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Women who wear burkhas in public in France will be fined

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Two men who disguised themselves in clothing traditionally worn by Muslim women and robbed security guards carrying cash to and from banks were jailed for a total of more than seven years yesterday.

They were also caught and convicted, a fact you overlook, so concealing their identity didnt fulfil their objective of avoiding apprehension.


They could quite easily have been wearing false wigs and rubber noses, remember the £40 million jewellery robbery at Graff's last year?




The assailants also disguised their appearance, it's something criminals do, but blaming the burka is shortsighted at best since the criminals are not obliged to wear one.

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Maybe hoodies will start wearing them and criminals to take the coppers of the scent.

Absolute joke, my nanan and grandad and theres will be turning in there grave saying "what was the point" !!!!


And maybe pigs'll fly out of my ar*e.

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I'm staggered that you say this - is this supposed to be a serious reason for banning? The UK isn't monocultural even among so - called 'indigenous' Brits. Why would you seek to make it so?


..and its also a red herring, Halibut (if you can pardon the pun), since the reasons for a woman wearing it aren't relevant as the detractors well know.


If women wear one for cultural reasons-that's their business.


If they wear one because it keeps their head warm-it's their business


If they wear one because they're having a bad hair day-it's their business.


I wonder what the pro ban brigade would say if non Muslim, Western women decided to wear the burka because Vivienne Westwood made it fashionable??

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I remember the last time this discussion arouse someone brought up the issue of Seeks and their turbans' back when the wearing of a motorcycle helmet was to become compulsory.


Because that's an issue of personal safety, ride a motorbike without a helmet and if you come off it you're likely to end up like Humpty Dumpty.


I don't think any burka wearers have ever been convicted of riding a motorbike without wearing a helmet.

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burkhas are nasty, they segrigate people from the basic human expression......THE FACIAL EXPRESSIONS.


The people wearing them {imo} deliberatly isolate themselves from society. They make themselves unapproachable and a target for someone to stare at.


It is not essential to life or religion to wear a sheet with slits in, its must obstruct view when driving and how many people have committed crimes and used them as an aide.


you only have to look in asda on a regular basis to see them using them as an aide to shop lifting {yes i have seen them do this the same as i have seen them take lid off a jar of something, dip there finger in and then put the lid back on the shelf and yes i have reported it}



if i walked down the street in a black sheet i woujld expect people to stare at me.

this is not about race, gender, sexuality etc. it is about fitting into the society of the society you chose to live in.

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burkhas are nasty, they segrigate people from the basic human expression......THE FACIAL EXPRESSIONS.
So what, nobody is required to engage with you anymore than they are with me, it's freedom of choice.

The people wearing them {imo} deliberatly isolate themselves from society. They make themselves unapproachable and a target for someone to stare at.

I think making themselves an object to stare at is a matter for them, not the interferers.

and how many people have committed crimes and used them as an aide.

Not many, I'm sure the Daily Mail would be heaving with lurid accounts of those crimes.

you only have to look in asda on a regular basis to see them using them as an aide to shop lifting

You must spend a lot of time spying on them, dont get caught, people might think you're a pervert. Ps-oh and I hope you're not a security guard in Asda, you'll be missing all the people wearing coats concealing their booty beneath them.

{yes i have seen them do this the same as i have seen them take lid off a jar of something, dip there finger in and then put the lid back on the shelf and yes i have reported it}

Hahaha, I saw an old lady squat in the aisle and have a poo in a Pot Noodle once ;)


if i walked down the street in a black sheet i woujld expect people to stare at me.

this is not about race, gender, sexuality etc. it is about fitting into the society of the society you chose to live in.

The society we choose to live in doesnt prescribe a mode of dress, provided you keep your knackers covered up, havent you noticed?


Saturday afternoon streets are taken over by rotund men, wearing quick dry nylon shirts in garish colours. Meadowhall is full of teenage girls wearing hardly any clothes at all, you even bump into the odd bloke wearing an itchy skirt called a kilt, and dont get me started on those heathen youths who wear heavy black make up, black clothes and numerous visible body piercings..how dare they, it's so un British!! :rant:

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i remember working in leeds on a building in the town centre turning it into a wine bar anyway we were working nights in the cellar with a roof height of 11 foot gunning the floor out not many blokes on the job when the gaffer comes and tells my mate to put his hard hat on .we were discussing that nothing was going to fall on us because there was a ceiling above us and nothing else when he said put it on or get off the job .we reluctanty agreed then my mate saw a turban wearing sikh on the job with guess what no helmet on so my mate pulled the gaffer who accused him of being a racist and mate replied if its good for us its good for him . the gaffer went on to tell us its about his religion and he dont have to wear one :huh:so my mate said so his religion allows him to wear leather trainers while we have safety boots on :loopy:

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burkhas are nasty, they segrigate people from the basic human expression......THE FACIAL EXPRESSIONS.


The people wearing them {imo} deliberatly isolate themselves from society. They make themselves unapproachable and a target for someone to stare at.


It is not essential to life or religion to wear a sheet with slits in, its must obstruct view when driving and how many people have committed crimes and used them as an aide.


you only have to look in asda on a regular basis to see them using them as an aide to shop lifting {yes i have seen them do this the same as i have seen them take lid off a jar of something, dip there finger in and then put the lid back on the shelf and yes i have reported it}



if i walked down the street in a black sheet i woujld expect people to stare at me.

this is not about race, gender, sexuality etc. it is about fitting into the society of the society you chose to live in.


I agree, actually, with a lot of things you say about the Burqa. Not sure about the dipping fingers in jars thing that sounds a bit odd.


That said, I disagree with a LOT of things I see in Asda nowadays. Last time I went, a five/six year old kid told me to f off. People so obese its disgusting. Really, really, REALLY bad parking.


The question is though how do you decide just because you dont like something its a good idea to make it illegal?


How much police time would you be happy spent finding and prosecuting people wearing the burqa?

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i think thats answered tabs question:hihi:


erm, but it's an old piece, ricgem...


The trial, as reported, was February 10 2007, (three years ago) and the incident took place the preceding April (2006) which makes the story a little bit, erm... elderly to say the least.

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