development of Sheffield's Sevenstone new retail quarter will continue – despite reports its construction is being delayed until the economy recovers.

Urban development company Creative Sheffield, which is working with the council and private firms to revitalise the city, made the pledge – after yesterday reporting "the main construction project" was being delayed indefinitely due to the credit crunch.


Sevenstone's developer Hammerson has previously announced it is not building any of its planned schemes around the UK during 2009.


Sheffield Council leader Paul Scriven said he understands the firm is reviewing the future of all its schemes due to the recession. Creative Sheffield said preparatory works for the new retail quarter remain ongoing on a "day-to-day basis".


Andy Topley, its director of regeneration, said: "We are not just going to sit back and wait for the economy to be officially in recovery before we push ahead – we need to be better-prepared than that. Sevenstone is too important to the city and the region to do that.


"Which is why we have such a lot of preparatory work ongoing at the moment, including planning applications and utilities work, which has only just been completed.


"We remain optimistic that the larger elements of the project will start in 2010 and there is nothing in the agreement between all parties that indicates this may not be the case.


"We, as a city, have to be ready for the major works to commence next year so nothing is on hold and all the work we carry out this year is designed to get us ready for major works next year.


"We are committed to bringing the project forward as soon as we possibly can."


Sheffield Council leader Paul Scriven said: "Sheffield, like all cities, is going to be affected by the economic downturn but work is clearly going ahead towards Sevenstone.


"Hammersons have made it clear they are reviewing all their schemes but we are working with them to get this built as soon as possible."


Yesterday, Creative Sheffield's spokesman said: "Plans are now being put in place to enable the main Sevenstone construction period to kick in immediately the economy recovers."


Hammerson has refused to comment on the up-to-date position of Sevenstone's construction because it is preparing its annual financial reports for the City


I am sorry but for a press release this is very weak. Factually it is incorrect. According to sevenstones own website the Utilities work finished early in 2008. Creative Sheffield seem to thinks this is recent!


What exactly do they mean by "larger elements of the project"? The new fire station... which is being paid for by Government Money and has nothing to do with Hammersons?


Why only may not be the case? Don't they know exactly what is in the current agreement.


Finally, why on Tuesday does Andy Topley say that the scheme has been delayed indefinitely, then correct himself on Thursday when he has egg on his face?


There are too many inconsistencies here. Either Creative Sheffield do not have a clue about what's going on or they are so inept as to be unable to deal with even basic PR or there is more to this. Not particularly hopeful for Sheffield is it?

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Exactly - the fact that this scheme is suddenly coming to a halt shows it was being driven purely as a commercial land development and not as the revival of the city centre that was needed. These massive schemes don't relate to individuals or small businesses, only big corporations and chain stores.


One disturbing element to these types of development can be the effect on rights of way. In some cases, local councils have sold not just the buildings but the roads and pavements to the developers, which means that city streets become private property. This can mean that people who are, for example, campaigning on something and asking people to sign a petition can be moved on by private security guards if it is felt that they are going against the commercial interests of the property company. Sinister.


Does anyone know whether the Sevenstone development affects rights of way in the proposed NRQ?

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  • 4 years later...
Hi guys,


I am just wondering what effect you think the New Retail Quarter will have on Sheffield's economy? Do we have enough potential to compete with cities such as Manchester, Leeds and Nottingham? Will the increased supply meet demand?


I'm really interested in your views/forecasts.




where is this mythical New Retail Quarter ? is it in sheffield?

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