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Unusual Phobias

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Has anyone, like me, got an unusual phobia?


Mine is maps. Relief maps to be precise. The very thought of opening an atlas up gives me the creeps in case I find myelf on a page that contains a dreaded relief map.


Political maps provoke a little anxiety, but I can just about cope.


Strangely, street maps do not bother me in the slightest. I could happily flick through a Sheffield A-Z and suffer no ill-effects from the experience.


Isn't it strange?

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Originally posted by jackthedog

I have a large relief map of the Peak District on my kitchen wall.


I have one of those - a 3D relief map of the entire North West of England, from Worksop in the bottom right to Lancaster in the top left. It contains most if not all of Yorkshire, so I can touch/feel at a glance where all the hills are! Champyin!


I was given it a a gift and it's © Oxford University Press 1964 so it doesn't show any motorways :rolleyes: Sorry to take this thread off topic, but I'd like to know where I can get an updated relief map.


Anyway, back to the thread, as I child I had a phobia of steel pins and sewing needles. I hated looking into a sewing box, just in case one popped out and jabbed me in the eye.


My youngest child (13 months old) is terrified of a certain plastic flower in our living room. He'll stare at it for ages, but pass the flower to him and he'll do a runner.

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I'm absolutely terrified of moths (dunno whether this is unusual or not). Sometimes it can be quite embarrasing cos I totally freak out and sometimes cry if I spot one.


I know that really they can't hurt me but when I see them my brain flips and I imagine that if it comes near my face it might actually be able to kill me. However, I am now receiving medication and psychotherapy regarding this and have found my new padded walls a great help! (That bit was a joke....I'm not really mad, well not completely anyway!).

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Originally posted by DaBouncer

A friend of mine has a phobia of buttons.


Not the popper type that some cheap shirts or denim shirts have; but the real four hole button types.


Cant stand em, and it makes her feel sick.




I hate buttons like that too.


Well ... not so much now ... but as a child I would never wear anything with buttons on ... zippers rule !!!

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