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Accidents on Kelvin Flats

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That dreadful incident was in about 1979. The little girl was about nine, or so. It happened on Hyde Park Flats. An (unnamed, because of his age) fifteen year old boy was convicted for it.


It still didn't shock the idiot element into stopping the stupid practice of throwing stuff over the flats' balconies...


Animals (:wow: yes, animals! ) milk bottles (they stopped deliveries of milk in bottles because of the practice) rubbish, water bombs...


I was in a childrens home when they brought this boy in. He was about 13 at the time and we nick named him McV because of his bright ginger hair. Actually he wasn't the thuggish sort and was quite a nice when you got to know him. I really don't think he did it out of any sort of malice but was just young and a bit stupid.

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  • 2 weeks later...
That dreadful incident was in about 1979. The little girl was about nine, or so. It happened on Hyde Park Flats. An (unnamed, because of his age) fifteen year old boy was convicted for it.


It still didn't shock the idiot element into stopping the stupid practice of throwing stuff over the flats' balconies...


Animals (:wow: yes, animals! ) milk bottles (they stopped deliveries of milk in bottles because of the practice) rubbish, water bombs...


You're very right PT, I picked up a cat which had been thrown over when I was about 7 years old.

I got a tea towel and went and picked it up and took it home. My mum cleaned it all up and it lived - it was a lovely tabby who I called Tizzy!! :)

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It still didn't shock the idiot element into stopping the stupid practice of throwing stuff over the flats' balconies...


Animals (:wow: yes, animals! ) milk bottles (they stopped deliveries of milk in bottles because of the practice) rubbish, water bombs...



You're very right PT, I picked up a cat which had been thrown over when I was about 7 years old.

I got a tea towel and went and picked it up and took it home. My mum cleaned it all up and it lived - it was a lovely tabby who I called Tizzy!! :)


Aww the poor little thing! That's sickening and horrendous.


But, sadly, yes, the cretinous element who lived on these developments didn't baulk at throwing all kinds of animals over the balconies. Dirty nappies, bags of garbage, even furniture all sorts of trash would come over.


I used to shout out of the window (Admittedly, rather naughtily) to the throwers, "Now chuck your bloomin' self over too!"


At night, it would seem, many of the drunkards would walk home along the balconies, and throw the rubbish over as they went along. you could hear the racket, "wheeeee- sssssplumffff! as bag after bag went over and burst open.

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  • 9 months later...
it was paul turner and he was my mate,we use to knock around walkley together when we were kids on freedom road and it was kelvin flats that it happened on.if i remember rightly could be wrong tho was a long time ago.


hello tuffy 69 my name is paula turner im not sure if you remember me but the paul you are talking about is my twin brother its been 34years since he died ..... it happened at hyde park flats ..... do you have a name it may ring a bell ??

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I dont know the lad who was killed but did meet him, I remember his cousins John and David Turner who lived on the manor. It made the front pages obviously and was so sad, RIP,



hi mumsy you remember this .... the person you are talking about is my twin brother paul turner ... john and david are my cousins ... david unfortunatly isnt with us anymore he died a few years back its nice too no that there memorys still live on

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hi mumsy you remember this .... the person you are talking about is my twin brother paul turner ... john and david are my cousins ... david unfortunatly isnt with us anymore he died a few years back its nice too no that there memorys still live on



Hi Paula, I do remember this and I was only 10 at the time. John and David were neighbours and we grew up together. I remember Rose being very upset at this.

I did know about David-(he was my first ever boyfriend that I kissed!) He and George were such characters.

I actually got back in touch with John through Sheff forum and was good to chat.

RIP Paul & David

Take care



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oh right thanks! my partner would like to find out a bit more about his biological father and all he knows is that a child that he had after him fell from these flats.



i knew the family. the boy was Richard Hopkins and it was in the early 70s. I was best friends with his older sister (same dad) mandy. Their mum was Avril Hopkins a friend of my family.


I remember going to see mandy and Richard's dad in Havelock Square...but I can't remember his name.

He had another child..Emmaline.


Richard fell from a window on the top floor of Kelvin Flats,he was only about 4 or 5, and died immediately.

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I've just watched this Youtube video of kelvin flats. I'd forgotten just how big these flats were. Must have been a great number of flats. If them flats could have talked, wow, some stories would be told.


Has said just amazed at just how big Kelvin was. Used to knock around on there in the 80's as a teenager, but didn't live there, thank god, i'm scared of heights.

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