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Ever seen a ghost?

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Have you ever seen a ghost ?

What was you reaction ?


I ask because..... im a bloke who has always said if i dont see it i dont belive it.... well now ive foooooookin seen it and...:confused:


:o i have never felt so :confused: in my life, how do you explain something that you simply dont understand.


I was locking a door... in the corner of my eye i could see a woman standing by the next door to my left hand side... as i turned she just went out like a light.... light brown hair, brown jacket, light trousers...

i know what i saw.... i know people talk about cold spots....

I felt like id just walked into a fridge.

I feel so strange to have witnessed this....:confused:



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Not seen one but smelt one ....If anyone can understand me .....


WOW madowl ....Scary sh*t .....:o


Where was this ?

Do the people you've told believe you ?

I must admit I don't think I'd appreciate a visit from anyone .....:|

Close or not - I'd Pooop my pants :(

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i was once in bed facing the wall had a feeling someone was behind me. heart pumping and the like. then a woman whispered in my ear!!!! scared me so much i got out of bed and the fainted, what a tart!!!! it changed the way i felt because before this i'd never beleived. but they are out there! unless it was cressida :)

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Not witnessed anything for a long time, but when I was younger I witnessed many ghostly figures in the house we used to live in. It used to scare the living daylights out of me and there was a time I thought I was losing it. Apparently, the house we lived in was a hotbed of paranormal activity and we often had doors slamming shut and the dog doing weird stuff. Was such a relief to eventually move out of that place.


The last ghost I actually saw was about seven years ago in different house. I awoke one night as I sensed someone in my bedroom, anyway, thinking it was my mother or brother I just turned over to ask them what they wanted and got a pleasant surprise when I saw an old gentleman sat on the chair at the opposite side of the room. I was terrified even though I had witnessed things before and should have been able to handle it a bit better. So there you go!!

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