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Blue ball Hillsborough. 2 am licence


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the ball in hillsborough has put an offer for a 2 am licence! what do people think of that?


we live very close and i must say there is always trouble and fighting around our house.


if you dissagree with this residents need to sign the pertition that will be going around very shortly.


We must put a stop to this!


All the press releases about "binge drinking" this would be the icing on the cake for all the binge drinkers.

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Surely binge drinking is the opposite end of the spectrum from extended opening hours? (I always understood it to mean people drinking as much as they could as quickly as possibly, typically by "happy hours")


The naive part of me wants to think that later opening hours (which I've always supported) would actually help drink-fuelled violence, as you would be spreading the drinking out over a longer period rather than everyone starting and finishing at the same time. I'm not sure you can trust your average drinker in this country to be so sensible though! And having seen what goes on in Hillsborough of an evening, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be looking forward to a late license on my doorstep...

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Thing is that most of the custom that the ball attracts are very young drinkers who don't have the sence to know when to stop! all of which will probably be there till the end anyway.


I could understand if it was some pub that attracted the more mature type of person then yes you would get a steady departure of people all at different times.


Lets face it, it aint going to happen in the ball so instead of putting up with fighting and rowdiness at 11.30 it will be more like 2.30 and when you have young kids asleep it aint good!

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Pubs in residential areas have always been a blight on the lives of people living nearby, drunken fighting is only a small part of the problem, with late night noise making up most of the nuisance.


If these extended hours are going to be allowed by the council they should be restricted to pubs and bars in the city centre.

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Originally posted by Greybeard

Pubs in residential areas have always been a blight on the lives of people living nearby, drunken fighting is only a small part of the problem, with late night noise making up most of the nuisance.


If these extended hours are going to be allowed by the council they should be restricted to pubs and bars in the city centre.


And I suppose City Centre residents will be in agreement with this then??


I'd rather have a couple of drunks making noise around my house once or twice a week for a few minutes rather than the 30 teens with cans of special brew sat around the village all evening messing the place up!!!!!!

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I think this is a stupid idea,people in that place are always fighting, me, my bloke, his dad, brother, and his dads m8 and gf went down a couple of months ago, minding our own business and havin a drink, next minute, about 15 big 40+year old men started laying into his brother, my bloke got glassed and it was a very unpleasent, upsetting night, it shook me up that much that i will never ever go in the ball again! They should definatley NOT have a 2am licence!!!!!

People only go into that place to fight, the whole pub should be closed down and let these idiots go somewhere else!!!!

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I wouldn't be surprised if the local Police put in an objection anyway. The Magistrates/Council etc will already be well aware that this pub is one that is a load of trouble and will probably turn any application down.

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Originally posted by MissGobby

I think this is a stupid idea,people in that place are always fighting, me, my bloke, his dad, brother, and his dads m8 and gf went down a couple of months ago, minding our own business and havin a drink, next minute, about 15 big 40+year old men started laying into his brother, my bloke got glassed and it was a very unpleasent, upsetting night, it shook me up that much that i will never ever go in the ball again! They should definatley NOT have a 2am licence!!!!!

People only go into that place to fight, the whole pub should be closed down and let these idiots go somewhere else!!!!

Sounds like The Ball is frequented by violent scum and should be converted into a prison.

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I can’t see it happening at all, there's far too much trouble as it, god knows what would happen if people where allowed to drink cheap booze for another 3 hours.


Last Thursday there where 5 or 6 police cars down there after closing and I ended up with two black eyes for no apparent reason :rant:


There’s trouble guaranteed every Thursday a lot of the people who go there don’t think they've had a good night unless they've tw@ted some one.


Would be a nice place if there weren’t so much trouble

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Originally posted by SeAnY

I can’t see it happening at all, there's far too much trouble as it, god knows what would happen if people where allowed to drink cheap booze for another 3 hours.


Last Thursday there where 5 or 6 police cars down there after closing and I ended up with two black eyes for no apparent reason :rant:


There’s trouble guaranteed every Thursday a lot of the people who go there don’t think they've had a good night unless they've tw@ted some one.


Would be a nice place if there weren’t so much trouble

So the moral of this story seems to be - if you value your life, keep out of the Blue Ball!

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