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Recomendations for Vegetarian / Vegan Restaurants


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Just wondering if there are any restaurants that have a good reputation for doing good food that cater pretty well to vegetarian and vegan tastes?


I'm not vegetarian myself, but know quite a lot of people who are, (my brother is a vegan) which makes an extra thing to take into account when arranging meals out...


So, any recommendations? I seem to remember seeing a veggie cafe in the centre of town near the winter gardens... Though a place that does meat too won't go amiss...

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Thanks for the recommendations.


I guess the difficulty here is in finding a place that can cater equally well to both veg and non-veg people. Especially since I don't want to separate my friends by food preferences...

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Neither of us are vegetarian, but we have dined at Kumquat Mae several times because the food and atmosphere is just so.


I have never tried it, but once a month they have a Japanese or special menu that comes highly recommended also.


If you do go to Kumquat Mae, then mention the forum!

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I am a vegan and have been to all of those places.


They all do vegan dishes, it depends what you're after really. If you want a quick meal (lunch) then Blue Moon or Olive Garden is a good bet. Olive Garden isn't as big as Blue Moon so may be busy.


For an evening meal Kumquat Mae is great.

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Actually, the name Kumquat Mae sounds really interesting... is it a chinese restaurant?


Thanks for all ther recommendations, people.


But as I said, I'd like to have a place I could take veggie and non veggie people... a normal restaurant that does very good vegetarian food, without having to "cobble something together"... Having said that, I think I'll probably have a go at Kumquat Mae anyway....

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