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Sheffield's Gay Zone


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as you may be aware the old planet night club is reopening as 'f.a.b' and id like to wish the new owners all the success in the world.


im planning personally to reopen one of the other venues in the immediate vacinity, which will hopefully go on to act as a pre-bar for 'f.a.b' just as it did in earlier years.


sheffield and its gay scene is going to take off, soon, and i for one cannot wait.

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I don't really know where the idea of Gay Clubs and Pubs having to be in the city centre comes from. You are far more at risk of being beaten up in the city centre than you are in any other location, I say that from an ex coppers point of view. Furthermore the rents are much cheaper out there which means less need to force everyone through the door and better prices at the bar.


All that needs to happen now is for enough places to open in that area for a small village to form, the city centre circuit then becomes irrelevant.

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This is great news, I wish you well, and I am looking forward to Attercliffe area finally becoming "gay" again like it was in the 80`s.


If you do open up a pub the I can advertise it on a few sites I run. Signature is a clue. :)


Good luck. :)


Plus al this is within walking distance for me. :banana:

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80's? 90's surely? Mind you, I did wonder about my mate Oliver who let me stay over in his pink painted house on Burngreave after being in the Norfolk Arms on Savile Street (great pint of James Foreshaw's) in the little snug there. All because my ex had the face on because I'd gone out, and she told me to bugger off for the night.


He even had some Angelwitch on vinyl.


Plenty enough innuendos in there I feel.

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Well i think we are going backwards here. I really wouldn't want the gay scene of 1987 to get revived!


I think this is where generations clash. Older people living in the past ( down attercliffe) trying to relive the good times of the 80's etc but younger people want bars and clubs in the city centre. The simple fact is gays are changing now and have straight friends who are happy to go out with them so when in town go to mixture of str8 and gay bars. I know none of my friends would go into attercliffe for a drink so why should i?


I hear that to get in Planet you had to knock on the shutters. I just think it's degrading and shows the fact we are happy to be hid away again down attercliffe in a club that is closed off to anyone who doesn't know the special 'knock'. Hmmm


There's minimum details as yet so i'm trying to reserve my judgement but i'll defo give it ago one night.

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Well i think we are going backwards here. I really wouldn't want the gay scene of 1987 to get revived!


I think this is where generations clash. Older people living in the past ( down attercliffe) trying to relive the good times of the 80's etc but younger people want bars and clubs in the city centre. The simple fact is gays are changing now and have straight friends who are happy to go out with them so when in town go to mixture of str8 and gay bars. I know none of my friends would go into attercliffe for a drink so why should i?


I hear that to get in Planet you had to knock on the shutters. I just think it's degrading and shows the fact we are happy to be hid away again down attercliffe in a club that is closed off to anyone who doesn't know the special 'knock'. Hmmm


There's minimum details as yet so i'm trying to reserve my judgement but i'll defo give it ago one night.


hello, im still in my 20s (albeit late 20s) and believe me, you didnt have to knock on any shutters to get into the old Bar-Celona, Planet etc.



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Well i think we are going backwards here. I really wouldn't want the gay scene of 1987 to get revived!


I think this is where generations clash. Older people living in the past ( down attercliffe) trying to relive the good times of the 80's etc but younger people want bars and clubs in the city centre. The simple fact is gays are changing now and have straight friends who are happy to go out with them so when in town go to mixture of str8 and gay bars. I know none of my friends would go into attercliffe for a drink so why should i?


I hear that to get in Planet you had to knock on the shutters. I just think it's degrading and shows the fact we are happy to be hid away again down attercliffe in a club that is closed off to anyone who doesn't know the special 'knock'. Hmmm


There's minimum details as yet so i'm trying to reserve my judgement but i'll defo give it ago one night.


I was reminiscing about the 80's not wishing for their return. Haven't been to a 'gay' pub or club for about 20+ years and wouldn't want to either. I've plenty of friends gay and straight happy to socialise as human beings rather than some kind of minority group, I just don't understand the 'there's no where for us to go' battle cry.

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