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The Duke Of Darnall


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I only saw this man once myself he was wearing pin striped trousers spats a Tailcoat and a Bowler hat white gloves and a red bow tie...he was directing traffic in the middle of the road near Fitzalan square..Can anyone else remember the activities of this Sheffield weirdo.

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The Duke was a regular contributor to the direction of traffic in the city.


Dressed in his batwing collar, striped suit, tie, Homberg hat, kid gloves and spats he thought it was his duty to assist the well known policeman 'Popeye'.


Popeye was on regular traffic duty at the junction of Angel Street and High Street.


A lot of motorists were confused at times trying to cope with them both doing the same job.


A few years ago I bought a photograph of the Duke of Darnall from a trader, he didn't know who he was.


Happy Days!!

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I remember The Duke of Darnall. He was deaf and dumb. He often used to stand on Burtons Corner Attercliffe. He was also friends with Russsian Edna. She was murdered in High Hazels Park. The Duke was once a suspect but this I think is just hearsay. Both of them used to spend time in the Barley Corn I used to work next door to there so this I know quite well. Just a suprise this name should come up again very interesting though. He used to visit the Wellington too but I did he he didn't drink. Quite a character wonder what did happen to the Duke

Regards vera

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  • 2 weeks later...

l believe the Duke lived off Main Rd in darnall we often saw him walking up and down there.He must be long dead by now.They also used to call him the Burtons dummy because of his attire

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  • 9 months later...
  • 7 years later...
I recently came across a picture of him at picturesheffield.com


his name was taylor and he and r edna lived in a house on darnall road just past industry rd going towards darnall. He was never a suspect the man that killed her was a lorry driver from robert earls the spot can still be seen in hi hazels park

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Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


The duke was called taylor and he had another darnall legend lodging with him on darnall main rd called russian edna. Edna was later murdered in hi hazels park. Burtons were the ones that had the daft idea to dress him up in there best top hat and tails, to parade about and do their advertising on the cheap. He was knick-named the dummy but I dont know wether it was his lack of speech or the burtons thing. Drivers on darnall used to pull their hair out when he stopped all the traffic on darnall in the peak period

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