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Unemployed forced to take meaningless questionairre - what's the point

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The unemployed risk losing their benefits if they refuse to carry out this meaninless questionnaire.

No matter how you answer it, the results always come back the same:




What next the unemployed person's hopes built up for jobs which are in fact a set up by the DWP.

I don't blame the front line staff for this - This has come from the top. It has that whiff of nastiness about it.


More about where this has emanated from here: http://johnnyvoid.wordpress.com/2013/04/22/meet-the-nudge-unit-the-snake-oil-salesmen-at-the-heart-of-government/

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I answered 'Very Unlike me' to every question.


Your results!

Think about how you can use these strengths in your job search and in your life in general

Try to find a new way to use them then everyday


Strength 1. Curiosity


You are curious about everything. You are always asking questions, and you find all subjects and topics fascinating. You like exploration and discovery.


Strength 2. Love of learning


You love learning new things, whether in a class or on your own. You have always loved school, reading, and museums-anywhere and everywhere there is an opportunity to learn.


Strength 3. Critical Thinking


Thinking things through and examining them from all sides are important aspects of who you are. You do not jump to conclusions, and you rely only on solid evidence to make your decisions. You are able to change your mind.


Strength 4. Originality


Thinking of new ways to do things is a crucial part of who you are. You are never content with doing something the conventional way if a better way is possible.


Strength 5. Social Intelligence


You are aware of the motives and feelings of other people. You know what to do to fit in to different social situations, and you know what to do to put others at ease.

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The unemployed risk losing their benefits if they refuse to carry out this meaninless questionnaire.

No matter how you answer it, the results always come back the same:




What next the unemployed person's hopes built up for jobs which are in fact a set up by the DWP.

I don't blame the front line staff for this - This has come from the top. It has that whiff of nastiness about it.


More about where this has emanated from here: http://johnnyvoid.wordpress.com/2013/04/22/meet-the-nudge-unit-the-snake-oil-salesmen-at-the-heart-of-government/


Richard Thaler eh! pity he didn't give Camerloon a nudge in the direction of the Wizard of OZ, he may have acquired some sense.

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Apparently this 'nudge unit' costs over half a million a year to run, and the head of this unit is paid £100,000 a year. What an effing scam.


The DWP said the exercise was:

"intended to help jobseekers identify their strengths, and we have had extremely positive feedback from both jobseekers and their advisers – it is right that we use every tool we have to help jobseekers who want to work find a job".


The DWP are already under fire for employing the french firm ATOS who themselves are under fire for the treatment of the disabled, possibly causing an early death in some of their 'clients'






This demonisation and punishment of the unemployed has to stop.

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Apparently this 'nudge unit' costs over half a million a year to run, and the head of this unit is paid £100,000 a year. What an effing scam.


The DWP said the exercise was:

"intended to help jobseekers identify their strengths, and we have had extremely positive feedback from both jobseekers and their advisers – it is right that we use every tool we have to help jobseekers who want to work find a job".


The DWP are already under fire for employing the french firm ATOS who themselves are under fire for the treatment of the disabled, possibly causing an early death in some of their 'clients'






This demonisation and punishment of the unemployed has to stop.


Iain Duncan Smith should be imprisoned for this shocking waste of public money. And we should be allowed to visit him whenever we like.

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Not being pedantic but can the mods change the title from forces to forced, when I saw the thread I thought it was about the armed forces personnel being made redundant having to take the test.


:huh: Is this a thread about unemployed forces personnel?


My mistake, my anger about the subject matter overtook me and I made some spelling mistakes.

It's supposed to read Unemployed forced to take meaningless questionnaires -what's the point?

No doubt armed forces personnel who find themselves unemployed will have to jump through ever more silly rules to satisfy Herr Duncan-Smith.

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My mistake, my anger about the subject matter overtook me and I made some spelling mistakes.

It's supposed to read Unemployed forced to take meaningless questionnaires -what's the point?

No doubt armed forces personnel who find themselves unemployed will have to jump through ever more silly rules to satisfy Herr Duncan-Smith.


The principle of positive reinforcement for people who in reallity haven't got a lot going for them isn't bad in itself if if gives them a bit of self esteem. However using a clearly fraudulent metric to do so is wrong and if this were a private company rather than the public sector that created it they'd be facing prosecution for fraud by now.


I hope the civil servants responsible will be sacked.

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