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Woodside lane in the 50s


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I have noticed on one or two threads there have been mentions of Pitsmore in the past and of certain streets I recognise i.e. Fowler Street, Verdon Street and the like so I wondered if anyone had any connections with Woodside Lane this was were I was born in the early fifties, in fact now, or at least the last time I was there, about 5 years ago, the exact place is occupied by the top car park of Stanley Works, just at the bottom of Wood Fold. We were moved out in the late fifties about 1958 in what was called the “Slum Clearance”, we went to Firth Park to what then was better housing but later moved back to Montfort Drive into a brand new maisonette in 1964.

My memories of Woodside Lane are a little vague but i do recall opposite the bottom of Wood Fold there was a pub called “The Woodman” and further down the lane was a local shop which I think was run by a family called Brammers, down the side of that they lived and kept one or two pigs. I do know Stanley Works was lower down on the right and I remember going to their Christmas Parties as kids, below that was a small road connecting to Rutland Road with a chip shop just below and Woodside Lane School just behind. If I am right the bottom of the lane connected to Fowler Street.

I could go on but would like to here if anyone has any further input, comments or memories otherwise I will just end up here writing a load of twaddle which nobody knows or maybe even cares about.

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Its interesting when old Pitsmoor-ians come on here.

Now I was born on Fowler Street and lived on Grove Street at number 5.

I was born in 1959 so remember very little if nothing about the area but someone told me that the Pitsmoor road of today is where Fowler Street was.

I know Pye Bank Rd used to be Pitsmoor Rd.

Perhaps you can tell me more about the area as it was.

I have a photo of a corner shop on Grove Street and a few old ones but very little to go on.

We moved out in 1961 and moved to Woodseats before moving back to the newly built Andover Drive in 1963.

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Originally posted by Cycleracer

Its interesting when old Pitsmoor-ians come on here.

Now I was born on Fowler Street and lived on Grove Street at number 5.

I was born in 1959 so remember very little if nothing about the area but someone told me that the Pitsmoor road of today is where Fowler Street was.

I know Pye Bank Rd used to be Pitsmoor Rd.

Perhaps you can tell me more about the area as it was.

I have a photo of a corner shop on Grove Street and a few old ones but very little to go on.

We moved out in 1961 and moved to Woodseats before moving back to the newly built Andover Drive in 1963.


in 1959 i was only 7, so my memory is still vague, but i think you are right pye bank rd was pitsmore rd, although pitsmoor rd of today crosses the top of what was fowler street there also used to be a chip shop there where we used to have to take a bowl to get mushy peas and also a butchers that made his own sausage.


i cannot remember which one was grove street? but i will dig out my old pictures and have a look to see what i have.


I remember andover drive but cant place exactly where it was

was it up by the high rise flats or further down neerer spital hill

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Andover Drive was next to the high rise flats.

It was demolished this year.

I remember the Wheatsheaf pub and an open day there where we would do the egg & spoon race at whitsunday.

The pub had stables next door with horses in them.

The railway tunnel at the side of the pub is still there.

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Originally posted by Cycleracer

Andover Drive was next to the high rise flats.

It was demolished this year.

I remember the Wheatsheaf pub and an open day there where we would do the egg & spoon race at whitsunday.

The pub had stables next door with horses in them.

The railway tunnel at the side of the pub is still there.


AaaHH now I remember andover drive. I knew the flats were being demolished but thought it was before this year, My brother used to live in one of them in the mid seventies (now lives at firth park near hucklow rd school) I remember the chippy under the flats i think a guy called Jeff had it then he also bough the,white house chippy at the bottom, grat chippy that, you had to que outside for ages after coming out of the clubs sometimes you got to the front and they had run out (lol)

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wow, kind of spooky this cos I was born and lived for years in the fifties on Woodside Lane, at the bottom of Wood Fold, and we were moved out in the Slum Clearance. I remember that halfway up Wood Fold on the right there lived an old lady who we all thought was a witch. One other thing that emerges from the mists of my memory is that there was a lad / young man who was mentally ill and ran up and down Woodside Lane as if he was driving a car, and totally ignored all the comments coming from us youngsters (who didn't know any better at that age). And I remember all those places like the pub and Brammer's. We might be the same person.

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Originally posted by pitsmoorlad

wow, kind of spooky this cos I was born and lived for years in the fifties on Woodside Lane, at the bottom of Wood Fold, and we were moved out in the Slum Clearance. I remember that halfway up Wood Fold on the right there lived an old lady who we all thought was a witch. One other thing that emerges from the mists of my memory is that there was a lad / young man who was mentally ill and ran up and down Woodside Lane as if he was driving a car, and totally ignored all the comments coming from us youngsters (who didn't know any better at that age). And I remember all those places like the pub and Brammer's. We might be the same person.


Absolutly right !!!!! except we can't be the same person (lol)

its a bit warmer where i live

now you mention it i remembeer the witch (but without the wardrobe!!!) and the lad running up and down driving.

what about the rag and bone man who gave you a ballon for a load of cloths when mam wanted cloths pegs

I remember the yard we lived in had a rear part where we used to play cricket in the summer and the lavatory block was, can you remember the time a van ran away down woodfold hill and knocked the wall down (never did get rebuilt) we were always told we were lucky as we normaly played near the wall but my brother had measles and on that day we were all round the front shout to him at the bedroom window

also had the bonfire there and someone always managed to find a mattress. lol

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Cycleracer / GJ2004, I recall the name Grove St but can't remember anyone who lived there. On Woodside Lane I remember the Dexter, Barnsley and Mitchell families. I also remember as we walked down to Woodside Lane school we used to shout like mad in the clocking in entrance to Stanley Tools cos it would echo, and every now and then some bloke would chase us off. There's some photos of Woodside Lane on picturesheffield.com

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Originally posted by pitsmoorlad

Cycleracer / GJ2004, I recall the name Grove St but can't remember anyone who lived there. On Woodside Lane I remember the Dexter, Barnsley and Mitchell families. I also remember as we walked down to Woodside Lane school we used to shout like mad in the clocking in entrance to Stanley Tools cos it would echo, and every now and then some bloke would chase us off. There's some photos of Woodside Lane on picturesheffield.com


The name Dexter definitely rings a bell but can´t remember the other 2 also remember walking down to woodside school what years were you there? i left in 63

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