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Crookes History

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As a Crookes resident, I thought I would type it into wikipedia to see what it had on there. I ended up at a website for local Sheffield history and found this interesting page on The Crookes Laundry Murder 1922! I don't have enough posts to put the direct URL for these links (stupid rule!) so you might need to add the 3W's and put a dot in at the start for these to work. the address is:




I also didn't know that the old Sound As A Pound site used to be a cinema, the Crookes Picture Palace.




Being a student means I've only lived in Crookes a couple of years, so all this stuff makes interesting reading!

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Some interesting stuff . Also on the index page is details of a Dr John Blakely of the Crookes Practice (on School Road and my current Dr's) who was accused of Murder in 1934.


Has anyone else got any more pictures or info on Crookes ?


Also I agree with you - it is a stupid rule that you can't post weblinks until you have made 15 posts.

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Some interesting stuff . Also on the index page is details of a Dr John Blakely of the Crookes Practice (on School Road and my current Dr's) who was accused of Murder in 1934.


Has anyone else got any more pictures or info on Crookes ?


Also I agree with you - it is a stupid rule that you can't post weblinks until you have made 15 posts.


Yeah... check out St Thomas' Church and 'The Nine O'Clock service'

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Your surgery wasn't always known as Crookes Practice. In the 50's and 60's it was one of those sole doctor surgeries - Dr Greenwood - with those old-fashioned radiators. On the junction of School Road and Leamington Street was another surgery, that of a Dr. Irwin.


The old Sound as a Pound site, certainly was the former Crookes Picture Palace. I remember going to some Saturday morning matinees buying "a drink on a stick"!

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I grew up in Crookes, then moved when the students took over!

Lived on Pickmere Road for 5 years, It was the site of a quarry, then the road was built in the early 1900's and the Crookes tram sheds were then built.

Now it's the site of a Catholic church.

Thought you may like to know that :)


I also know Chris Hobbs, nice bloke.

His son is a mate of mine and shares the same name

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I grew up in Crookes, then moved when the students took over!

Lived on Pickmere Road for 5 years, It was the site of a quarry, then the road was built in the early 1900's and the Crookes tram sheds were then built.

Now it's the site of a Catholic church.

Thought you may like to know that :)


I lived on Pickmere Road for 28 years, and my parents still do (on the non-church side). The tram sheds were used by the council for storing tractors, JCBs etc back in the 70s/80s.


There was a very interesting book on the history of Crookes released a few years ago, I don't know if it's still available.

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I lived on Pickmere Road for 28 years, and my parents still do (on the non-church side). The tram sheds were used by the council for storing tractors, JCBs etc back in the 70s/80s.


There was a very interesting book on the history of Crookes released a few years ago, I don't know if it's still available.


I used to live on Cobden Place ..... in a true hovel ..... , but the mention of Pickmere Road reminded me of a morning when I woke up on that road. I was at college doing my 'A' levels at the time at Norton (only place that did Latin you see), but had been out the night before for a few 'hop sqaushes' (no lectures in the following morning you see).


Our 'house' had an electric token meter and it was my turn to buy one. I can honestly say I woke up having bought the thing on my way back home. Scared the living daylights out of me.


I miss living up there, and don't get a chance to keep up with my old friends from round there. Please tell me that people still call it 'Crookes Village' ...... it just wouldn't be right otherwise .......

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The tram service either ran to Crookes terminus or a shorter destination to Crookes, School Road. This later was replicated with the buses. The final stop for alighting was at the top of Sackville Road and then the tram/bus would loop round on to Pickmere Road where the crew would have their break.

I remember those tram sheds when they were operative though not sure when the transition was to house Council vehicles, though I know that is correct?

I recall in the early 60's, the Crysanthemum Society holding a meeting in the tram sheds and their distinguished guest to open proceedings was 1960 Olympic Silver and Bronze medallist from Cudworth, Dorothy Hyman.

A village? Once, in the days of horse and cart! It certainly isn't now, with the weight of traffic passing through. There are some roads, mind, that are down to the cobbles, that remind us of the village legacy!

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There was a very interesting book on the history of Crookes released a few years ago, I don't know if it's still available.

The Wikipedia article says:


"Good sources for pictorial histories of Crookes are ‘Crookes: a history of a Sheffield Village', 1982, [Crookes Residents’ Association] and 'Crookes Revisted', 1989, [Crookes Local History Group]."


I have a copy of the latter, and it was a good read. Learnt lots from it. Not least, if there is an Old Grindstone, then where is the New Grindstone? :)

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