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Sheffield drivers fined £80000 for car removal

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Some cars are being towed away from adjacent roads today some have already been towed from Bickerton so if you parked there and now its gone its the councils henchmen that have stolen it.


The council have put up signs stating no parking 7am to 7pm for the entire roads even though wednesday work started 8:30 and all work finished at 15:30 signs left up could easily be altered to lift the restriction for the rest of that day.

Thursday hardly anything just truck collecting excavated soil (should have been done same day).

This left people (very angry people) coming home from work with no where to park knowing vehicles had already been towed away, some risked it anyway and i believe non got towed away in the evening but the anxiety of not knowing whether some one is going to come and take it away is enough.


There are only small pockets of work around each lamp post but cars are being removed even though not in the way at all.


Interestingly one ticketed to be removed at the end of Farndale road (no work being done anywhere near it) is outside the door of a house with its address as Bickerton so who ever that car belongs to may have grounds that it is parked on Bickerton not Farndale (different no parking date)

The workmen even comment on the stupidity of it and are eager to claim its nothing to do with them.


It could have done with a time lapse camera to show how little work was done in such small areas and how so much unnecessary grief was being caused.

Who ever is responsible for this needs demoting to cleaning public toilets, certainly should never have any job that requires organisational or customer care responsibilities.

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Usually they're very decent with not towing cars, especially as they often don't turn up to work on the road so it's strange they've started towing loads of cars away that aren't causing an issue.


Might be worth phoning the council and complaining, clearly someone's going about their job with far too much vigour.

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Usually they're very decent with not towing cars, especially as they often don't turn up to work on the road so it's strange they've started towing loads of cars away that aren't causing an issue.


Might be worth phoning the council and complaining, clearly someone's going about their job with far too much vigour.


The workmen dug 3 little holes in the pavement and were gone by 14:00 hrs, one of the neighbours (-he's fuming because he was told he would have to move his car or it would be towed then one of the workmen parked his van there - showed just how much it was in the way. He even collered the ticket warden that had just put a ticket on a car miles away from the excavation questioning the ticket as it wasn't near any lampost, she told him it was the rules so he said she must ticket the contractors vans they aren't legally exempt and rules being rules, she wouldn't nice try though.) he sent an email to streetsahead saying the workmen had now gone could we have the signs down.

lets see if it the signs are still up at 17:00hrs when all the dayshifts return home and there is nowhere to park.

He's also sent a complaint to the elected councilors for the area, see if they can kick any buts. The nebulous ones in offices are a waste of time complaining to, they have already shown their level of consideration for the residents, reminds me of my time in the nhs, the administrators used to complain about the patients, the hospital would run much better without them they used to say.


I wish i had a camera, the car with the ticket is quite ridiculous when you see where the holes that have been dug.

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  • 2 weeks later...

News story:




Hundreds of cars have been towed away from Sheffield streets since the city’s road improvement programme began – costing residents at least £80,000 in fines.


New figures obtained by The Star show around 600 drivers have had their vehicles towed away and been made to pay fines of a minimum of £140 to get them back since 2012.

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they did the same at lowedges,came along booking cars,then told all the public to park on any grass ect,anywhere,but then caused a major problem,left shoddy work and a car park problem ever since as people think they can churn up green spaces all over the estate,re-the work bring back cowboy builders they cant be worse.

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Surely they must have had 'notice' the work was happening?


I know I'd want to shift my car elsewhere if only to get my bit of road done properly, and to remove the chance of any damage.


I think I've read of one woman going away on holiday and she parked her car on her road as there was no notices of works been started ,they started work on her road while she was away so she got towed ,should people like her have been fined?

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