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Cowlyshaws Pond

cherry t

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I remember Cowlishaws pond very well we used to catch sticklebacks down there. There was a big quarry next to it and we used to swim in it. Old man Cowlishaw was a cow farmer and he used to deliver his milk in a little van registration number 123 OXO funny how these little things stick in your mind. Also in the same place was the nunnery pit hills and we used to pick coal from the slag heap round the side, the cops used to come every now and then and chase us off. Happy days ???????

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I remember Cowlishaws pond we used to catch tadpoles and stickle backs, and we had to go over stepping bridge to get to it, I always though it was a right adventure going there, and my mum always used to tell me I couldn't go

Seem to remember a girl getting killed there near some railway sleepers anybody else remember that

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I remember Cowlishaws pond we used to catch tadpoles and stickle backs, and we had to go over stepping bridge to get to it, I always though it was a right adventure going there, and my mum always used to tell me I couldn't go

Seem to remember a girl getting killed there near some railway sleepers anybody else remember that


Yes I remember the girl getting killed, think she lived near Woodbourn Road. We used to go over the bridge to Cowlishaws pond, by brother was always swimming in it even though he had been told not to.

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