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Black Swan


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Anybody remember the late great Harry Bendon at the mucky duck the only comic who got paid 2 days before he performed,no wonder terry steeples,the pub manager ,never made it to milionaire status.Wet mondays was a great time for us building workers ,rained off and straight to the mucky duck for a session.

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Fat Terry and Harry who's claim to fame was the fact he passed wind down the Mike while it was down his trousers, it was a toss up which was the worst Harry's jokes or Terry's beer, they were both worth a laugh though. What was the name of the bar down stairs that you had to go outside to get into ? they made it into a barbers shop after a while.

ps Harry's jokes were less watered down than Terry's beer..lol.



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yeah me & my bricklayer brother went down to the MD on thursday payday,when we worked on the Roe Lane site Shirecliffe in the early 70s,we had some laughs.

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i am quite offended regarding the comment about terry steeples, my father. He was a very good landlord and made sam smith brewery more money than any of there landlords ever. If the beer was watered down why did you bother to go drinking there, as there were many other pubs in the area. and for the record he is not longer over weight.

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Originally posted by smiler4689

i am quite offended regarding the comment about terry steeples, my father. He was a very good landlord and made sam smith brewery more money than any of there landlords ever. If the beer was watered down why did you bother to go drinking there, as there were many other pubs in the area. and for the record he is not longer over weight.

Quite Right, Terry was a Gent he always was well mannered and polite and when my mates and I went in the Swan to watch some of the excellent bands that he booked..like The New Formula and O'haras Playboys, He always welcomed us...and when he got rid of his weight I was very impressed co's I know how hard that is to do.

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Originally posted by smiler4689

i am quite offended regarding the comment about terry steeples, my father.



Whoops! Gentlemen, gentlemen.. there you go! It just shows that you never know who is listening to your pub-talk!


There is a lesson for us all! I'm never going to mention members of Sheffield Council on this forum again.



... well until the next time ;)

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Originally posted by smiler4689

i am quite offended regarding the comment about terry steeples, my father. He was a very good landlord and made sam smith brewery more money than any of there landlords ever. If the beer was watered down why did you bother to go drinking there, as there were many other pubs in the area. and for the record he is not longer over weight.


Smiler I wasn't trying to offend you but that's just the way most of us said it, and he used to laugh about it too. As for the beer Sam Smiths was and still isn't my favourite beer I still think it's the poor relation in Tadcaster, and by the way your old man must be a good age now, how old is he ?


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Sorry Smiler, as a fan of Sam Smiths I have to say that the pint in the Swan was awful but then to be fair the ale was disgusting in most city centre pubs at that time(I once had to leave half a pint in the Stone House as it was completely undrinkable)

On the plus side I once saw Status Quo for 50p and it was a top notch venue for bands


Places like the Albert were rare exceptions when it came to decent beer.

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Originally posted by owdlad

Fat Terry and Harry who's claim to fame was the fact he passed wind down the Mike while it was down his trousers, it was a toss up which was the worst Harry's jokes or Terry's beer, they were both worth a laugh though. What was the name of the bar down stairs that you had to go outside to get into ? they made it into a barbers shop after a while.

ps Harry's jokes were less watered down than Terry's beer..lol.




It was called the Merrie England I also had a mispent youth was there every weekend,good fun though

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