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Ebola - God cured me!

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To me a little ungrateful to the scientific research and medical staff that actually did save him.


Plus if he does believe that his god saved him, I wonder what he thinks 'created' the virus and what about the thousands of people you obviously didn't pray hard enough to be cured?

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To me a little ungrateful to the scientific research and medical staff that actually did save him.


Plus if he does believe that his god saved him, I wonder what he thinks 'created' the virus and what about the thousands of people you obviously didn't pray hard enough to be cured?


Don't you know that God works in mysterious ways?

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To me a little ungrateful to the scientific research and medical staff that actually did save him.


Plus if he does believe that his god saved him, I wonder what he thinks 'created' the virus and what about the thousands of people you obviously didn't pray hard enough to be cured?


The individual is showing symptoms of mental illness and delusion. Leave them be

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Stuff like this really annoys me, it's pretty darn offensive to the hard-working medical community who did ACTUALLY helped him.


I think seriously though it does highlight the fact that scientific and medical education is sorely needed in Africa (currently education is lacking in many areas and religion is often put before science).


I read on the BBC a few days ago that one woman who claimed to be a "spiritual healer" single-handedly spread Ebola out of Ginea, infecting all the people she claimed to "heal" before dying of the disease herself.


If only they knew about science and disease transmission, that could have been avoided :(


And don't get me started on the mob in Liberia who stole looted blood-covered mattresses from an Ebola ward...




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People who make the statement that somehow they are so special that God save them from dying whilst allowed other people to suffer and die is pure arrogance, how dare they assume that their good luck is somehow God choosing to cure them or stop them from boarding a particular plane etc. whilst allowing others to die. They should shut up and have respect for the families of the ones who have died.

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