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The Yorkshire Ripper


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Originally posted by Ousetunes

Hopefully a CIVIL LIBERTY plonker would marry him, after all, it's their job to protect his rights. Just as it is, to ensure Abul Hamza can sue the government for not looking after him properly (via the NHS), just as they will ensure Maxine Carr can be granted a new identity to protect her against the nasty mob after her blood (poor little darling). And then there's the case of the Jamie Bulger 'murderers'. Can I use such harsh language.


Yeh, under the protection of their CIVIL RIGHTS, they too can be guaranteed an anonymous life, hopefully one full of joy and riches and maybe, who knows, the chance to do the same again!


Let's hear it for Civil Liberties (and The Guardian, Polly Toynbee, et al).


Carr is allegedly living not far from Sheffield, I won't name the town, but it's only a 20 minute drive from Sheffield,and of course she enjoys the full protection of the law (shame) and no it's not Clay Cross.

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Originally posted by timo

I recall a television documentary on Sutcliffe of a few years ago, in which his father was interviewed and filmed at home. One memorable moment was the father's anger towards the police. They had not allowed him to keep his son's tools [some of which had been used in imaginative ways in the course of the Ripper's atrocious crimes]. "They are all I have of him", said Mr Sutcliffe [senior].


Well at least we know he inherited his mentality from his dad and not his mum then! :loopy::?

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It was indeed on Melbourne Avenue that he was arrested. I was delivering the post down there the next morning and (perhaps) if I'd spotted the hammer and screwdriver which were hidden behind an oil tank next to the letter box there would have been no evidence. :o


Incidentally, we used to live on College Street just below Melbourne Avenue and the night before we had been drinking in The Notty. My other half left early and I persuaded her not to go down Beech Hill Road, as that was where the nurses homes were, but to stick to the main road - past the end of Melbourne Avenue. She is still convinced I knew he was there.

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Originally posted by Plain Talker

Honeyplanet, no, it wasn't in a pub car park; he had gone down an alley behind Westbourne Rd (melbourne is the name I recall) and was caught there.


He had made out to the prostitute with whom he was caught, that they were going to this secluded area for "business".


It is almost certain, (as sheffexpat says) that this young woman was going to be his next "victim", because of the weight of the evidence that the police recovered.


On his arrest, Sutcliffe pretended that he needed to go for a wee, and craftily hid the hammer and screwdriver he was carrying, behind a drainpipe/ down a drain.


The police were astute enough to go back and check where he'd been, and found the "tools" hidden in the drain. This was more incriminating evidence against Sutcliffe.


A lot of women breathed a huge, collective sigh of relief when he was convicted.




My friend was a WPC in Sheffield a few years ago, and she told me that Peter Sutcllife didn't hide his weapons at the scene on Melbourse Avenue, but they were found in a toilet cistern at the nick on Hammerton Road. Perhaps this is why the arresting officers did not receive the reward? Of course, it could by a made up story, but she definately believed it.


Kristian x

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Originally posted by Kristian

My friend was a WPC in Sheffield a few years ago, and she told me that Peter Sutcllife didn't hide his weapons at the scene on Melbourse Avenue, but they were found in a toilet cistern at the nick on Hammerton Road. Perhaps this is why the arresting officers did not receive the reward? Of course, it could by a made up story, but she definately believed it.


Kristian x


I have some books about him and this is true. Sutcliffe did hide something (a hammer?) in the toilet cistern at Hammerton Rd.


And I'm not sure whether the bit about the arresting officers and a reward was in jest, but they aren't allowed to get monetary gain for doing their job.....?!!!

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My mum and nan used to live in a huge house at Broomhill that had been turned into flats.Theyhad the basement flat and apparantly the 'tools' of the ripper were found at the bottom of their drive.

A few weeks previous to him bieng caught,my nan had been approached on her way back from work by a man asking her for 'business'..........makes you wonder eh?

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