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Failed delivery from Dreams on Queens Road


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My mum bought a bed from dreams on queens rd should have been delivered on the 31 jan, the bed never turned up after several calls to customer services that went un answered we gave up and called the shop, spoke to the manager who was about as much help as a choclate fireguard all he kept saying was "oh its a failed delivery" what goods that to us

he said he would call back but never did

basically my mum has now been without a bed since monday ( she chucked the old one away before .... i know )

we went to the shop today and they refused to issue her with a refund also sales man had loads of people with same issue


looking on internet looks like dreams are in trouble so if you are on lookout for a new bed stay away from dreams

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Last year we bought a new mattress, paid £900 for it......delivery had to be negotiated to get it for free and they failed to meet the delivery date....a common flaw with Dreams i have heard. Be careful with any warranty you get as well....we had to have this mattress replaced under warranty only a few months in...(it was the wifes fault), anyway, the replacement took 8 weeks to arrive and when it did I disputed the warranty dates, as I would expect the new mattress warranty to start on the day it arrived, not the day the replacment was ordered. Dreams are okay if everything goes to plan, but their follow up process and admin are quite poor. Just keep at them for a satisfactory result.

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i totally agree stay away from dreams full stop, my nan ordered a bed online, it was due to be delivered sometime in the week before xmas (cant remember date now) and it never turned up, she asked for a refund and was told that someone would call her in a few days time, she ended up calling back to be told the same again, finally someone rang and told her it would be 5 working days for it to be refunded she told them she wasnt happy at the amount of time she had waited already and was told they were actually doing her a favour offering her a refund as you cant cancel a bed once you have ordered it, what a joke when its them that didnt keep to their end of the bargain anyway she finally got her money back (about 2 weeks ago) and went elsewhere.

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There was a big article in The Star's Action Desk last week about Dreams and failed deliveries but I think it was the one at Drakehouse Retail Park. I remember seeing that the manager said they'd had huge problems with a new delivery company. It might be worth contacting Action Desk, it seemed to work for the people last week.

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In all fairness, I ordered a mattress from Dreams in Sept 2011 and had no issues with service or delivery. I found them to be very polite and very helpful. Every business will make a mistake sometimes and you'll find people only moan about it when it goes wrong.

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