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Is it time to ban alcohol?

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Given the plans to increase the age at which you can legally buy alcohol - its going to 21 in Scotland - is it maybe time to just bite the bullet and ban the stuff?


Lets look at the facts. A government study says its more dangerous than Ketamine, amphetamine, tobacco, cannabis, Ecstasy, solvents and a few other illegal drugs http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/5230006.stm. Its addictive, destructive, ruins lives, its easy to get, cheap, widespread, socially acceptable, it means city centres are a no go at night, it makes people aggressive, promiscuous, violent, uninhibited, it causes brain damage, kids are more likely to use it and are being hospitalised and in short passive drinking is a nightmare for all of us. Police time and hospital time on a weekend night is consumed with trying to control the people on this most dangerous of drugs and all we ever hear are bad stories about it.


So lets ban it.


The way forward is to cut this cancer out of our society. We will all benefit.


be aware that I have an ulterior motive for this thread

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we ought to ban the weak minded who can't handle it,iv'e been a drinker for over 40 years,no one has ever seen me drunk,when i think i have had enough i go home,the morons who get smashed on a regular basis ought to be the ones that get targeted, if found guilty of being drunk,then ban them from drinking for 12 months,with regular blood check ups to back it up,they will learn sense and still be able to go out with their mates,and see just how stupid they act when drunk

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