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3D Printing: The Future Is Now

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For those who are into future technologies then what this in the link below, it is phenomenal and should it enter the commercial mainstream, it will revolutionise manufacturing and the way we live our lives forever, gone will be the days of importing/exporting manufacturing, no need to have things made abroad and sold in another country, no need to have mundane production lines with people in dead end jobs, no need to have shipping of products causing massive waste of resources and pollution, no need to wait months for products to be made and employ massive and expensive work forces and having products made with product obsolescence in mind, this will make all that a thing of the past. I have known about this for years and so glad it got some air time on a mainstream news channel.




What makes this thing revolutionary, is that you can send designs anywhere around the world through the internet, then they can input them into their devices, making custom modifications along the way and producing everything from scratch locally, you see, machines, technologies, even building can be made with 3D printers, build entire walls and structures from one custom specification and doing away with multiple materials equalling multiple waist, the options are endless.

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It's a fascinating subject though very costly in terms of materials and so on, something I'm definitely following myself.


Is anyone familiar with the reprap project, well worth a google if anyone is interested.


I'd love to build my own 3d printer (Prusa_Mendel) but without owning a machine it seems very expensive to purchase the parts.

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I am familiar with REPRAP, I can imagine the corporate corrupters will want to rape the hell out of it, but if they could manage to back off and let this thing fly than the possibilities are endless, I can also see the corporate corrupters will see it as a threat especially with their enforcements of planned obsolescence.


On the other hand, I can see prices for these will get even cheaper, and seeing as their inerrant design can produce faultless one piece products, then there may be more call for reliable products, let us hope this is the start of something revolutionary.


We could even have these capsules in our own homes, imaging someone sending you the designs for anything you like, you download them into your machine then moments later, you are making your very own product, only thing you will need to buy is the materials for printing, just like buying printer cartridges and paper for a stand alone printer.

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Where i work, we have a 3D printer.


It is still limited, and the printing of objects takes about 8 hours at a time. The material is still very expensive, never mind the equipment and software.So mass production, where the money is, would be a bad business idea.


Why would you have one in your home?, the novelty of recreating household objects would soon wear thin.

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I am familiar with REPRAP, I can imagine the corporate corrupters will want to rape the hell out of it, but if they could manage to back off and let this thing fly than the possibilities are endless, I can also see the corporate corrupters will see it as a threat especially with their enforcements of planned obsolescence.


Good man, I was going to say this myself. I saw this on Sky News today also, and felt it was shocking bad journalism to fail to raise awareness of the DIY 3d printing options also.


We have Reprap, Makerbot, and B9Creator (that looks awesome! Now we're talking, 0.1mm layer resolution) to name but three. All available to the home purchaser for between £800-£3000.


Commercial/industrial class 3d printers are NOT NEW! They're just ridiculously expensive. Seriously unimpresed with Sky's reporting on this.

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Where i work, we have a 3D printer.


It is still limited, and the printing of objects takes about 8 hours at a time. The material is still very expensive, never mind the equipment and software.So mass production, where the money is, would be a bad business idea.


Why would you have one in your home?, the novelty of recreating household objects would soon wear thin.


Really? So making your own mobile phone or computer custom made to your specification, no need to go to a shop or deal with people abroad, you can see how this sort of thing WILL BE revolutionary.


There could even be like a printing station in every town, which prints large scale objects like cars and white goods like washing machines and dishwashers, this is also possible with 3D printing, as is having a self generating printer which can print off its own parts, meaning you can effectively eliminate repair costs and build another 3D printer yourself.

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Good man, I was going to say this myself. I saw this on Sky News today also, and felt it was shocking bad journalism to fail to raise awareness of the DIY 3d printing options also.


We have Reprap, Makerbot, and B9Creator (that looks awesome! Now we're talking, 0.1mm layer resolution) to name but three. All available to the home purchaser for between £800-£3000.


Commercial/industrial class 3d printers are NOT NEW! They're just ridiculously expensive. Seriously unimpresed with Sky's reporting on this.


That would also eliminate capitalism to a certain extent, I mean, why spend money in shops that will eventually go to the banks, when you can make your own products at home, these things will never be aired on the news because of their own corrupt structures.

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Yes they would have, I also think that shows like The Gadget Show on 5 should be covering more stuff like this, rather than the useless tat they go on about which have no social/economical/environmental contributions what so ever.

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Is it just a coincidence there's a disproportionate amount of contributors who have an interest in 3d technology on this forum that have 'Jay' in their name:hihi:


jaycee331, how does the reprap fair in comparison to the commercially available home setups?


......or is that a how long is a piece of string type question?

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