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Is Sheffield Council about to sell off bits of Graves Park YET AGAIN?

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I've just heard that the council is discussing declaring Cobnar Cottage surplus to requirements with a view to selling it off on the private housing market.


Cobnar Cottage is part of Graves Park and was a gift to the people of Sheffield and no provision in the charity documents exists for its sale.


It is pretty disgusting that the property is currently run down as it is the duty of the city council as trustees of the Graves Park Charity to maintain it.

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I sincerely hope not - I would have hoped they'd learned from St Lukes.


This is what I discovered..


Notice of a report to be considered by Sheffield City Council’s Cabinet, acting in its capacity as Graves Park Charity Trustees, regarding the future use of Cobnar Cottage, Cobnar Road.


In summary, the report will be presented to Cabinet meeting on the 17th July 2013 and relates to the former workers dwelling, Cobnar Cottage on Cobnar Road serving Graves Park. During the past decade, the property has no longer been required to house staff associated with the upkeep of the Park. The cottage is currently standing empty and is now in need of significant capital investment and modernisation. Therefore, approval will be sought from the Cabinet in their capacity as charity trustees to consider this matter and declare Cobnar Cottage surplus to requirements and approve of its disposal on the open market as a dwelling house, subject to normal planning restrictions on disposal / future use and the consent of the Charity Commission. All the proceeds of any future sale will be re-invested directly back into the upkeep of Graves Park in accordance with the objects of the charity and will be decided upon by the Graves Park Charity Trustees. All further details are contained within the report itself.


The Cabinet report will be made available to the public on the City Council’s website 7 days before the Cabinet Meeting at: http://meetings.sheffield.gov.uk/council-meetings/cabinet .

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They have no right to sell that property. It belongs to the people not the council.


And the post above yours says the money will be invested directly into the park. It's not like the councillors will get to see a penny of it, so how is it greedy?


We have a derelict house which is going to become dangerous and start costing money to put right. We also have high demand for residences in the area. It seems that selling it is an obvious solution.

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They have no right to sell that property. It belongs to the people not the council.



All the proceeds of any future sale will be re-invested directly back into the upkeep of Graves Park in accordance with the objects of the charity

Which part of that statement explains the greed?

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