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Last Laugh at The Roundhouse - a right laugh!


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Went to the launch night of the Last Laugh Comedy Club at The Roundhouse (under Ponds Forge) last night.

Apparently its extending to Fri and Sat nights there - great venue - never been before.

Three comedians - Toby Foster, Gavin Webster and Roger Monkhouse - plus food and drink.

Top night out - Sheffield needed a bigger venue to host comedians and I think they've found a good place there. Officially opens on 21 October so I'll be booking my tickets asap.

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Yeah, it was pretty good and I think they'll do well there. Unfortunately the food and the beer were both horrible (beer flat, food uniformly deep-fried, greasy and soggy), and the bar staff were dozy. Hopefully they can sort these problems out, then they'll have a good venue. I think I'll be sticking to the Lescar though.

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Originally posted by the fonz

Ha ha, but its was free, come on Bisonic_Man how can you moan about free food.


Comedy was brilliant and so was the venue, a great night really.


Definately going again.


Fair enough. I didn't mean to moan about free food. The comedy was excellent, and I had a top night. I just meant that they could do with sorting this stuff out before they start charging for it. From what I heard, the food on offer last night is what they are planning to serve in future too, and if I'd paid more than about a quid for it I'd have been ****** off.

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Glad you enjoyed it.


To be honest, the whole point of the evening was to find out what needed changing, and I think we took away quite a few pointers. Your points are on our list, as well as spending a few quid on the sound system. To be fair, I thought it went really well. It was the first night, in a brand new room, and we could reasonably have expected it to be difficult, but by and large it worked.


When the night goes live, there'll be four comics a night, not three, and a disco til one.Obviously I'm looking forward to it, 'cos I'm involved. But as a comedy fan, I think it's a long overdue addition to the city's nightlife.



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My 'twopennorth', as a Lescar veteran, was that it was an excellent night.


Agreed that the food was a bit greasy but that didn't really bother me as I'd eaten beforehand anyway. The beer isn't going to be as good as The Lescar, but that's inevitable as the Lescar's a 'proper pub'.


But the point of the evening, the comedy side, was fantastic. Atmosphere was a million times better than the Foyer Bar experiment, the stage was in the right position so I think everybody got a good view and everyone seemed to be there for the right reasons - there was very few heckles and nobody seemed to be chatting through the acts like is sometimes the case at the Lescar.


Gavin, Roger and Toby were all on top form as well - I loved that the woman who allegedly told off Roger for riding his bike was in the audience! (apologies if you weren't there as this won't make sense, but it was hilarious)


Looking good for the 21st, well done Toby and the Last Laugh gang.

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Originally posted by Murph



Looking good for the 21st, well done Toby and the Last Laugh gang.




The beer issues have been resolved, by ripping out the old pipes and putting in new, and extra speakers have gone up all over the shop. Advance sales are amazing, we've been knocked out by how much people obviously want a well run, fun night out. It's proving to be good for the Lescar too, as that's never been any good for parties over 6 or 8 people, but at The Roundhouse, everyone gets seats and tables. The fact that slightly larger parties are moving to The Roundhouse means that 2s and 3s are finding it easier to get in at The Lescar.

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Hi there,

Sounds great! It's about time Sheffield had a decent sized comedy venue. The Lescar's good but it tends to be a bit of a squeeze. Lastlaugh or Toby, can you tell me where I can get advance tickets from and how much they cost?


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