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Labour MP Arrested After Headbutting A Tory During Commons Bar Fight

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Oh dear. Not the best advertisement for British Politics.




Labour MP Eric Joyce was taken away from the Strangers Bar in the Commons and arrested by police on Wednesday night, after headbutting a Tory MP and attacking several other Conservatives.


Joyce, who represents Falkirk for Labour, is said to have headbutted the Tory MP for Pudsey Stuart Andrew in the bar, which is reserved for MPs and their guests.


Joyce is thought to have attacked three other Conservatives and one Labour MP during the incident, which happened at around 11pm, three hours after the Commons had risen for the evening.

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He has a previous conviction for refusing to to give a breath sample after a crash. He's one of the most despicable MPs, even by New Labour's standards. Because he had a military background he was always wheeled out during the Iraq war to justify the invasion. It now looks like those WMD were the result of a wee too many drams.


I'd like to see Mecky, Wednesday1 and the other Labour spin doctors on here explain this one.

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He has a previous conviction for refusing to to give a breath sample after a crash. He's one of the most despicable MPs, even by New Labour's standards. Because he had a military background he was always wheeled out during the Iraq war to justify the invasion. It now looks like those WMD were the result of a wee too many drams.


I'd like to see Mecky, Wednesday1 and the other Labour spin doctors on here explain this one.


Labour spin doctor? I don't ever remember saying I vote Labour let alone be a spin doctor and what if I did anyway? I've think you've been smoking the hookah again.


I wonder where all the Tory Bullboys are this morning? I bet they haven't even got up yet, maybe they sign on at 9AM?

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Not the best advert for Labour. Just a bunch of bad losers. And not the first time either and not confined to the bar. In Feb 2011 Labour MPs led by a former union rep jeered and pulled faces while a disabled Tory MP tried to make a speech in the house of commons. The MP has cerebral palsy which impairs his speech. The Labour MPs all knew that but still howled at him. Labour politicians are a national disgrace. A bunch of ignorant, vile, deadheads with no redeeming features.

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