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End of the Lescar as we know it.


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I can't believe it.


The brewery which owns The Lescar will be closing it down in a couple of months to 'upgrade' it into some sort of wine bar/eaterie. The staff will have to re-apply for their old jobs


Don't we have enough chuffin' wine bars round here?


What about local pubs for local people? :rant:

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It's a shame. He reckons there's nothing they can do about it and they've got another meeting in a couple of weeks.


There are a couple of groups relating to this on Facebook with 500+ members, with various petitions going round.


I reckon the brewery think it's a profitable area full stop. Looks like they haven't researched the demographic of the area.

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i like the lescar, and the comedy nights, and the smelly carpet , and the nicotine stained wallpaper....


sheffield is in dire need of some old style pubs and being the home of several BRILLIANT brewries we should try to keep them

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