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Have you ever been bullied?

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I dont post much in Sheffield Forum as it has plenty of bullies of its own. I was bullied at school and see many of the same traits in some posters on here. Sad really.


Take no notice of them ... I do. Either that or give better than you get if the mood takes you ... pretty easy to do really (they're normally very stupid), and fun! :)

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There are bullies in all walks of life, School, Work, Armed Forces, (The Barrackroom Bully) when people say stand up to these people, people think that it makes matters worse, well listen to this! it doesn't, I had a Contender at School once, YES ONCE, and another Clown fancied his chances when I joined the Forces. These Idiots always start when they have a couple or three mugs with him/her, well this is what you do! let them give it large when they are in Numbers then pick your time when the main culprit is alone, then go up and in choice words tell the person to leave it out, remind him/her there will always be times when they can be found alone, and tell em you aren't standing for this crap anymore, people might think ooh! this won't work, well it does! just think, why are bullies always surrounded by people, Answer is, BECAUSE THEY ARE COWARDS, when confronted on their Jacks, they Brick it. :rant:

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I was badly bullied for most of my school years by different people, but as the years have passed most of them have ended up as struggling single mums and one died of a drugs overdose while working as a stripper....pretty sad state of affairs really.


I see them every now and then when I visit my Mum, all still living on the same estate, drinking in the same pub looking rough as hell. Does it make me feel secretly smug inside? Yes.

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Something sad and desperate about bullies. Like they're missing something in their lives, lack of love and attention from parents, or maybe they've been mistreated themselves by people who were supposed to care?


When should we try reaching out to, listening to, understanding and helping these people?

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