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Holocaust Memorial Day today 27th Jan

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I was at Auschwitz last June. It was odd to see schoolkids walking round munching sandwiches (seriously!).


The Commandant of Auschwitz, Rudolf hoess, loved the posting, and so did his wife who moved their family to a large house nearby. Mrs Hoess received a clothing allowance from the reich, but saved them for dresses and used the underwear of murdered prisoners on her own children. None of it makes any sense, but that story freaked me out.


Yes, this should be taught, it may seem remote and difficult to grasp for children, but they should see what we humans are capable of.

here are numerous stories like this my step father was with the first british troops to enter one of these camps ,he told me that one commandants wife had lamp shades and purses made out of the tattooed skin of prisoners and that even soap was made from rendered down fat from the dead


i have often wonderd if there was any truth behind the stories or were they just added to increase the hate of the enemy by our psychological warfare group

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The population of North America prior to the first sustained European contact in 1492 CE is a matter of active debate. Various estimates of the pre-contact Native population of the continental U.S. and Canada range from 1.8 to over 12 million. 4 Over the next four centuries, their numbers were reduced to about 237,000 as Natives were almost wiped out. Author Carmen Bernand estimates that the Native population of what is now Mexico was reduced from 30 million to only 3 million over four decades. 13 Peter Montague estimates that Europeans once ruled over 100 million Natives throughout the Americas.


If we are serious about learning from the past and not letting things happen again in the future we should be mourning the North American Indians.

Alas if this was taught in schools we would all be condemning Israel now for doing to the Palestinians what we did in North america.


And that to anyone who comes out with the tripe about 'anti Semitic' is condemnation of the state and Government of Israel and not the faith.

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here are numerous stories like this my step father was with the first british troops to enter one of these camps ,he told me that one commandants wife had lamp shades and purses made out of the tattooed skin of prisoners and that even soap was made from rendered down fat from the dead


i have often wonderd if there was any truth behind the stories or were they just added to increase the hate of the enemy by our psychological warfare group

No that is factually correct, we learnt about it in history at school, where we also learnt about the other deaths of the Gypsies, homosexuals, Socialists.


Al tho we were not forced into any degree of remorse, minutes silence or have a national holiday about it. I guess they just thought showing us the fact was enough back then

Edited by hard2miss
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plek...please dont go into that ,the french lost a lot of good people who fought for freedom against the germans,the underground that is ,im not talking about degaulle who seemed to spend most of the war in gentlemens clubs in london ,the true freedom fighters need remembering with honour



It in no way dishonours the brave few French who actively resisted the Nazis that to point out that they did not make "a hell of a contribution to the allies".


They were truly brave man and women who did what they could to fight the Nazis and frequently died for doing so but that doesn't mean we have to pretend they achieved more than they did.


Your bringing De Gaul into this is a complete red herring and you know it as I never claimed he did more than the resistance or even anything at all as I made not mention of him whatsoever.

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by Barbara Sonek


We played, we laughed

we were loved.

We were ripped from the arms of our

parents and thrown into the fire.

We were nothing more than children.

We had a future. We were going to be lawyers, rabbis, wives, teachers, mothers. We had dreams, then we had no hope. We were taken away in the dead of night like cattle in cars, no air to breathe smothering, crying, starving, dying. Separated from the world to be no more. From the ashes, hear our plea. This atrocity to mankind can not happen again. Remember us, for we were the children whose dreams and lives were stolen away.

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Had no idea it was Holocaust Memorial Day today until I read this on the Star website.



Should today be a day that's taught in schools and ingrained in the national psyci just as 11th November is, perhaps with a minutes silence at midday or something :|



I don't claim to be an historian, but I don't need to be to answer this. Forget nations and politics, this is about redemption. The holocaust to me is undoughtedly the most disturbing and horrifyingly significant piece of history that will forever haunt and tarnish the legacy of mankind.


Without doubt, I say that every person, every nation"The world" should unite once a year to remember it, sending a clear message out to all those intent on recreating such events that we still remember, and encourage our future generations to never forget.


But as I say, thats in a world without political agendas.......:shakes:


Would be nice though.:)

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It in no way dishonours the brave few French who actively resisted the Nazis that to point out that they did not make "a hell of a contribution to the allies".


They were truly brave man and women who did what they could to fight the Nazis and frequently died for doing so but that doesn't mean we have to pretend they achieved more than they did.


Your bringing De Gaul into this is a complete red herring and you know it as I never claimed he did more than the resistance or even anything at all as I made not mention of him whatsoever.

i never said you did,.... get your facts right

i brought degaulle into it to show that there were frenchmen that actually fought the germans unlike him ,a point i'm sure you will no doubt argue against

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American indigenous peoples - 8 million to as many as 112 million.

Jews, Homosexuals, Gypsis, Socialists - 6 million +

Rwanda -between 500,000 and 1,000,000, or as much as 20% of the total population of the country.

Armenia - 500,000 died.

Bosnia - between 200,000 and 400,000 people died, 20,000-50,000 Bosnian Muslim women raped.

Darfur - estimating that the true death toll could be four or five times higher than the 70,000 official figurers.



Indeed the world is a sad place at times. We should teach every act of genocide in schools if you wanted to learn them anything from history, without getting hung up on one.


I think the fear of the BNP have got the better of some people.

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It wasn't at Auschwitz, but a beautiful jewish dancer was herded towards the gas chambers. An SS officer noticed her, and asked to her do a dance. She twirled near the officer, drew his pistol and shot him dead.


And then she was shot dead by another nazi officer.

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