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Keeton Sons and Company


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Does anyone remember when they used to have the workers outside striking? I believe the strike went on for around 20 years before they finally gave up. Why were they striking and when exactly did the strike finish, does anyone know?


A guy I used to work with once told me a story about when he once went for a job interview there many years ago only to turn up and he saw the strikers outside the gates - he approached them and asked them what they were doing and then proceeded to turn in the opposite direction and go home.

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  • 5 years later...

My husband was one of the Keeton strikers, thay came out in June 1986, it last for 8 years . my hubby went back in after 5 yeas only one to go back the strike was never resolved keetons has now gone B.Q there no keetons bought some place in Darnal and are still opeating.my hubby worked there from 1968 till 2003 is now retierd.

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