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The Ruby Lounge - Formely Dikkens

Andy C

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went in there thursday night and im so glad there was a back door because i walked straight through and out the other side.. it was the same old popular sheffield crowd who im so bored of seeing out who just move in on the next big thing and claim it for themselves, just the normal run of things i guess but i did get a flash back and think i was back in takapuna two years ago,ugh now i just sound jealous lol

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Originally posted by leddi

went in there thursday night and im so glad there was a back door because i walked straight through and out the other side.. it was the same old popular sheffield crowd who im so bored of seeing out who just move in on the next big thing and claim it for themselves, just the normal run of things i guess but i did get a flash back and think i was back in takapuna two years ago,ugh now i just sound jealous lol


Oh well - they will move onto the Crystal Bar then in the new year and it will be safe to go to the Ruby lounge!


It's still an improvement on Dikkens though - Dikkens was well suspect.

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I went there on christmas eve and it was one of the only bars that you could actually move in, everywhere else was far too busy.


I thought it was a really nice bar and will definitely be going again. Really smart and lots of places to sit down, good music too.


I wouldnt wish it on anyone to open a bar at this time of year, come January everywhere will be empty.


Sophisticated, yes. Exclusive, I hope not otherwise they will never let me in again!

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