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Labour making ground in the polls.

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Catching up with the tories:




Should have a lead by the spring of 2010.


I think Cameron made a poor show at conference, and I thought the extreme close-up of Samantha when he mentioned their son was tacky in the extreme.


Maybe people are starting to think one cycling ex-Etonian buffoon tory in a position of political power is more than enough, and the country is probably best not handed over to a man who can't even LOCK HIS BIKE UP PROPERLY, THE BIG-CHINNED BUMCLOWN!

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When the reality of the huge scale of redundancies from the public services that will happen if the Tories are re-elected hit's home I think the Labour vote will continue to rise. Especially with the economy beginning to turnround people will not vote for a second recession which would result from the huge public spending cuts.

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Fascists :hihi:


I'd like to see a truly democratic party that represents the wishes of the people and doesn't seek to impose it's agendas on them.


What "will of the people" - different people want different things - that I would have thought was pretty obvious from the forum.

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Hmmmmm.....it is conceivable now that Labour will win. This is nothing to do with Labour popularity. People in general merely hate the Tories even more than they hate Labour.


For a long time the Tories have been keeping quiet about their policies. All they have done in that time is oppose whatever Labour was doing if they thought it would win them support, which it did.


Now though they have to start revealing their policies. Now we have something tangible with which to compare the parties rather than unimportant nonsense such as whether we like Brown or Cameron more or which one appears more like a leader.


I still don't think that Labour will win, there is too much momentum against them, but 6-8 months is a very long time and the Tories can't keep being coy about what they'd do as a government and more importantly how they intend to pay for it.

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Labour & Conservative are just as bad as each other. I can't believe people in this country are stupid enough to vote for either of them. I have only ever known conservative or labour governments and there is no difference. Under the Tories there was a recession and millions unemployed and under Labour there is a recession and millions unemployed.

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