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Holocaust Memorial Day today 27th Jan

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No it doesn't, not any more - I have a large group of 16-18 year olds in my training project, and they had no idea about the holocaust until today... I was amazed, but then I am constantly amazed at what the kids I help with don't know about the world...


Don't they teach that stuff standardly in History lessons? They did when I was at school.

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Excellent point. The notorious French Resistance made a hell of a contribution to the allies.


And please let's not have anyone coming along and arguing that they were terrorists.


Save it for another thread, not this one. :(


John X

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So why would you feel the need to educate all our children about it and mark the event yearly ? the subject gets covered in history without us having to dwell on it.

We mark the anniversaries of the war already and show respect for the dead, our own dead in WW1 out numbers this event in history alone so why do you feel the need to honour another nations dead ?

I think if anything this country has more obligation to honour the dead of the 2 atomic weapons that we helped create and were dropped on the Japanese than this even which we had not hand in apart from liberating them. Unless you feel we need to pat ourselves on the back every year for winning the war and closing the camps ?


If you are suggesting British dead in WW1 was in excess of 6 million you are spectacularly wrong.


The figure was 808,371.


Read up on your history old chap before using our war dead as a support for your anti semitic drivel.

Edited by Zaytsev
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The trouble with much of the stuff around Holocaust Memorial Day is that it focusses far too much upon one specific incidence of mass killing and even worse one specific subset of the victims of that one genocide.


The article linked to in the OP is just typical of this the only victims of the Nazis mentioned are Jewish it's as if all the Gypsies, homosexuals, Socialists who were also slaughtered by the Nazis never existed.


Aside from ignoring many of the victims this undue focus upon the Nazi-holocaust creates a misleading image of human history as if mass killing was exceptional when sadly it wasn't. Hitler himself is reputed to have said 'who remembers the Armenians' and unfortunately hardly anyone at such events does, nor the Chechens, Kurds, Ukranians, Tutsis...

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Excellent point. The notorious French Resistance made a hell of a contribution to the allies.

No they didn't the main thing they made a contribution to is post war French self esteem.


The Greek and Yugoslav resistances for example made major contributions and diverted significant Nazi resources and did far, far more than the French.

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No they didn't the main thing they made a contribution to is post war French self esteem.


The Greek and Yugoslav resistances for example made major contributions and diverted significant Nazi resources and did far, far more than the French.

plek...please dont go into that ,the french lost a lot of good people who fought for freedom against the germans,the underground that is ,im not talking about degaulle who seemed to spend most of the war in gentlemens clubs in london ,the true freedom fighters need remembering with honour



Edited by depoix
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The trouble with much of the stuff around Holocaust Memorial Day is that it focusses far too much upon one specific incidence of mass killing and even worse one specific subset of the victims of that one genocide.


The article linked to in the OP is just typical of this the only victims of the Nazis mentioned are Jewish it's as if all the Gypsies, homosexuals, Socialists who were also slaughtered by the Nazis never existed.


Aside from ignoring many of the victims this undue focus upon the Nazi-holocaust creates a misleading image of human history as if mass killing was exceptional when sadly it wasn't. Hitler himself is reputed to have said 'who remembers the Armenians' and unfortunately hardly anyone at such events does, nor the Chechens, Kurds, Ukranians, Tutsis...


Was about to make reference to the Armenian holocaust, but you pretty much summed up my sentiments regarding the pandering to specific victims of genocide.

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I was at Auschwitz last June. It was odd to see schoolkids walking round munching sandwiches (seriously!).


The Commandant of Auschwitz, Rudolf hoess, loved the posting, and so did his wife who moved their family to a large house nearby. Mrs Hoess received a clothing allowance from the reich, but saved them for dresses and used the underwear of murdered prisoners on her own children. None of it makes any sense, but that story freaked me out.


Yes, this should be taught, it may seem remote and difficult to grasp for children, but they should see what we humans are capable of.

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If you are suggesting British dead in WW1 was in excess of 6 million you are spectacularly wrong.


The figure was 808,371.


Read up on your history old chap before using our war dead as a support for your anti semitic drivel.

Do you think the native american Indians deserve a day of remembrance ? as we were responsible for killing up to 12 million of them.


The only drivel on here is that we should start to make this terrible tragedy in human history into something that has a higher status than any other terrible event in history just because they were Jewish. If any of you had any concerns about learning from the past then theres all sorts of things that would need a day of remembrance and moments silence in our schools and they would not get anything done.

Were the Jews more important than the Irish in the potato famin and how this country treated them ? I think not.

Nazism is a not a very nice ideology but theres others equally not nice, how would you go on about communism ect ? even capitalism does some really nasty things, taking land destroying peoples habitat, where would it end ? what gives you people the right to think that history only has one bad chapter and this is it ?


So you want to put the 'anti semitic' label out because I don't rise to your cause ? your pathetic. :hihi:

What have I said that is anti semitic other than I don't want my kids to wallow on this like the kids are forced to do in Israel ?


Its part of history and should be taught as that in the curriculum but to suggest that we should start mourning them 60 years on is daft when people are killed on mass all the time and it gets glossed over depending on which side of the fence your on.

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