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Hole In The Road Thread with Pics


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Ta for the pics.


When I see pictures like this I feel sad but also, quite angry. To see the Hole In The Road in such a delapidated state leads me to believe that its demise, its being filled-in and in a sense, its abandonment (the whole idea, underground shopping, leisure and a means of getting to a variety of destinations) was a good idea.


But, that isn't how it is. We, the residents of this city and moreover, the elected councillors allowed the HITR to become this huge, stinking cesspit. Broken lights, rubbish at the foot of the escalators, graffiti, urine and vomit, not to mention boarded up windows, broken vending machines and cracked paving. So what to do about it? Fill it in!


Any other city would have embraced this idea, given the place a well-need refurb, better lighting, colourful flowers, (a bit of investment if you will) and made the place welcoming again like it was when I was a 5 year old.


Not in Sheffield though. The council was defeated and instead of making repairs, threw the towel in in a statement that cried 'You defaced it, well, let's fill it in'.


The whole class got detention for the actions of a few idiots.

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those pics are fascinating - I can remember running through the hole i the road as a teen/ kid , there used to be little newsagents shops under there and display windows for the main stores .


regular shouts of "late night star" and also beggars and street "entertainers":)

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